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Fire Emblem Fan

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Fan

  1. I think most of them would be average Poker players. The only ones I think might be above average are Roy, Hector, Micaiah, Claude, and Byleth. The ones I think would be below average are Celica, Eirika, Ike, Corrin, and Alear.
  2. I thought about that option and immediately rejected it because I'd hate it so much.
  3. Well, of course! But he goes without saying, it wouldn't be fair to the other characters to mention him.
  4. Based on some browsing around, Fire appears to be the blessing for this month's Legendary unit, and Green appears to be the most likely color. My mind immediately goes to Minerva with that combination, but I know that's highly unlikely.
  5. Not gonna lie, I forgot Olivia existed. And so has IS, apparently.
  6. Well, considering the last two years have been Roy + Roy's potential wives and Male Robin + Male Robin's exclusive potential wives, I half expect them to keep up that pattern with another male character with multiple marriage options. I suppose that means: -Hector. Serra, Florina, Farina as his potentials. Maybe Sue and Rath to round out the banner as a Harmonic unit, just to give Roy his final potential bride who happened to be left off on his banner. -Ephraim. L'Arachel and Tana (Dozla or Innes as potential Duo partners?)...with Eirika and Myyrh tagging along as non-romantic options. -Chrom. Sumia, Sully, Maribelle, Female Robin, random villager. -Corrin. Who are Male Corrin's exclusive potential wives, again? -Byleth. I have no idea who else they'd pick since any of the women can marry Byleth. -Alear. As with Byleth, I have no idea who they'd pick. Celine, Ivy, Yunaka (she'll be the new Dorothea!), and...eh, someone. Sacred Stones was just used as the game focused on for the Valentine banner, Awakening was used for this year's Anniversary/child banner, Blazing Blade just got a heavy focus on the Fallen banner, and we just got a Fates banner. I suppose that means Three Houses and Engage are a little more likely to be focused on than any of those. Unless, of course, they don't care and use something like SS anyway, or if they break the pattern of the last couple years and throw something like Mystery of the Emblem or Genealogy of the Holy War at us.
  7. Well, we all knew Camilla was gonna get a Resplendant at some point. Now it's finally done.
  8. This banner was a bit stubborn, the free summoning tickets got me everything EXCEPT what I really wanted. It took a few more orbs than I'd have liked, but, luckily, I did manage to summon Nergal, and I got Ursula along the way when there were no green options, so mission successful.
  9. Okay, Switch Successor, give me that Fire Emblem 4 remake and an original Fire Emblem. I fully expect Metroid Prime 4, a new Donkey Kong, and a new 3D Mario.
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