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About Tarkenfire

  • Birthday 09/07/1991


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  • Interests
    Programming, games, learning, mehing.
  • Location
    New York

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Blazing Sword

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  1. Well, while it would be illegal in Canada, it would be okay in the US of A.
  2. I felt I needed to share that with yalls. Basically I was on the set of a music video set where it was a video for the song Bang Bang Bang by Mark Ronson. Ricken was doing the rapping parts and making gang signs and shit. Now I can't see Ricken without thinking he's a hard core gangbanger. It's kinda disturbing me. I gotta stop eating before bed or something. (if you were wondering, the female vocals were being done by Sumia and Cordelia for reasons I don't understand.)
  3. So I'm not alone. I just wonder if it's offensive to actual polytheistic people. Then again I'm a pastafarian, so fie on it all.
  4. It is very late at night. But, and I don't want to come off as condescending as I truly didn't notice, but there was a forum banner before the update? 7
  5. That's probably a sign to cut back on Awakening, isn't it?
  6. This may be me being all stupid and such, but is it a banner for the main site or forum? Also, since I'm both new and really bad at noticing things, what was the old banner? Edit: apparently can't read either.
  7. I really personally dislike massive difficulty, but if there's none whatsoever, then I'm just watching a very fragmented movie. Or worse, it could just be some kind of time sink. So I prefer something in the middle. Sometimes though, I do enjoy playing a game easier just to play around with the system. I.e. bringing in the legendary cheat soldiers in XCOM, using the map editor in Civ V, etc.
  8. If you're truly worried, look it up. http://householdproducts.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/household/search?tbl=type&queryx=all+purpose+cleaner&prodcat=all
  9. Not gonna lie, this is stupider than the boob ones... Even as an ass guy, why would you want that much ass? Male or female, that just looks like some bad medical conditions. Worse yet is the yaoi-baiting "please be gentle" look pisses me off more...
  10. You likely haven't looked cause WYSIWYG editors suck. Anyways, looking at the source code of that website, it's bad. College-trained web design hatred aside, what Vincent said is correct. The person who did that site made an image map with mouseover events, starting with the declaration of the image at line 14: <td width="336"><img src="../mapasfe6/07.png" width="336" height="448" border="0" align="right" usemap="#Map" class="cursor"></td> As a note, please never use tables (table, tr, td) for layout like this guy. That is seriously 1990's web design. The map itself starts on line 130, and spans to line 169: <map name="Map"> <area shape="rect" coords="272,351,289,367" onmouseover="Tip('Lv.7 | HP: 28, VA: 2<br>Po: 17, Hit: 69, Crit: 3<br>Eva: 8, Def: 12, Res: 0<br>- Javelin / Jabalina')" onmouseout="UnTip()"> <area shape="rect" coords="272,256,289,272" onmouseover="Tip('Lv.7 | HP: 28, VA: 2<br>Po: 17, Hit: 69, Crit: 3<br>Eva: 8, Def: 12, Res: 0<br>- Javelin / Jabalina')" onmouseout="UnTip()"> <!--Items omitted for brevity--> <area shape="rect" coords="49,1,66,17" onmouseover="Tip('Lv.7 | HP: 19 (23), VA: 4 (6)<br>Po: 13 (15), Hit: 83 (90), Crit: 2 (3)<br>Eva: 13 (17), Def: 3, Res: 5 (7)<br>- Elfire')" onmouseout="UnTip()"> <area shape="rect" coords="112,1,129,17" onmouseover="Tip('Lv.7 | HP: 19 (23), VA: 5 (8)<br>Po: 10 (14), Hit: 88 (93), Crit: 7 (8)<br>Eva: 11 (19), Def: 3, Res: 5 (9)<br>- Thunder / Trueno')" onmouseout="UnTip()"> </map> These lines define rectangle shapes based on the coords given in the coords attribute, in the x1,y1,x2,y2 pattern for the location of the first corner and opposite corner of the rectangle. It sets the onmouseover and onmouse out to two javascript functions. The JS functions seem to be in some generic tool-tip library. It seems to be this library, but it hasn't been maintained since 2008, so I wouldn't recommend it for the sake of poor maintenance. I'll write up a quick thing of what I would do for the situation. For simple tooltips, there's built-in HTML stuff for it, for more advanced stuff, a modern JS Script, like JQueryUI would be best. Edit: Oh gods, I'm too lazy. Here's a plugin you can use. If you need help figuring it out, pm or email me or eat cheese: http://craigsworks.com/projects/qtip2/demos/#imagemap
  11. Well, I'll be content just with simple comprehension.
  12. Meh, well, I'm not a particularity talkative person anyways, and have no intention of changing my citizenship anytime soon, so I'm more interested in broadening my base of being able to read and comprehend rather than communicate, so not as massively worried about messing up the forms in conversation rather than just knowing them in general.
  13. Mozerella is the cliche answer for an Italian like myself, but I do so like it. Also don't mind cheddar and feta.
  14. Thing is for me, I got tainted with my win8 experience; my first time using it was with one of the REALLY early dev builds, which was dreadful. Enough so that I just avoided it and kept to win 7. Only now am I starting to regain enough confidence to try it, and not even as a main OS, but as a server. (Just so you know, since server 2008, the ms server builds basically have all of the core functionality of their desktop equilivients, if you know what settings to enable.
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