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Everything posted by TheUnderman14

  1. ok lets see here... League of Legends 2 Legend harder, League of Legends 2 electric boogaloo League of Legends 2 we balanced it this time thats all i got...
  2. *sits here and waits until the DevPro servers are fully functional again*
  3. I'd be interested if i have the games and time so I guess I can stick around and see if I can
  4. in hopes that it hasn't been said before Why not both? I play most genre there is and I just prefer RPGs in general with none really being better then the other i mostly just have preferred series or games for individual variant of RPGs
  5. truly League of legends way to Save the animals or kill the animals JUNGLE SPEED RUN HYPE!
  6. Hey you guys remember Maokai? no? well here's another treeman! in all seriousness though just want to see what kind of jungler he is cause he might become one of the rare jungler i can actually jungle with...
  7. That Kled theme though, also best and most hilarious quotes in the game
  8. Welcome to Nexus Siege a place where people don't understand the concept of tower defense
  9. I don't know how to post a screenshot and too lazy to check so i'll just say that those times once in a blue moon when everything goes perfectly and you're a 25/0/6 Ekko...i should do that more often
  10. As an ADC main I appreciate and welcome every and all Support players Seriously you guys are awesome
  11. If you see me online and invite me I generally see it and join if I'm not busy at the moment
  12. ok lets see here... -Megadimension Neptunia VII bad ending and true ending to do -Hyperdimension Neptunia rebirth 3 bad ending and true ending -Megatagmension Blanc+neptune vs zombies got multiplayer to finish -Conception 2 still missing a lot of endings -Persona q p4 side -etrian odyssey untold -Agarest war zero -Darksiders 2 -resident evil relations 2 episode 2,3 and 4 -Generation of chaos pandora's curse -Yggdra union -final fantasy x-2 -Gungnir -Tales of Zestiria i want to finish before the anime starts there's probably even more that i forgot about or that i want to forget about plus there's Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator thats coming out and i know im not playing any other game for a week when that comes out
  13. Taliyah support should be a thing especially considering the bot lane me and friend does that somehow ends up working Corki and Aurelion Sol ftw
  14. There are still games to come and I didn't really pick much up (probably because of my giant backlog) but so far Project X Zone 2 and Megadimension even if I didn't finish them yet I'm really enjoying so far and no I cant pick between the two it's just not possible...
  15. you can be in 3 clans if i remember right also I realized I didn't put my thoughts on Aurelion Sol but long story short looks cool to play probably wont buy him but try him out when he's free one time I'll do it for the SF members of NA so PM me or tell me here if you want to be part of it
  16. I haven't been able to post about this because I got hospitalized for two weeks but I'll drop the idea now that I can, but with the new clan thing should we do a SF clan? Would be easier for some people to play together if they want to.
  17. First time I played a video, that was in an Hospital when I was 2 I was hospitalized and they brought me a N64 but i don't remember with what game...Even with bandages on my hands I still played it and when i got out my parents bought an N64 (cause my dad had an accident and decided he needed something to distract him) and thought that I could play it from time to time and that turned into all the time now I just have way too many games to play...
  18. All I have to say is Vashyron Dance https://youtu.be/owAoZzYgKec
  19. think of it has a Zed Ult in item form and prepare to get rekted by it or go on rampage with it
  20. rejoince he's getting nerfed in the next patch....somewhat, speaking of the next patch that Kog'Maw buff makes Kog'Maw happy
  21. Lux with a mejai's soulstealer is an unstoppable force i've seen one of my friend use it a couple times and even in a game where we done fucked up he still got godlike
  22. well I've finally played against a Jhin in bot lane and you mostly have to watch out for his 4th shot and poke him while he's reloading if you can Though his mushrooms, i mean lane mine mines can be kind of annoying but not as damaging as Teemo's 'shrooms
  23. Well that's because Jhin is the new champion so he has the least nerfs and if you know how to play him he can be really dangerous, and he's also the second teemo Still haven't tried him though.
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