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Status Replies posted by N7隊長ジョン

  1. What am I supposed to type? You know, this is interesting enough.

  2. After a long and grueling period of time, I am now FREE

  3. Hey Garland! I haven't seen you in awhile!

  4. Hey Garland! I haven't seen you in awhile!

  5. Hey Garland! I haven't seen you in awhile!

  6. Hey Garland! I haven't seen you in awhile!

  7. (Streaming) Mario Part 3 - Story Mode(Hard) 2nd Star Badge - Dual Map http://twitch.tv/n7_average_azn

  8. Ohayo gozaimasu mina-san~! ^_^

  9. Ohayo gozaimasu mina-san~! ^_^

  10. I'll be back. Maybe.

  11. Hihi 'Lia-chan~ ^_^


  13. Hihi 'Lia-chan~ ^_^

  14. I'm done being contrary.

  15. (Streaming) Metroid: Zero Mission Normal (Scrubby) Speedrun w/No Long Beam Personal Best: 59m 22s http://twitch.tv/n7_average_azn

  16. Anyone want to have a FE Ironman race with me sometime? I'm thinking FE7, but others will work as well.

  17. Anyone want to have a FE Ironman race with me sometime? I'm thinking FE7, but others will work as well.

  18. Anyone want to have a FE Ironman race with me sometime? I'm thinking FE7, but others will work as well.

  19. (Streaming) Weebman's Weeb Adventure (Goeman's Great Adventure) Casual Playthrough http://twitch.tv/n7_average_azn

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