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Status Replies posted by N7隊長ジョン

  1. I finished what I'd consider a pretty solid release of Lyn Emblem. Now to wait for the feedback...

  2. Distraught for no apparent reason

  3. I now have so many foxgirl pictures that switching avatars once a month may be too slow. O.O

  4. Now accepting applicants for beta test of FE7 single-Con player mode, whenever I get the chance to make it. Current slots filled: 1/3 [DodgeDusk]

  5. So, did you stream Lyn Emblem?

  6. So, did you stream Lyn Emblem?

  7. My Mother visited my profile! :O

  8. Now accepting applicants for beta test of FE7 single-Con player mode, whenever I get the chance to make it. Current slots filled: 1/3 [DodgeDusk]

  9. (Streaming) FTL: Faster Than Light Normal Difficultly Ship - The Kestral http://twitch.tv/n7_average_azn

  10. Your list of Dusko quotes. lol

  11. I got a girl's number today. such yes (I guess having a phone is news too ^-^)

  12. (Streaming) Fire Emblem 8: The Sacred Stones - Casual Difficult Eirika's Route http://twitch.tv/n7_average_azn

  13. Chat has always to not show completely everyone who is in the chat before i enter now i have to find these bitches foxes there..

  14. (Streaming) Fire Emblem 7: HHM S Rank Attempt Run - Part 3 http://twitch.tv/n7_average_azn

  15. Hmm... It's been 5 days since I last streamed something; Should I stream FE7 or FE: A?

  16. So... I heard you like Eliwood. :D

  17. So... I heard you like Eliwood. :D

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