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Everything posted by Linkaro

  1. Beecause Dads can named their children wantever they want. Maybe because they are twin is the reason why the Avater gave them the same name. But it is just a theory in the end. I just want to do it because Laurent is my first son.... and I beat TFP3 already.
  2. Nope. If you read a few page back, I post a tiny assumption that the Avatar might have twins and, in story mode, one of them made it through the time hole. Although, now that I think about it, the Avatar we play as might as well have just one Morgan while the TFP Avatar had the twins. Hey... timeline theory. Also... can I do Laurent/Avatar.... please?
  3. I make my MU marry Miriel. I dunno. I find it funny living with a women who seems to be throwing word from a dictionary.
  4. Guess that is why it is DLC. You know it will be epic but the coding and process to make such thing must have took a lot of time to write, even if the ending changed if the Avatar was the husband (didn't you said something about "could have been friends in another time?" Poor Morgan though.... I am assuming s/he died during the battle. Either thator s/he is finding a way to redeem him/erself.
  5. (yay... I register just to answer this question... le sigh....) Well... if you think about it, you are given the option of offing both Morgans. Plus, you don't have to play Furture Past 1 or 2 to get the good ending in 3 (as far as I am concern.) Plus, if nothing else, the Morgans, in the end if you let them live, will get "punished" by Grima at the end. Assuming that the Outrealm warriors are responsible for giving the Future Past timeline a chance to survive, I'm pretty sure dead is the punishment for the Morgans. Not to mention... they were in hoods and shady, therefore the other children would have not known it was Morgan leading the Risens. As for the two Morgans being in the same timeline, they can just off that Robin had twins.... and both are called Morgans... and only one was able to make it through the time portal.
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