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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. me, not with seulgi but just in general
  2. me, not with seulgi but just in general
  3. y do the cervello have the cutest outfits in the series
  4. me and my friend whenever i suffer through a trivial mishap
  5. y do the cervello have the cutest outfits in the series
  6. me and my friend whenever i suffer through a trivial mishap
  7. ah yes i remember now that is a rly good mental image
  8. this is such a good alternative to "us"
  9. can u believe that takeshi, a stupid random-ass baseball player with literally zero mafia knowledge, ranks higher than hayato, a mafioso since childhood who grew up fighting to survive, in physical strength idk if that proves that takeshi is extra strong or that hayato is extra useless
  10. ah yes i remember now that is a rly good mental image
  11. can u believe that takeshi, a stupid random-ass baseball player with literally zero mafia knowledge, ranks higher than hayato, a mafioso since childhood who grew up fighting to survive, in physical strength idk if that proves that takeshi is extra strong or that hayato is extra useless
  12. i mean like minus the fact that hitori is totally inactive right now i have no idea why i left utaite for kpop
  13. this is literally me w hitori and co. rn.....
  14. i mean like minus the fact that hitori is totally inactive right now i have no idea why i left utaite for kpop
  15. but how would u react it really happened.....
  16. this is literally me w hitori and co. rn.....
  17. but how would u react it really happened.....
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