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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. it's ok. i will drink it if it is the only option but it is far from my favourite
  2. like girl why would u even take that 6 a.m. class........
  3. lol my friend is taking 7/8 ap classes + an extra class from 6 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. bc she's like that. i saw her yesterday for the first time this school year and she said she was ~this~ close to having a mental breakdown but also lol she would never ever drop a class no matter how miserable she got. i pray for her
  4. while everyone is praying for the hurricane victims please pray for my uncle too wow he has the worst luck. within less than five days he has - had his car break down (which meant that he also had to miss a festival to which he had a 20-dollar gift certificate) - ripped his favourite pair of pants - had a group of teenagers break into his house - found a leak in his roof i even found and gave him a four-leaf clover after the first two hoping that it would help but nah. truly the best people are the ones with the worst luck
  5. heh yes i will continue making good fun of you =) don't do that urself tho that would probably end in some anatomical disasters for u wow that makes me smile, hearing friends be happy makes me happy too........LET'S HOPE THAT IT GOES ON FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR AND MORE AHH YES i am so happy that i made it through this week mentally sound and i am rewarding myself by working on happy notes to give to my friends and teachers at the end of the year......i have lots of good things to say to lots of good people so somehow it is incredibly cathartic uhhh i'm taking FASHION and HOLOCAUST and PSYCHOLOGY and FILM STUDIES which are hands down my favourite classes!!! the last one i took mainly because i needed the credit to graduate but it ended up being very fascinating (also i've been good friends with the teacher for a couple years and it's nice to finally see him regularly after only catching him between classes). on the other hand i am being beaten up by digital design and literature because o lord do i hate having my work being scrutinized and critiqued. also fuk art history, i already have two presentations in that class coming up ;-; (tbh psychology is kicking my butt too but i actually enjoy it so it gets a free pass) o gosh what a loaded question.....that i waited two days to answer just because i needed that much time to think about it........a lot of what i've been listening to is bad objectively but here is what is NOT (hopefully): - sky high by yorukichi. iirc you're not as impressed by vocal layering/harmonies/whatever as i am, which is a shame because it's what the singer is known for and why i like him, but i think this is a rather unique and good tiny thing regardless. best with headphones..... - feathers across the seasons by guriri. usually translated as seasonal feathers except thats fuckin stupid. idk what to say abt this song because it is just good.... it has a great structure that matches its narrative really well and the singer is very good at emotioning i think - kokoro by hitori and others. this is kinda an old song i guess but it aged super super well imo. idk if you'd like it but i do bc i have....a thing......for singers who can sound like the opposite sex..........it is all right there's another one i almost want to rec by my fave singer but even if i did it's in an album and....the album did arrive today but it's at the bottom of my hill and i am not walking like half a mile just to get the mail lmao thanks for asking wow, since i haven't seen my friends lately i haven't been able to have an outlet for songs i like ;-; ME TOO u-uh i've just been binging on my faves bc i don't think i could handle anything else rn (and even then im still not finished with them) so just hitori, yorukichi, and apparently guriri has been my hidden favourite and she has been promoted to my third fave i love her why did i not realize how great she was before i'd ask for recs but again i am already drowning in music woops
  6. I LOOOOVE THEM i have three small pink alpacas and one big white alpaca on my bed at all times and i periodically switch between a duck and a rowlet and a tiny tiny bear and a pink dolphin and more i love them
  7. I LOOOOVE THEM i have three small pink alpacas and one big white alpaca on my bed at all times and i periodically switch between a duck and a rowlet and a tiny tiny bear and a pink dolphin and more i love them
  8. a realm of hungary ghosts sounds almost more interesting tbh. i want to draw that now too WOW GOSH I FIGURED....GOOD THAT UR GREAT, SCHOOL SOUNDS TOUGH BUT IM SURE U WILL BE ABLE TO ADJUST SOON!!! WOOOO!! BASICALLY SAME AS U GUESSSSSS UTAITE ARE KILLING MY STRESS
  9. list of things that need to stop - sf
  10. list of things that need to stop - sf
  12. i was flipping through my brothers sketchbook and i found some drawings that i did like ~a month ago that i have almost zero memory of doing there is some quality stuff tho
  14. i was flipping through my brothers sketchbook and i found some drawings that i did like ~a month ago that i have almost zero memory of doing there is some quality stuff tho
  15. i am probably slipping away soon bc i am being stricter abt my bedtime this year and i wanna listen to music but wow i sure missed u guys :_:
  16. i am probably slipping away soon bc i am being stricter abt my bedtime this year and i wanna listen to music but wow i sure missed u guys :_:
  17. WHEW that's a relief and yes we will...work on that probably !!!! wow idk why but some part of my mind thought u were dying or something. it is great to hear that not only is that not the case but also you are a+++++ (probably an exaggeration, hopefully not) ah yes are u truly euklyd if u aren't busy tbh.... i am doing ok at this moment, school is stressing me out a bit but it's all irrational and i know i have it under control....life will be ok unfortunately i have been slipping back into vocaloid and slightly out of kpop recently because i'm a dumbass and opened pandora's box to check on a singer i used to adore and woops i still love her too much to listen to kpop at the moment man this would be my senior quote if it were true, i can't stop laughing AAAAAAAA idk anything about california tbh but it sounds AAAAAA (what for btw??)
  18. WHEW that's a relief and yes we will...work on that probably !!!! wow idk why but some part of my mind thought u were dying or something. it is great to hear that not only is that not the case but also you are a+++++ (probably an exaggeration, hopefully not) ah yes are u truly euklyd if u aren't busy tbh.... i am doing ok at this moment, school is stressing me out a bit but it's all irrational and i know i have it under control....life will be ok unfortunately i have been slipping back into vocaloid and slightly out of kpop recently because i'm a dumbass and opened pandora's box to check on a singer i used to adore and woops i still love her too much to listen to kpop at the moment man this would be my senior quote if it were true, i can't stop laughing AAAAAAAA idk anything about california tbh but it sounds AAAAAA (what for btw??)
  19. euklyd i haven't seen u in a thousand years how are you i meant to tell you a while ago but i feel obligated to inform u that every time something mildly math-related happens in paranatural damian and i screenshot it and say "euklyd irl" and uh yeah i would feel bad if we were makin fun of you behind your back so now we are in front of your back
  20. euklyd i haven't seen u in a thousand years how are you i meant to tell you a while ago but i feel obligated to inform u that every time something mildly math-related happens in paranatural damian and i screenshot it and say "euklyd irl" and uh yeah i would feel bad if we were makin fun of you behind your back so now we are in front of your back
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