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Everything posted by Kinumi

  1. hey shh....that's old news..... i agree
  2. omg why does sf keep doubleposting ealjgk
  3. thank u bud ;_; i am so glad u understand and are willing to listen (i have been wanting to talk to kat about it too but she transferred out of my fashion class the day i fell for hitori again ;-;)
  4. i wish i had left some homework for myself to do today because i need something to distract me from crying abt hitori
  6. WHAT HOLY SHIT I THOUGHT SHE DELETED HER TWITTER IM CRYING ALL OVER AGAIN omg im so so happy she's all right i genuinely thought that something bad happened to her or a relative......she's always been kinda quiet and relatively....idk how to put this in a good way but......distant?? from both her fans and most other utaite.......so i didn't think that it was out of the picture for her to completely disappear without explanation in response to a huge personal problem in life...........and since it's the internet she could have even died or something and i thought i would never know...........omg kitty thank u so much i have been worried about her for so so so so long and it takes so much off my chest to finally know that she's okay ;_;
  7. i just looked up the album on amazon jp and me:
  8. i just looked up the album on amazon jp and me:
  9. obligatory "i don't love her as much as i love u tho"
  10. i used to quietly contemplate whether i'd date luna if i had the chance buT U KNOW I WOULD DEFINITELY DATE HITORI i thought kpop made me straighter but actually
  11. well it was mostly just yorukichi hell for a couple days but right now it's just hitori hell i have not felt so much love for a girl since luna heck i love her even MORE than luna why did she have to disappear :'''' ( i hope she's all right and in good health
  12. omg im gonna cry i just rediscovered an amazing album hitori participated in and the tracks she sang were amazing and i finally found her collab cover of under the darkness which I KNEW SHE SANG BUT COULD NOT FIND ANYWHERE (i did find a snippet in one of her compilation vids but it sounded different from what i remembered, now i know it's because it was a totally different cover) AND I KNOW I SOMEHOW DOWNLOADED THAT ALBUM BUT I LOST IT AND NOW I CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE AND IM GONNA CRY AND DIE BECAUSE HER COVER OF TOKYO TEDDY BEAR WAS SWOON AND HER HIGH-QUALITY SCREAMO IN INVISIBLE WAS ALSO SWOON AND I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH BUT I CAN'T FIND THE ALBUM ANYWHERE AHHH I MIGHT JUST BUY THE PHYSICAL COPY BECAUSE SHES MY FAVE ;-;
  13. omg i thought sf ate my post but it just doubleposted, thank god
  14. THANKS but tbf i kinda left out the part where my initial draft was ~800 words and i spent like half an hour desperately cutting down on everything AND WELL I GUESS THAT COULD BE IT BECAUSE THIS IS MY FIRST YEAR WITHOUT A STUDY HALL PERIOD (my schedule got messed up bc of things and there isn't really a class i'd want to replace with it) AND I'M TAKING THE MOST APs I HAVE EVER DURING MY HIGH SCHOOL CAREER BUT I HOPE IT ISN'T BECAUSE I'M NOT EVEN TAKING THAT MANY AND I HAVE SOME FRIENDS TAKING ON LIKE 6 TO 8 JUST FINE I WILL JUST TRY THIS OUT FOR A COUPLE DAYS AND SEE WHERE IT TAKES ME ALSO GOOD LUCK HATTO!! there are a lot of mysteries in hitmanime driving me crazy too but it's not as popular as it was 10 years ago so i can't really ask anyone : ( I HOPE UR MORE SUCCESSFUL THAN I WAS THANKS TRISTIE yeah!! thank u for the advice and concern i very much appreciate it
  15. holy shit tmbox shut down i.e. i no longer have access to yorukichi's beautiful harmony-amplified songs im gonna cry im already crying omg wtf he was my ultimate male utaite bias because of his wonderful wonderful harmonies why did tmbox shut down why do the saved versions of them have to be on my broken laptop i just want to hear his rendition's of mair's upbringing with his harmonies again because they're so muted in his actual upload life is awful
  16. SPEAKING OF ACADEMICS I JUST FINISHED AN ENGLISH ESSAY WITH A 650-WORD LIMIT AND GUESS HOW MANY WORDS IT WAS WHEN I FINISHED SIX HUNDRED FIFTY HAHAHA YES I AM AN EXPERT WORD-WRITER HAHAHAHA ALSO WOW LUX man i cant believe that got u to look at utaite. it sure is a world, huh?? i wish i could go back to it but hitori is no longer active and she was pretty irreplaceable : (
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