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Posts posted by N7隊長ジョン

  1. Tonight's stream was lackluster, but it was probably not a good time for people to watch.

    I did manage to finish Chapters 16 - 18 though, So expect 2 hours worth of footage to be going up on my YT channel over the week.

    I'm planning to stream again tomorrow night (Saturday, 12/21/2013) at 8 PM EST to give people more time to watch my stream. If you all have a better time you wish for me to start, please leave your feedback here. Thank you very much, and I hope to see you all at the next stream!

  2. *Important update!*

    I will possibly be late streaming by one or two hours from 9 PM EST due to the tardiness of Friday Family Night.

    I have no idea when we will be back, but I will be sure to return ASAP to stream the LP!

    Here's the link to my Twitch stream if you don't already know it:

    My Twitch Stream of Epicness

    Also, YT video wise, I have the entire previous stream edited and recorded into separate episodes to make it even more entertaining for you to watch!

    This includes episodes 5 - 10, from Chapters 11 - 16.

    My YT Channel

    I will notify of any updates of the LP here in the Forest, and on my Twitter/Facebook accounts, so make sure to follow so you don't miss it!

    I hope to see several of you on Twitch tonight, I'm sure it will be a great time watching my blind L/HHM tactics. >D

  3. Episodes 5 and 6 are finally up! They consists of the Twitch streams that me and Nolgax performed on December 17th-18th, 2013.

    There is also a bit of editing involved to make it more entertaining to watch even if you were not there at the stream. I hope you all enjoy it! :D

    Episode 5 (Chapters 11 + 12)

    Episode 6 Part 1 (Chapter 13)

    Episode 6 Part 2 (Chapter 13)

  4. Why are you using Lyn? She's going to be really terrible lategame without promo. Yeah supports, but let's face it, nobody in her support square is going to be a boss-killer. Same with Eliwood; I find he doesn't pick up until after promo. I don't expect Florina to be very good combat-wise either, though she'll probably have utility uses. Same with Fiora.

    I would give Canas any Energy Rings (do you even get any in HNM?) and Sain any Speedwings. They're probably your best boss-killing bets, with Luna/good offence. Personally I'd also use Raven because I'm pretty sure he'd have the best STR/SPD combo at 20 out of all units, and he can also slot in for a triangle with Priscilla and Lucius (whom I'd also consider using btw- no Luna or Nosferatanking like Canas but he pulls quite good MAG/SPD).

    If you're going to use all three sisters; I'd just have them support each other. Giving a support to Hector is kind of useless since by the time he really wants it, he's going to be off-limits. Also then you can TRIANGLE ATTACK.

    I assume the reason why he's using Lyn and Eliwood is because they're forced into the last chapter anyway, and might as well have a lvl 20 Lyn+Eliwood than ones that aren't max lvl.

    But the triangle attack guaranteed crit would be a great asset to have for being handicapped so much

  5. FRAPS is terribad compared to Bandicam. Bandicam also has a 10 min free recording mode, so you can test it out with full quality with 10 mins/vid to see if it works for you.

    Here's a link also to help with making Bandicam file size efficient as well.


    Also, good luck with the run! You've sure have given a lot of thought into this since you can't use promoted units.

    I was never really good with planning out my supports chains in FE, I usually just go on without them if I'm not grinding for supports. That's what I'm doing for my blind Lyn/Hector HM LP/Stream, supports make it too easy when you don't have promotion restrictions. >D

  6. I have no idea how to record vids other than FRAPS, so I was going to screencapLP this. I just did a runthrough of beating Wire a few minutes ago though :)

    I'd anyone can tips me on the best way to record/post, that'd be sweet, unless FRAPS is fine.

    I do my recording of my LP's and streams with Bandicam, then I edit my content with Sony Vegas (other free video editing software is out here besides Vegas) to make sure that my voice and game volume is balanced perfectly. It also allows me to be more flexible with what I wish to do with my videos.

    Bandicam also has much smaller file sizes than FRAPS with still great quality if you place the settings correctly.

    All Matt wants to learn is Speed!!!!

    and lolDorcas lvl HP only, how typical ><

  7. *After Stream Update*

    Thank you for everyone who came to enjoy my stream tonight! It was a very fun filled FE7 Lyn/Hector Hard Mode session and I hope you all will come to the next one!

    Special thanks to Nolgax, Verdant Shade, and Zerker for co-commentating with me! I can't wait for our next stream session together! (next planned session is this Friday, December 20th).

    Be sure to follow this thread so that you may be notifiied for the next stream session. Also follow me on Twitter, Facebook, SF (of course), and sub to me on YouTube so that you can get updates about this project ASAP. All can be found in my signature below.

    Me and Rindesu hopes to see you all at our next stream session! :Lyn:

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