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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. u kno i have done pretty well in french these past couple years because i am excellent at written tests, i am fairly okay with grammar and verb conjugation and vocabulary memorization, so i was pretty excited to return to the fragment de mémoire lyrics thinking that i would be much more confident than i was three years ago, however i have always always sucked at verbal conversation and actually speaking and pronouncing words and actually i am no more good at singing this song than i used to be. there was a fatal flaw in my plan how could i be dumb enough to not realize this
  2. ya sorry........ive been sinnin...... wow rly why y be ditched when we can stitch uh next saturday im gonna shitpost w hatt again also ill probably be here tomorrow bc im dumb and sometimes i do my homework so far in advance that i have nothing to do for like days
  3. ya sorry........ive been sinnin...... wow rly why y be ditched when we can stitch uh next saturday im gonna shitpost w hatt again also ill probably be here tomorrow bc im dumb and sometimes i do my homework so far in advance that i have nothing to do for like days
  4. i had a really good conspiracy theory that i wanted to shitpost today but i was dumb and started shitposting too late and then hatt had to leave..... o well there is always next week
  5. i had a really good conspiracy theory that i wanted to shitpost today but i was dumb and started shitposting too late and then hatt had to leave..... o well there is always next week
  6. thx, recently i have also begun using holy hot-smokin' hecks ya im takin fashion...it's rly fun im bad as fuk at hand-sewing but u kno i am gettin there lmao wow thats funny bc i was actually supposed to go fabrics-shopping w kat today but she ditched, unintentionally.....there is always a next time indeed yes
  7. it was good i bought fabrics and now i have a rly big pink fleece thing that i'll be using as a blanket until i have to cut it up for clothes also i bought a rly heckin good pattern with an entire four (4) good thingos so i will be making like four garments out of a single 5-dollar pattern heh i hung out w my uncle and we bought sketchbooks and i have been draw also i just found a song that i've been desperately searching for since my birth so i am the most happy rn hbu
  8. i hate myself i just googled "memory fragments sumashu" and the soundcloud link is literally the first suggestion like i've been googling 想イ出カケラ スマジウ and sumashu fragment de mémoire and i have no idea why i never thought of the most basic one wtf...
  9. wow there has never ever been a happier coincidence in my entire life
  10. W H A T ARE YOU SERIOUS omg that video is blocked but the soundcloud works wonders and ;_; i thought i'd never hear this song again omg i'm crying so much this song has so many memories associated w it for me (including when i met damian for the first time, ironically enough he hates the song) so hearing it is just every emotion at once i can't believe u happened to know it thank u again u are saving my life today SINCE SCHOOL STARTED I HAVE NOT GONE TO SLEEP PAST MIDNIGHT A SINGLE NIGHT (usually not even past 10:30) AND I AM NOT GOING TO CHANGE THAT THIS SOON THATS WHAT I LIKE TO HEAR
  11. man lux i wish i could tell u how much this helps (it's a lot)
  12. uh i can be here up until 11 p.m., 11:30 if i'm rly stretchin it
  13. uh i can be here up until 11 p.m., 11:30 if i'm rly stretchin it
  14. u are a blessing. thank you so much i appreciate it very a lot ;_; also YEAH i am!! wow have you heard it?? it is my favourite..... thanks damian ur very good too i am happy to make people happy heh i will keep that in mind wow if i gotta kill u then nvm....
  15. lux i kno ur there and u just helped, probably, and im gonna read ur post eventually but im really anxious when it comes to taking critique so i am gonna need some breathing time before i reply, however i do want to thank u now because wow bash @ new sf for getting rid of the thing where u could click on a lil arrow and it'd let you preview the latest post without actually taking u to the thread....i used to use that all the time because it was a good way for me to read replies to my posts without most of the anxiety....now i have to breathe really hard and actually go into the thread to read things ugh i hate this
  16. tbh tho i should just put the entire thing in curly brac
  17. whew thanks warning that i have not superstudied french in many months so excusez mon terrible français s'il vous plaît ;v; phrases in curly braces = idk how to translate i know there are lots of mistakes but pls bear w me i am trying my best
  18. hey lux can u help me with a french thing later?? i want to ask my favourite youtaite something but his english is not the best so i am trying to french. i already typed most of the message up, i just need some help with a few words + overall proofreading. i'm not in a hurry though so if not today then!! eventually!!!!
  19. i just saw this and now i cant stop laughign
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