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Rei Rei

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Everything posted by Rei Rei

  1. the night comes for us what the fuck is this movie jesus christ why
  2. well looking forward to the next white supremacy-fueled mass shooting
  3. cool, channers are threatening to attack UFRGS, while someone who tried to fraud the affirmative action system wants to gun down one of UFMG's buildings good times we live in
  4. Wasn't Londo Bell also a reason why they even existed at all, too? I guess I need to replay the original timeline and wait for the SRW4 translation patch, because there are some plot points that I kinda missed. Although I do remember many Gundam/Zeta Gundam plot points being used. The early parts of SRW3 were basically rehashes of those two series, plus some occasional ZZ/Stardust Memories thrown in. I remember not long ago SBT suffering from massive rains which caused floods and affected their tape libraries. Maybe that's why they are "lost" episodes, although some of them are constantly resurfacing (to this day, even). Chaves is still a massive draw, to the point where it air on two channels now, one being in cable. Such a household name. Also, didn't they shoot similar episodes with different lineups? I remember distinctively something like that where Quico was replaced with Ñoño or something to that effect. Is that correct? big yikes
  5. SRW3 is very much the UC Gundam timeline compiled with some hints of other shows and original content. It's a cool experience, though. What impresses me about Daitarn is that he's usually THE good guy, despite not being the protagonist. He's smart, has money, has connections, is a strategist... basically he's the most consistent leader figure in the entire series, which is really fucking dope. Oh lord the lost episode rabbit hole... Not gonna lie, the video kinda scared me with the song and the imagery. Plus the grainy footage. SBT has been doing a fine job of unearthing old footage, so who knows? Maybe we'll get to see the third part?
  6. Maybe moreso now. Daitarn not having much to do in SRW3 other than being one of your best units kinda hurts me to this day (not like he had a big role in SRW4 despite Don Sauzer and Kurosu being big villains)
  7. bolsonaro saying 80% of brazilian immigrants are up to no good sounds like a smart strategy
  8. Holy shit our bees are dying because of pesticides. This is horrible
  9. Jesus Christ hahahahahahah other valid comparison would be the Crypt Keeper
  10. he looks like he's at death's door in real life
  11. He insists that smoking does not cause lung cancer. However, his coughing got worse and he did stop smoking (although he refuses to acknowledge that it would fuck him up)
  12. Oh God even Guedes is parroting those lunatics talking points. "China makes the Western Civilization feel unease" is some truly, truly idiotic shit.
  13. Is there anyone in this fucking government that isn't an Olavist (other than the generals)
  14. Trumpo very much does exist to the point where Bolsonaro, our current leader, is doing whatever is in his power to appease USA, or more specially Trump himself and even Steve fucking Bannon. To say that [insert United States president] doesn't exist outside of the United States borders in impossible nowadays.
  15. Why is Eduardo Bolsonaro talking shit about imigration?
  16. Hey PewDiePie is very much a cunt isn't he? Also fucking lol at anti-Bolosaro protests in Washington. Brazil's sure improving.
  17. This absolute cunt validated the killer. No wonder they feel untouchable.
  18. Yeah, it's not precisely the best logic out there.
  19. also i say "fuck this country" a lot but seeing someone else go "well brazil is a developing country so it's not surprising they would have a channer comit mass murder. new zealand on the other hand, oh my" is still... it kinda makes me uneasy. not angry or anything, but it sounded really fucking condescending
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