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Everything posted by Person123

  1. I don't follow any sport in particular, but if I had to choose it would be whatever state teams where I live. Which would be the Baltimore Ravens and the..uhh....other ones. My reasoning being it puts the people I interact with in somewhat better moods.
  2. I highly doubt we'll get to Red tonight. Although when we get close, I know for a fact I'll stay awake as long as I must to see it through. I've been looking forward to this battle from the start after all.
  3. Destiny bond on Feraligatr aaaand the run's screwed. I'm almost certain the Elite Four's being beaten tonight, but I'm tired.
  4. Gonna watch this current run and go to bed. Hopefully this is it. It's going quite well atm.
  5. Damn good attempt though. I can say with some confidence that the Elite 4 will be beaten tonight. It's unfortunate, but I'm not staying up for this one.
  6. Fighting Champion Lance! Only Feraligatr remains, but is in good heath. This fight could go either way.
  7. That's what everyone's assuming. The creator did say he liked the idea, but we never got a direct answer. Of course, we also heard the step counter was removed from the Safari zone, but we all know now that was not the case.
  8. lol we'll run out of Pokeballs eventually. Only 20ish are left.
  9. The funny thing is, we had 99 Pokeballs during the battle with Suicune.
  10. Personally I have not been invested nearly as much in the Crystal run than I was for the original. Partly due to some of the novelty wearing off, and the uncomfortable amount of blithering idiots clamoring for the release of our starter. I still follow along occasionally, and I'm looking forward to the final battle with Red.
  11. I bestow upon this sprite the blessing of Lord Helix
  12. There's a reason why nobody takes petitions seriously. I still approve of this however
  13. Rematch with Morty is currently going on.
  14. This sprite's goin places.
  15. Glad Croconaw evolved into Feraligatr during Anarchy. He's been cleansed of Democracy's taint.
  16. A small edit, but tasteful.
  17. New video after new video. I can see you're in a rush to get this game over with.
  18. Faulker time! First Gym battle edit: aaand rekt. Went so much better than Brock did lol
  19. Incredible news, we got Youngster Joey's phone number. Get HYPE
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