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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. the funny part is that actually vy2 is technically genderless so i guess im gay
  2. the funny part is that actually vy2 is technically genderless so i guess im gay
  3. o also luna is coming back soon (as in like in three months) and i have been yelling abt it for weeks
  4. damn that's like the exact opposite of what i want to achieve by spoilering them tho.... thank u kitty ily and dedicate this to u ur art inspires me and makes me cry too so i'm glad i can finally repay the favour =) o do i oops sry ive been good the past couple days just ridin off the happy of the award tbh. i can feel the stress creeping up on me but rn i will just be joyful thx
  5. ugh every night i'm like "no kim it won't take you two and a half hours to relax and listen to music" so i just set aside like half an hour except then i have a billion songs i want to listen to and then it's 10:29 and i haven't reached any of them so i am like "ok wow man i definitely learned my lesson, i will spend more time tomorrow" and then
  6. I AM THE BEST PERSON uh "good" is vague af but i usually try to be i think. sometimes it is to a fault but i'm working on that
  7. thanks!! also call me kim; i change my username pretty much every month lol I TOTALLY WOULD except i wouldn't because that is embarrassing a bit oops (incidentally i have realized that we have not formally introduced ourselves to each other yet!! is there a name that you prefer?? it is nice to meet new people in this thread =)) thanks i appreciate it and also u yes
  8. i deadass just saw a girl win 2nd place, 3rd place, and all three honourable mentions for a single category
  9. i'm looking through the winners rn and i saw a name that was joshua kim and at first i was like o haha that's funny but i keep fuckin seeing his name and now i'm just angry bc stop bein good at things and winning everything, he literally won both first place and honourable mention in one category lmao wtf im gonna find and fight this guy tbh
  10. THANK U A LOT U GUYS also uhh idk if i'm ok enough to show, also i don't have the actual file any more and would have to take pics directly from the magazine but thx for askin it was pop art style for the sexual assault story i was rly happy i got to help because i loved that story a lot
  11. don't be a goon and fuck it up damian also CONGRATS that is very exciting...:
  12. holy lance explosion boy sux bc we listened to it together and i was like totally oblivious and then u ruined it
  13. kim hitori has sung iroha no uta and eh ah sou and even wrote her own sinful little rap for spice
  14. imagine stanning such a problematic fave. i can't relate.
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