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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. im proud of u too hatt i might shitpost again tomorrow tbh
  2. wow you guys are lucky ;_; i have been a mosquito magnet for most of my life. i am glad that you guys have it better though also that story was a wild ride lux......i never feel or see mosquitoes biting me so i never have the opportunity to fight them =(
  3. THE PART IM MAD ABOUT IS THAT there was a party at the house that day so all my cousins were there and some of them ran around outside for like half an hour and then they walked in and they were like "wow we have so many mosquito bites" and i absentmindedly said "same" but then i realized i had more than all of them AND I WASN'T EVEN OUT THERE PLAYING WITH THEM I JUST WALKED FROM THE CAR TO THE HOUSE I HATE MOSQUITOES
  4. i got 5 of them while walking, like, the three-meter distance from my dad's car to the inside of my uncle's house the other 19 i got while picking up my brother from school (which took maybe 10 minutes??) not worth it
  5. i deadass have twenty-four (24) mosquito bites on my legs.......kill me
  6. why ;-; the hecky ;-; do pattern companies ;-; make their skirt patterns ;-; so heckin long ;-;
  7. something like that!! there are lots of facets to the holocaust so of course that alone is a lot of cover, but we also discuss social issues and other genocides and the very core principles of the holocaust (i.e. hate, u kno). it is a very interesting and thought-provoking class i think
  8. o shit my holocaust hw was to avoid using the word "hate" and i have already failed i suck
  9. uh i mean no but there is no class that i would want to switch for study hall.....my options are to switch out of like a. fashion b. ap psych c. holocaust and all of them are cool and i would not leave them u feel me IT'S OKAY my legs usually don't stop functioning until AFTER school and it's not like it hurts or anything, it just feels like i lose control over them i think it is manageable ugh yeah i hate those kinda people VENT AS MUCH AS U WANT WE WILL NOT JUDGE
  10. i'm on mobile rn so i didn't see who posted this....and i was like "wtf who the fuck has that kind of energy and optimism about life, who wrote this" and then i looked and it me..... WOW DO YOU LIKE MATH you are amazing
  11. i'm on mobile rn so i didn't see who posted this....and i was like "wtf who the fuck has that kind of energy and optimism about life, who wrote this" and then i looked and it me..... WOW DO YOU LIKE MATH you are amazing
  12. last night i had a dream that i was my own classmate and during class i saw kimself crying so i tapped on her shoulder and asked if she was okay and then she sniffed and wiped her tears and said "yeah....i just," (sniff) "i just.......really hate math" and then i woke up from laughing so hard
  13. WOO I AM GLAD YOU ARE GETTING BY!!! you sound like u have a fairly optimistic outlook about things which is great me, i am.....living (also i am practically documenting my life story here in hhh so there's nothing really new for me to say....i am happy about buying the album i guess!!)
  14. tristian ur cool i know i asked you about your year a while back, but how was your day?? and also your week? are u holding up okay
  15. i had to order the hitori album through a proxy service and the guy i am negotiatin with is named kim and i am far more amused by this than i should be
  16. i had to order the hitori album through a proxy service and the guy i am negotiatin with is named kim and i am far more amused by this than i should be
  17. omg no it's a reference to hitori :^( :^( is cute though
  18. 16. aside from what you regularly wear, are there any clothing items that you like seeing on other people?? like, passing by a stranger, and then "wow holy hot-smokin' hecks that sure is a nice bolo tie" 17. thoughts on this bird 18. thoughts on my brother's drawing of a man eating a knife hidden inside a banana 19. is there anything you SUPER regret doing/not doing in life? you don't have to say it if it is personal but would you change that aspect of your past if you had the chance 20. tell me something i don't know about you!! // edit: i just realized i already asked this question but tell me a different thing
  19. 11. what's something i don't know about you? 12. what does your daily outfit usually consist of? 13. THOUGHTS ON PRINCESSES 14. do u like ur face 15. who are some people you admire??
  20. 6. thoughts on my theme?? 7. thoughts on the colour orange! 8. i hope you know that you are a great person and that your mistakes don't make who you are and that you are a valuable human being and that it's okay and you're okay 9. THOUGHTS ON BIRDS 10. thoughts on singers who sing in the range of the opposite gender..........
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