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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. wait no that's not the spirit i don't need this kind of negativity in my life
  2. wait no that's not the spirit i don't need this kind of negativity in my life
  3. things i should currently be finishing: - my psych project things i am not currently finishing: - my psych project
  4. i'm ok i'm stressed and on the verge of death but it's ok hbu
  5. i'm ok i'm stressed and on the verge of death but it's ok hbu
  6. what the fuck did seventeen just drop, being into utaite i have forgotten how paranoid i'm supposed to be at midnight kst
  7. man there are so many vocaloid now i remember when it was just miku and gang and when sf-a2 miki and gumi were new. honestly i totally stopped keeping track of them after those two lmao, i still don't even really know who ia is like i am poring through vy2v3 songs and i am like. who the fuck is oliver. who the fuck is yukari. who the fuck is fukase. who the fuck is anyone but vy2v3
  8. can we talk about the fact that yorukichi has released twenty songs this year and four this month alone. like he did jack shit in 2016 lmao but i guess he wants to make up for it. i feel blessed
  9. every time yorukichi says "anata ni wa boku ga mieru ka" in unknown mother goose it sounds like "anata ni wa baka ga mieru ka" and then i am like "yes i do see the idiot it's right here it me"
  10. o also yorukichi is funny like hitori because they have really similar music tastes, edgy and also sexy, i.e. i like almost none of the songs that he does in fact both of them have sung - tokyo teddy bear - eh ah sou - black rock shooter - matryoshka - cantarella - invisible - ribbon in the evening rain - iroha uta - mrs. pumpkin's comical dream - spice and tbh a lot of these songs aren't "classics" that literally every utaite covers (melt, etc.) so it's funny to me. also along with the fact that hitori has maybe ~50 to 60 songs in her discography (she has like 44 official uploaded ones but i am counting album tracks and the songs in her bgm video) so sharing this many w yorukichi is kinda miraculous the only difference is that yorukichi also likes songs w emotional lyrics like the two i posted so at least that is something i have in common w him
  11. when u have like a billion songs u like from yorukichi but don't want to overwhelm the page with yt video links o u o
  13. 2. yorukichi, my male ultaite man ok i have always really really really loved utaite who used lots of harmonies in their songs, like even part of the reason why i love hitori is because—compared to the average utaite, at least—she uses lots of harmonies and it adds a lot of depth to her covers. she makes me like ten-faced and revolution, two of the flattest and most monotone vocaloid songs in existence!! imo. but honestly speaking they're still pretty basic for the most part. and oh boy is yorukichi on a whole new level mair's upbringing was my first and still my favourite song by him......i remember hearing the original and being like gosh i can't wait until people cover this. and then yorukichi popped up!! i had no idea who he was but i listened and i was very very very blown away by his harmonies. so i looked up his other songs and i realized that actually that was his entire gimmick........in all of his songs he would create layers and layers of harmonies and add new melodies where none existed and wow it was amazing. whenever i listen to him i have to wear headphones and totally lift myself away from my surroundings because he creates an entirely new world with his songs and it's so easy to miss something if you don't devote your full attention to them (incidentally he used to upload his songs on a separate site with the harmonies amplified and the main melody in the background and i usually loved those more than his actual songs woops...but the site got deleted and now they're all gone sob) also something funny about him is that i really do not like his voice lmao, i have never really liked deep male voices, but the way he uses it is special!! i almost never really like falsetto either (off the top of my head the only singers whose falsetto i like are kim jonghyun and park jimin...) but oml his sounded so good in unknown mother goose i cried. it's not on youtube but the only way i can describe it is like........my heart is being caressed by angels personally sent from above it is wondrously beautiful and i feel blessed whenever i listen to it
  14. o shit i forgot to talk about my other favourite utaite lol
  15. sry i found a playlist so i am just gonna song everywhere
  16. vy2v3 (also called yuuma or rarely roro but i like vy2v3 bc it's his ~official~ name) is a vocaloid released like five years ago, he doesn't have an official gender or design but his voice is masculine so he's referred to as male, also his most-often used "avatar" looks like this i like it a lot bc it's pink and has hearts tbh honestly i have never really liked male vocaloid voices but the other day i suddenly remembered a song by him that i looooved so i listened to it and i was like wtf, this guy's voice is really good.....the song is super long but here r the lyrics it's very sad and good idk i just rly like his voice tbh, it sounds a lot more natural other male vocaloid and i can enjoy his songs the same way i enjoy actual human singers. this is one of my favourites by him
  17. !! gosh ok i will try to be good at explaining except thats the exact opposite of what i am so pls bear w me
  18. !! gosh ok i will try to be good at explaining except thats the exact opposite of what i am so pls bear w me
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