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Everything posted by Person123

  1. aaand the Rival's name defaulted to Silver. It's no use!
  2. Made it through the route! It's a shame we gotta get through it again once we get the egg. Edit: Actually now that we used the Pokecenter, we can just black out instead to return right back.
  3. I skinned my knee on a treadmill once. I truly am an unparalleled badass
  4. We're leveling on the first route. Standard progression rate really.
  5. New voting system is great. Switches to Democracy after an hour, but after anarchy wins the voting once it switches back to Anarchy for another hour.
  6. Person123

    Dat Merc

    I love how you cheesed the hackbox here. They rarely seem to agree with me.
  7. If anyone's interested, a link to the save file used for TwitchPlaysPokemon can be found here. It's in one of the comments.
  8. In case anyone missed it, here's a video of the final winning Elite Four run. Chat's not shown unfortunately. Here's a video of only the final battle, with chat included in case anyone wanted to see twitch's reactions. 5 bucks if you can find my name
  9. 17 more hours. Wish it didn't start so early in the morning for me, but there's no way I'm missing this.
  10. I wonder how many people would've been watching if it wasn't so late. Even now there's still 90k+ people, and it's 4:16 AM for me.
  12. This MIGHT BE IT. If anyone's online, now's the time to join in.
  13. It's beautiful. Gave it dat eldritch flair.
  14. I'll be claiming #6. Any objections?
  15. ooh, I believe Lord Helix learns Hydro pump soon.
  16. All we gotta do is fight the Elite Four repeatedly, gaining more exp on the way. We're already capable of decimating the first 2 trainers, and Agatha's not too bad honestly. Eventually we'll power through the Elite Four and beat Blue.
  17. Dragonite's AI is spamming agility and barrier since psychic is super effective. ATV can do this!
  18. Bruno and Lorelei were defeated. Let's see if Agatha's Gengars are all they're hyped to be.
  19. Just gotta get back in there and try again, and again, and again. Victory is inevitable.
  20. Lord Helix is one step closer to regaining his complete power.
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