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Posts posted by Shengar

  1. The story just got hella confusing really fast.

    Let's wait until someone posted verified summary for the game's plot caused I'm also confused as hell, but don't want to put any judgement on it yet.

    Soooo, Aptitude is available to 6, possibly 7 characters..... And those characters can be NEARLY ANYONE IN THE GAME.

    Is this related to buddy system?

  2. You cannot have a geninue story if the characters within that story lack basic human qualities and agency. Fanservice of this nature reduces those aspects, because it becomes blatantly apparent that all the characters exist for the player. Their ultimate role and purpose is to satisfy aesthetic preferences, and everything else is secondary. Obviously, many fictional works (especially games) do this to a degree, but much of the immersive qualities of any form of media exist in spite of that, not because of it. Awakening was also fairly obvious about it, with much of it's premise being to make sure that "there's something for everyone!" when it comes to character personalities, but Fates is going to new lows in this regard.

    As BrightBow has so eloquently put it before, these characters are pretty much just "pets" or "playthings" for the player to enjoy as they please. They find the ones they think are funny, cute, sexy, or whatever, endearing in various manners, and then one sidedly get to do with them as they like, even going so far as groping them for reactions, and this extends to pretty much the whole playable cast. And the most frustrating part is that you're rigged to succeed in this respect, since the game is full of blatant hero worship. Characters love and respect the player and his or her Avatar because that's the main thing they exist to do.This is not wrong on principle, because these characters are just data, and they don't have rights or sentience. But it makes it very difficult, if not impossible for many people, to take to heart their concerns and actions as human beings, fictional or not. Say what you will about the general quality of writing earlier in the series, but whilst it was far from being peak literature, we were moving steadily towards characters each having their own identity and purposes, their own stories and themes. Gag characters existed, but were in a tiny minority of a large cast.

    I came to admire and respect characters in earlier titles beacuse of their attitudes to life, their personalities, and their actions within the context of the narrative. I don't feel drawn towards these exaggerated caricatures that are so easily summed up in an image and description that people already know who they want to fuck and fondle before they even play the damn game, because they don't come off as humans. There is no room within a game for both subservient hero worship/pandering and believable characters with agency. And I'm not sorry that I want to experience media that strives for the latter.

    I'm more in agreement with this. While indeed there is nothing wrong with lighthearted moment in a serious situation, I would hardly call the Amie part and other excessive fanservice. Lighthearted moment that add something into the characters, show how they are like human being, is like a stern character try to make a joke in a very grim situation, or how supposedly cruel and ruthless person loves animal and feed them every morning before the war. Rubbing their face is not. While skinship isn't bad on its own, they implement it pretty poorly in this game. This is why I don't have any objection with support conversation because they could opened up for those lighthearted moment providing the writer have the skills, but greatly irked when seeing amie feature (though I still laughed due to how absolutely stupid it is).

  3. I totally wouldn't mind an army of badass old men and milfs.

    Me too! If anything, we need more character like Granny Gloria from VC3 in video games:


    Judging from Kozaki's past design works, I'm pretty sure the guy can make badass design for old man and woman alike. But I guess it's really depends on the director(s) on what kind story they want to tell. So even when the designer have the talent, if the director doesn't want it, it's just a pipe dream.

  4. But I thought Next Gen unit are recruited from different world?

    Still not sure about this. While the inclusion of 2nd generation unit is absolutely optional this time, I really don't like their cheap way of implementing the concept. I guess FE4 way of 2nd generation unit implementation requires too much effort.

    But why don't 1st gen characters age then?

    No one likes old character in their game

    Plus it requires too much effort to create new sprites and design

  5. Kinda agreed =/

    I actually like his commentary on the game itself, but answering to chat and the damn Takumi joke on the other hand...

    Also, Jakob/Felicia (the one different gender as you) recruited

    after chapter 15

    WOW that Aqua samba O_O

    An occasional commentary is fine, but let us and you, the streamer, focus on the game. Not to mention the music in this game. The music!

    Outside of voice files and people posting moonrunes with translations 20-30 minutes after no, but the same caution can be extended to all sites.

    Yeah, but 4chan is more likely known to spread falsehood in order to incite internet shitstorm.

    Still, if the line really that lewd, it wouldn't be surprising if Nintendo cut it in the western release.

  6. Well, we got an easy way to win the war. We'll just have to do something that come from the worst hentai scenario.

    ... Oh geez, I already see people taking that, and doing things with it... ><

    Don't worry, despite selling 500k in Japan, FEA is pretty lacking in that department

    I can't guarantee on FEFates though

  7. And Maurice is back to streaming!


    This is where I appreciate silent streamer like hanayama cause I can't concentrate on what happened on the chat map and the music while Maurice is talking >.<

    4chan sure was busy last night.



    What is it~


    Wanna play with Pieri?

    Pieri's hair is a nice color, isn't it?

    Compliment me more!

    I lo~ve being stroked!

    Lord Xander never compliments me~


    Pieri's here!

    What a good feeling~

    Thank you!

    I wanna fight soon~

    Wanna touch each other?

    Look here, my chest is big, isn't it?

    You and I, we're both murderers!

    How many people have you killed with those hands?




    This is really fun!

    And then we can make candy!


    You know, my eyes are different colors!

    Nnh, my makeup's running.

    I wanna pet you too!



    I lo~ve it...

    I love you...

    Almost as much as I love to kill...

    What's wrong, dear?

    It'll be unpleasant if you look at anyone but Pieri...

    If you look at any other girls, maybe your eyes will end up being crushed?



    It feels good there...

    Your hands, the smell of blood... I love them...

    It's no good if you do it like tha~t...

    Yeah, that's good... Pieri wants to touch you too...

    Your throbbing place, it looks like the flesh is tearing...

    Nn... my body's acting strange... somehow... it's getting hot...

    Stay with me... if you aren't gentle with me, it'll get ugly...

    Pierri's Amie Lines



    What is it...?

    That tickles...

    I need to train more...

    Wow, that surprised me...

    Use just the right pressure...

    You should consider me... a servant...



    Such a gentle touch...

    Keep doing your best...


    Like something brushed against me..

    Please do this for Lady Elise as well...

    How can I train my face...

    Maybe if I chew on a sword...




    I've been training heavily.

    This is very healing...

    Did you jam your finger...?

    Is my armor dirty...?

    It's heavy to be inside it...

    It was chosen for me by Lady Elise...


    No good...?

    So warm...

    It's just the two of us...?

    Ah, there feels so...

    I want to touch you...

    Are you satisfied with just this? I want more...

    This face... I can't show it to everyone else...



    I truly love it...

    I'm so happy...

    More forcefully...

    My armor, is it in the way?

    To be honest, I want you to touch me directly...

    It's frustrating, but hold on until nightfall, okay?

    If I held you tight, I'd probably crush you, huh...?

    Best Waifu Elfie's Amie Lines

    Flannel Amie Voice Files



    You do such cute things...

    Ufufu, that feels good...

    A woman's hair is her life.

    Ara, please compliment me. So nice...

    Isn't human hair surprisingly heavy?

    The moment when my naginata pierces the enemy's skull is my favorite.


    You know...

    You know, it's gentle.

    Ara, you're so skilled.

    Such a nice feeling.

    Are you worried about my scar?

    It no longer hurts, so it's nothing to be concerned about.

    And the person who did this had their throat ripped out in turn.

    Did you know that in my youth I was considered a beautiful woman?


    How do you do?

    I'm always watching your efforts...

    Ah... I want to fight soon.

    Your murderous hand is bringing me peace of mind.

    Ah, you've ruffled my clothes?

    My body has many old wounds.

    If I could become a dragon like you, Kamui, I would have killed many more people.

    I was wounded so much in the past, and the pain was intense.

    Ara ara...

    If you do that...

    I want more...

    Don't ever die on me.

    I'll do my best for you. The cooking, the sewing...

    I'll belong to you...

    If anyone tries to do you harm, I'll slaughter them...

    Knowing that, could you still love me?

    Welcome back...


    The palpitations are audible...

    So... fortunate. We...

    At least I haven't lost you...

    Such a place, you can't...

    Excuse me? Even though this body is full of scars, you would...

    That you would accept this body... I'm so happy.

    You'll be fine if I'm a bit rough with you, right?

    Yuugiri's Amie Lines

    Wowow, what is it~


    Both us did our best today, huh~

    I left Abel behind!

    That tickles~

    My hair's just like my mothers, huh?

    Worried about my hair decorations? Well, Abel also likes to chew on them...

    Complimenting me? I'm so happy...!

    My curly hair's so annoying. Both of us should tame it together!




    Whoa whoa, don't pull there~

    I messed up again today...

    Whoa! Y-You surprised me...

    Mou, that's something you do with kids.

    You raised your brow, are you worried about something?

    Haa... just now I fell over someone's clothes...



    People and horses both like being petted!

    Ah, I've been healed!

    It feels good like that~

    My armor keeps my vital points really safe!

    Maybe you wanted to polish it for me? Thanks~

    Make sure you make Abel's equipment sparkle every day, too!

    I dream of becoming a cool knight with armor to match!



    T-Thank you...

    I love being stroked like this...

    Mm... I don't think I can get used to this...

    Whoa. I-I'm not ready for this!

    Y-You have to do your best... because I'm your wife!

    You're my husband, but you're only touching my forehead?



    Fu... so cool...

    I really... like this.

    I want to do more together...

    U-Um...there is...

    I want to give you something too...

    It's fine, I'll do what I want. Because I do my best...

    It's weird. You're touching me... more than I thought you would...

    Sophie's Amie Lines

    Ever since that day you went missing, I've continued to think about you

    You are a special person to me.

    My hair colour is beautiful isn't it? Your'e complimenting it?

    My hair is intriguing,Its the same colour as burning flames

    You grew up to be such a kind person.

    I had fun today, lets have this kind of sibling tome together again

    Having you touch my face, its a bit strange...

    hahaha, is it nostalgic seeing your sisters face?

    You really...came back just fine

    Never giving up until you got here, I'm glad. Thank you.

    As a older sister I'll be come a reliable woman just for you.

    Your clothes are... unusual.

    Do people greet each other like this in Anya

    I'm expecting it! Touch me if you must!

    Grow some muscles will you?

    I always dreamt of days like this...thank you for returning to me.

    oi..... (happy sigh)... your'e so gentle...

    I love you

    you... what are you.....

    I didn't think Id end up having a relationship like this with my little brother

    Its the first time I've felt such endearing emotions

    Close your eyes for a second

    Kissing you as your wife, (couldn't make out one fucking syllable and i cant impro from it)

    I love you

    Till the moment we part, please fill me with you(r love).


    This is he first time I've had this feeling. I'm so happy I feel strange

    hey, that place is off limits!

    Since when did you become a man I wonder.

    when I'm with you I suddenly become so selfish.

    If it you, I don't mind what happens....

    Tomorrow, lets live on and meet once again at this place.

    Dying and leaving your wife behind... I wont forgive that!

    I'm going to get stronger.

    Not to retrieve the old you, but in order to protect the you that stands in front of me

    If we were raised together, I don't think we'd be like this now.

    But when I think about it this fate that I hated and couldn't stand, wouldn't be like this either.

    If its with you, I don't mind it. and leaving your wife behind... I wont forgive that!

    I'm going to get stronger.

    Not to retrieve the old you, but in order to protect the you that stands in front of me

    If we were raised together, I don't think we'd be like this now.

    But when I think about it this fate that I hated and couldn't stand, wouldn't be like this either.

    If its with you, I don't mind it.

    Hinoka's Amie Lines



    If you touch me that badly, I won't be able to hold back my power.

    The wind was crying today...

    I wonder if this room has a name...

    This hair was passed down to me by my mother.

    You're making my hair bounce...

    Whaaat? Are you complimenting me?

    I'm happy. But you need to praise the chosen warrior as well.





    I feel a little gloomy today...

    Uwah!? Gods, to a woman's face...

    Uwawa! My circlet, don't move it...!

    I wonder if everyone can be this helpful to their mother and father.

    Mou, your way of cheering someone up is crude... but thanks...




    The power emanating from your hand... is warm.

    This blood is my pride...

    But it's exposed frequently, so don't worry about it too much.

    To be honest, it's hard to see someone be hurt. But it can't be helped, you know.

    If my life is capable of helping in this conflict, then it's an honor.

    We remember each and every time we slaughter the enemy...


    What are you thinking of...?


    I-I feel a little embarrassed...

    There, there. That's enough for today.

    Your hands are so warm...


    Your eyes, they're so beautiful...


    I like it...

    I'll... protect you...

    Please, don't die...

    For us to be like this, it must have been fate...

    Uwah. You, you can't be...

    Even though I'm wearing these sorts of clothes, it's not okay to touch me like that...

    I-I want you too, you know, but to touch me there...

    Ahh, it's no good... my maidenhood is at it's limit...!

    Ophelia's Amie Lines


    Is there something there?

    This hair... its color is the same as my mother's.

    It's been a long time since someone patted my head...

    You have wonderful hair as well.

    ...I don't dislike you. Call me, if you ever want to talk.

    Oh! You surprised me...

    Rubbing your hands all over someone's face isn't a welcome behavior.

    We... resemble each other. Not by appearance, but something else....

    Such a strange person you are...

    I want to know more about you... let's talk again...

    I've never trusted in a friend more than you. You and I are two parts of a whole. During hard times, during cruel times, if we're together, I'm sure we can overcome it all.

    Geez... where do you think you're touching?

    Sometimes, I haven't the faintest clue what you're thinking.

    This pendant possesses mysterious powers.

    Is that a change of clothes? I like it.

    With my power of the song, and your power of the dragon, let's make certain that we save this world.

    ...I love you too. Someday, I wish for every part of me to receive your love...

    Nnhh... hey... touch me more...

    That's not enough...

    *giggling* That tickles...

    What is it~?

    Aren't my cheeks cold?

    I love this hand...

    I want you to kiss me... yes, I want -you- to give it to me...

    Mmm... well done.

    Please... touch me more... so that even if this is the last time, we won't have any regrets...

    I'm happy...

    Look at me...

    Love me...

    Be gentle...

    This is somewhat embarrassing...

    If it's you... I wouldn't mind having anything done to me...

    Remember me... even if, someday, we're split apart...

    I love you... if it's possible, I want to stay by your side forever...

    Even if one of us were to lose the other, we have a duty to save the world... but I want you to live...

    I want to die in a world with you in it....

    Aqua's Amie Lines

    Support Logs

    Always take anything from 4chan with a grain of salt though. I mean, do we have confirmation on the translation?

  8. The Chinese streamer guy is still stuck on Nohr Chapter 10 for two days lol. I think that's the one chapter most people are having a hard time with. Also, from my observation, if you kill with a pre-promote like Camilla, you only get 1 XP per kill.

    Is that the level where you have to defend certain spots?

    To be fair I don't think Hoshido normal looks that hard, the enemy placement seems laughable. It's just that the player was not very cautious at times, and not to mention the horrendous growth of most characters...

    It was discovery run, so Hama just pick whatever unit he likes instead of perfomance. Also besides placement, the enemy have more passive AI behavior even in Chapter 27.

    As for Nohr, while it seems they have better growth individually, on average they are on par with Hoshido so it'll be much, much harder later on for Nohr player considering the enemy placement, map layout, and AI behaviour will be trickier.

  9. Well apperently its easy at the begginng but later on in the levels, even on normal it gets really challenging. It was funny how long some of those later chapters took, and it wsnt the streamers fault either. Constant reinforcements with enemies that hit like a truck. Lunatic might be easy like all the levels early on but Im betting its gonna be brutal later on, I do like that better than awakenings early levels of lunatic and lunatic plus. Lunatic was more based on skill, and you didnt have to abuse your avatar but lunatic+..pretty much just luck based in the first 5 chapters

    Yeah I keep reminding on the stream chat that "this is on normal guys". The enemy hits like a truck, our units have barely any HP, yet somehow it feels much fair that Awakening. Maybe it because the enemy stats and weapon aren't haxxed like the case with Awakening.

  10. Sounds like they're taking a page out of Final Fantasy VII

    At least we don't have something like Phoenix Down though!

    Well, unless you're not playing on Phoenix mode...

    But in the case of Suzukaze though, I guess his dead is linked to gameplay. You don't use him well enough to bond with his lord, so he chooses to die with his guilt when the situation is present to him.

  11. http://cappnrob.tumblr.com/post/120639414767/why-is-the-old-school-fire-emblem-fandom-so-bad

    MageKnight404 re-posted this on his tumblr.

    The Fire Emblem fandom is much like any other fandom; of course there's a few vocal complainers, but most of the veterans are calm and polite to newcomers.

    We don't hate newcomers; notice how our complaints are focused on the games, and the average, civil fan hasn't breathed a negative word about newcomers.

    From mine (and others') personal experience, there are people out there who seem to take personal offense at criticism of Awakening, and immediately act mean-spirited back towards us. They seem to not realize that we have legit criticisms of Awakening. The fanservice, the removal and dumbing down of multiple mechanics, the cliche story, the generally imbalance, and the elephant in the room now, the 2nd generation.

    Indeed many criticism from the old fans on Awakening is reasonable and justified. You don't actually need to play previous games in the series to know that the game have bland map design, lack of variety in mission objective, the game being rushed after the first half, and absolutely awful story. But many older fans criticism seems to get into pretty disingenuous territory pretty fast especially regarding the characters and the art style. The worst thing is saying that the game somehow targeting the ever illusory "otaku"/"anime" audience and used "dating sim" to address Awakening pairing feature in a non-ironic manner. That have been used over and over by some vocal veteran fans, and undoubtedly irked newer fans who never considered themselves as part of the accused audience as liking anime doesn't mean you're into creepy, stupid pervy stuffs. Being accused of what you're not doing can get things personal real quick. Just because the game become more ridden with fanservice, don't scapegoat it to other group that barely have any part in this.

  12. All I can say is, wow Gunter.

    With those growth rates I don't even mind if you die.

    Also I'm sad that Yuugiri's growth rates are so low but she's also prepromoted so it's not at all surprising. I wanted to marry her but I guess I'll only do that on an easier difficulty run.

    Exactly my thought after seeing that chart

    "Why even bother saving him?"

  13. Yeah, chest rubbing is long confirmed to be possible as well.

    Hama rubbed Felicia after her sister died, and afterwards she was happy again.

    Kamui confirmed for wonder doctor. Just rub your pals and everything is fine.

    But seriously, if these features are popular enough (and they are), I'm pretty sure there will be additional "bonus content" at the beach.

    And by the way, has anyone actually got all the hearts in Amie with their respective spouse and told us what happened?

    While it is ridiculous on how it is presented in the game, skinship can actually heal emotional wound faster in many situation.

  14. I'm bothered with how the presentation of the fanservice affect the unit cloth design like Camilla. Awakening have stupid design like Nowi but she is a side character and never featured in cutscene. It is more bothersome to me since Camilla exerts an aura of real authority which is real shame due to how I can't take her seriously because of her clothes. Things like incest or underage marriage (please, just please don't use pedophile since that is one hell of a strong word) while I don't agree with them personally, those never really bothers me as long as it is not shoved into my face and not the central thing in the game. But the prospect of the gameplay side like map design, more tinkered difficulty, balanced pair up and stat growth really offsets those fanservice aspect that I hardly think of them at the moment.

  15. The fanservice in itself is not the troubling aspect - I can understand it existing in games such as Hyperdimension Neptunia, the problem with its inclusion in Fire Emblem in particular is that it vaporizes any semblance of a consistent tone. Games like HN and Disgaea have consistent tones - lighthearted and jokey, and so the fanservice in those games don't feel out of place (though I still personally struggle to play the HN game I bought on a sale whim despite this). The interviews with the Fates guys indicate that they want to make this game's story meaningful. What a joke. The decision to include so much fanservice (which include the likes of a pandering lesbian Tharja), along the other horrible choices IS have made (in particular, the decision to split the game at the store, rather than at the player's choice) butchers any possibility of this game having a quality story. Wasn't that the initial hope when this game was announced?

    Enjoy the fanservice if you want, but there's no denying that until IS just up and make the straight hentai game they seem to really want, its a significant detraction. Focus on either a "heavy, meaningful story" (ex Fe 4, 5, 9. 10, etc), or a non serious "rub everyone's tits and strip them to their underwear anime" (ex HN, Senran Kagura, etc). Trying to combine the two, like Fates is doing, is laughable.

    I agree pretty much jarring inconsistency that IS want to make with this game, but this part is absolute hyperbole, unnecessary, and detract your post from your own argument. It denied people who do enjoy interaction between characters in itself and implied they enjoying it for sexual gratification. You said it yourself:

    Please try not to take criticisms of a game personally, it's not intended as such.

    It's hard to not take a game criticism personally when one get accused of something that they not do, even when that is not the actual intention.

  16. Let's hope it's something like that.

    It really would put a damper in my shipping if Aqua was doomed to be turned into a puddle or whatever that it was that happened to her

    I watch the stream but can't remember. How many turn it takes before Hama finally decided to finish the last boss?

  17. Ok so apparently #PraiseLeon and #BlameTakumi has really taken off in Maurice's Nohr Stream ... even the streamer is using #BlameTakumi. Looks like we'll have to work hard to get #PraiseTakumi and #BlameIago up there too.


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