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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. i havent kpopped in years but omg jbj's debut concept
  2. wow i haven't kept an avi longer than a month since honeyworks' akari back in january 2015 i love hitori
  3. wow i haven't kept an avi longer than a month since honeyworks' akari back in january 2015 i love hitori
  4. o shit i just realized i forgot to mention the very critical word "male" i am looking for MALE ballad utaite but u got me anyway so thx whew i would actually prefer old gen utaite because im old so double thx u kno me exactly, i will check them out me neither o darn thx anyway also im listenin rn it's really good wtf, i honestly don't really like neru's songs usually (except the lost one's weeping, that one is so good) but wowwowowow im absolutely stunned, mafumafu sang this amazingly too omg the scream at the end scared me tho also also im laughin rly hard because mafumafu's name in korean is apparently mahumahu when ive been spelling it as mapumapu this entire time MAHUMAHU IS SO SIMULTANEOUSLY CUTE AND STUPID me neither also wow ur right it's ok the other day i got so desperate to find this one song by a french youtaite that i wrote up a message in french and asked lux to check it for me bc even tho im socially anxious i was v desperate and then he was like, "u kno the song is on soundcloud rite" and then i died same but i miss u this is like me trying to find good vy2v3 songs except it's absolutely nothing like that at all
  5. i want to buy vy2v3's voicebank just so i can make covers w him breathing I AM UNREASONABLY AND EXTENSIVELY ANNOYED AT THE FACT THAT NEARLY ALL OF HIS COVERS DO NOT USE HIS FUKIN BREATH LIKE GUYS U HAVE LITERALLY EVERYTHING U NEED TO MAKE THIS SONG 10000X LIVELIER AND MORE REALISTIC IN TWO THINGS, HIS INHALE AND HIS EXHALE, AND U NEGLECT TO USE IT. I GET THAT VY2V3 ESPECIALLY FALSETTO IS A PAIN IN THE BUTT TO WORK WITH BUT COME ON AHH I WOULD ACTUALLY PAY PEOPLE TO DO THIS THE ONLY COVERS I HAVE ENCOUNTERED WITH HIM BREATHING AT ALL ARE - don't go - loveless - meltdown - cendrillon IN TWO OF THEM HIS BREATHING IS SO FAINT AND SPARSE IT MIGHT AS WELL NOT BE THERE AT ALL, DON'T GO KINDA SUCKS BC HE WASN'T REALLY MIXED WELL THERE, CENDRILLON IS THE ONLY GOOD ONE BUT IM NOT A FAN OF DUETS LMAO BC IT MEANS LESS VY2V3 FOR ME TO HEAR...IF ONLY IT WAS A DUET BETWEEN HIM AND HIS FALSETTO VOICEBANK INSTEAD OF HIM AND VY1V3 (however i still adore it because wow her voice is great albeit noticeably robotic next to his) like i even looked on niconico but either im blind or there are like significantly fewer covers by him there /period/ ;-; i wasn't really bothered about him not being super popular at first but now i'm upset BECAUSE NO ONE USES HIM listening to vocaloid songs by vocaloid is tough for me bc i feel like i'm singing w them and if they're not breathing the same way a human singer would i feel out of breath after like two lines. shoutout to honeyworks' a solution for jealousy because they added an inhale at the beginning of every line or every other line and it was amazing and beautiful o my god i just want to hear vy2v3 breathe because when he does he sounds so realistic like in cendrillon holy heck it was amazingly mixed. i had been looking for a good cendrillon cover for days and i didn't know i would find it in a vocaloid cover instead of a human one. what a timeless song tbh obviously i can still enjoy him regardless of whether he's breathing or not because i do genuinely like his voice (circus monster + hurting for a very painful pain + bad apple + a clingy boy sticking for 15 years r actually the best) but listening to them bothers me because there is something missing and that something is his breathing o my god like literally if i ever bought his voicebank all i would do is go around his songs adding inhales and exhales and thats it i would deadass pay 120 usd for that i am just
  6. SYLV REC ME SOME GOOD BALLAD UTAITE (preferably some who can, like, match guriri in emotion?? she mostly does rock songs but when she does power ballads omg she is amazing. u've probably heard her but on the off-chance u haven't LISTEN TO HER FEATHERS ACROSS THE SEASONS AND SOMEHOW RIGHT NOW) like the best i've seen are kain and rairu and shoose who have decent voices but rly they pale in comparison to guriri emotionally and also even technically. also i like ene too even though she's not as powerful, idk i just want someone with a.) a heckin nice voice or b.) a heckin nice singing style
  7. dat me also wtf hi sylv im about to cry i thought u died or sth come back rip that's how i felt w byakuran tbh (but on the bright side if a villain is despicable that means they're written well) i told my brother the synopsis of ep 1 and he rly wants to watch it now lmao
  8. man im barely takin any ap's and it's already ugh, i rly worry about my friend whos takin seven ap classes + an extra class in the morning + has an editor position on newsie woosie, like last time i talked to her she was dying but said she would never drop a class no matter how miserable she got lmao, i very much hope that she is all right
  9. I MEAN I FOUND IT MORE FUNNY THAN ANYTHING ESPECIALLY BECAUSE HES TINY LIKE WHERE DID HE LEARN THIS whew thx for bein reliable o oops i hope ur days get better regardless of like everything my days have been good i think my wrist fukin hurts bc ive done 13 hours of homework over the past two days, also im stressed bc im supposed to submit my hamlet questions into turnitin by tomorrow but the assignment hasn't been posted and my lit teacher is the type to call people out if they don't do things but like i literally cannot do this o my gosh (i think it will be fine as long as i turn in a physical copy, it just won't be graded until i turn it in online and im stressed v stressed) today was good bc i got full marks on my psychology project that i was havin nightmares about also i feel reassured about life bc i have music and stuff also also this is rly good and made me smile a lot how was ur day, also also also barely related but my brother told me 2day that aju nice is his second-favourite song and it is the giggliest
  10. largest number?? idk i usually finish games only a couple days after buying them and i also usually don't buy that many games in a single month lol
  11. WAIT ONE LAST IMPORTANT THING earlier i was explaining to my 9-y/o bro what my journalism classes involve and i was like "we talk about social issues a lot, idk how to describe what those are, but" and w/o any hesitation or even lookin up from his drawing he immediately says "u have social issues" and i feel redefined
  12. o that makes very a lot of sense thx damian i rly appreciate it a lot it is almost bedtime so i will respond tomorrow but how was ur day it's ok it's not due until a couple more days so ur like the opposite of late also o no wats wrong
  13. yall ive been doing homework for five hours and my brain is fried, ive literally spent the past 20 minutes on a single question for ap literature and i still don't have a clue and if any of u could offer anything it would be incredibly appreciated ;_; it's a very specific question so i don't actually expect anyone to help but honestly i am so desperate at this point lmfao i love u guys
  14. ye im like the unpickiest part of me still has hope for a rune factory 5
  15. propagation sounds like a rly cool power to have bc u can propagate money that's hecka useful
  16. in hitmanime there are like seven types of flames (probably "elements" is the most comparable thing) with their own "factor," kyouya uses cloud flames which have the propagation factor so he just......handcuffs goons and then multiplies the handcuffs across their entire body rly quickly and then they die and it's cool but also fukn hilarious because wtf
  17. ye i am enjoying it a lot!! not only bc of hamlets name but everything is rly good. have u not read a midsummer's night dream tho bc that's the shit.... its ok to not be ok take ur time, bein happy is something only u can control but it can be rly hard....don't sry
  18. yall r gonna laugh at me but im reading hamlet for the first time rn and i have a lot of trouble reading it not because of shakespeare's old-timey english but because every time hamlet speaks i have to stop and soak in his name because it's literally the cutest thing i've ever seen. it's just ham and omelette at the same time except only the cute part of omelette (hamlette would be too cute u kno) and it is such a beautiful and perfect and soft name that it is so so so hard for me to focus on the actual text. like even typing it makes me soften up lmao
  19. im good now u should be good too NAH I WAS LIKE SO POSITIVE THE ENTIRE DAY LIKE WOO YEAH WOO HOO IM REALLY GOOD AT BEING HAPPY BUT U KNO omg theres someone else who watched it
  20. i mean that was last year so that doesn't really apply any more but i had figured that HEY wow i gotta get better at public speaking so i should take this. also i knew the teacher beforehand and knew that it was a good class (and it was!!). ironically tho i wasn't /this/ afraid of public speaking before taking it and while i have gotten better at orating my fear has gotten worse =) tbh it was probably a decent trade and i'd make it again. i will just have to perservere and i am sure it will work out talking to other people about this helps a lot so again thank you also @acacia yeah it really does suck doesn't it =( i'd try to give advice to you too but i don't think i'm in a good position to do that lol. regardless what keeps me up is the thought that everything will me ok in the end. maybe i am too optimistic but imo it is better to live life that way
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