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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. kinda both!! i picked like three japanese songs and two korean songs and just wrote wat i liked from them (starting from the right and left, respectively). thanks for the suggestion!!
  2. the all-star cast of hitori, marshall, and honeyworks bear in my homework
  3. i am not writing the chorus to last christmas nor poop on a school project that was a suggestion and i thought about it but what i'm drawing is kinda, like, not really like any song lol so i might as well just pick a song i like and would enjoy writing actually speaking of things i like i snuck hitori into my project so maybe i will write the lyrics to alice, it has the most "hitoris" of any vocaloid song i know
  4. anyway what i'm here for, for my ap art history project i am supposed to write things in the background (think egyptian art) and i am allowed to write APPROPRIATE gibberish in a foreign language. so u kno me, i am like, i am fuckin writin song lyrics. i am currently caught between kpop and japanese songs rn and i have lots of room so i am probably doing one kpop song and one japanese (vocaloid) song. i need help rn im thinkin world lampshade and maybe luna's i wish, my only criteria is that it does not have too many english words bc those r a fuckin pain to write in hangul or katakana
  5. WOW i had no idea other people did the same thing, i cry so easily it's embarrassing but tbh i've always been most embarrassed about crying just thinking about luna or hitori...whew im glad that u do it too THANKS HATT UR SUPPORT IS MUCH APPRECIATED man that sucks =( i hope that there are more than plenty of motivated and hard-working students to make up for all that though!! aw man thanks yea it's lame BUT IT HAS TO HAPPEN SO SOMETIMES WE JUST GOTTA SUCK IT UP
  6. thx for the suggestion but thats illegal (tbh tho i did consider drinking the other day when i was stressed about a presentation, however i am a law-abiding citizen)
  7. JINKES COVER OF GHOST RULE IS THE BEST, STREAM http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm28497646 anyway ya comments on hitori videos screaming about her gender always make me feel so satisfied like yes that is my girl appreciate her talent what i DONT get is when people call her len voice manly or mistake her for male when she's using it like wtf, no
  8. lmao thx i appreciate it a lot esp bc i didn't expect that u'd type so much. thx like a GOOD weird or a BAD weird...,
  9. heh sf is weird too but for different reasons probably
  10. heh sf is weird too but for different reasons probably
  11. how could i forget purgatory wow, especially when it was just down to us two and freohr.....like gosh there hasn't been any april fool's as great since then
  12. !!!!! thx The Damian also ya kpop fans r weird, it's y i don't like being associated w them
  13. !!!!! thx The Damian also ya kpop fans r weird, it's y i don't like being associated w them
  14. three years ago when we were both in purgatory (heh, good times) he was like "o man im so glad kim isn't quoting me any more" and i took it to heart and i still do
  15. three years ago when we were both in purgatory (heh, good times) he was like "o man im so glad kim isn't quoting me any more" and i took it to heart and i still do
  16. idr if i told u before or not and also this is totally off-topic but it is rly important and also funny in hindsight, once i was on kpop forum and i saw a thread that was like "which idol has the biggest package" and i thought it was "which idol is the full package" and i went in very ready to boast about luna because shes my favourite and the best but actually it was about not that
  17. idr if i told u before or not and also this is totally off-topic but it is rly important and also funny in hindsight, once i was on kpop forum and i saw a thread that was like "which idol has the biggest package" and i thought it was "which idol is the full package" and i went in very ready to boast about luna because shes my favourite and the best but actually it was about not that
  18. hey damian can u help me w one more hamlet question it is the last i sware thx in advance ur the best and the coolest
  19. hey damian can u help me w one more hamlet question it is the last i sware thx in advance ur the best and the coolest
  20. omg the other day (thankfully not today, as it is sunday the day of the lord amen) i saw a vy2v3 pomp and circumstance cover and im so accustomed to listening to cocolu's sin-free version that i was like o man my favourite song and i clicked it and then i forgot, i forgot the beginning, i regretted it
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