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  1. Yes. You even have an illuminati hair pin in your avatar.
  2. Yes. But wonderful. Never grow out of this phase.
  3. Yeah It was like this at my highschool too. Stopped in Uni tho
  4. what's with all the k pop fanboy/girlism o: I saw a bunch of people in IPC with kpop avs too
  5. something something which is your favourite or something
  6. I got bored of Neko atsume. Haru still plays it though.
  7. Well me disappearing for a while isn't really because of workload. It's because I became even more of a shutin
  8. Whoops. Nevermind then. But they do the same kinda thing about the migrants. That is, not deporting them. (idk how it is now though since there was an uproar)
  9. Hm. Yeah I guess it could be an issue with how police get rewarded or something. Like say if the security of your job depends on how low the reported figures are, then discouraging reporting would be quite an effective tactic. Though it's evil and sick.
  10. Well I consider an idea that causes a specific behavior contrary to the perceived norm, to be a culture. Say like aboriginal cultures are tiny (since most aboriginals died) but they're still cultures. As for how systemic it is... Some corporations and universities have mandated quotas for males and females, or for specific colours of skin. Instead of something relevant like, poverty. I think that's systemic. As for the police, I don't really know if this is systemic yet. Which is why I used it as an example on a discussion thread. I'd like people to prod holes where I didn't see any previously (and it worked, which is great). Atm, I am not 100% convinced it's because the police all joined some PC cult. But I also don't believe this attitude is just mere coincidence. And atm there are too many alternate explanations to really make any real solid judgement about the matter. Maybe, I don't really know how ridiculous those countries get. But considering how the crime rate skyrocketed to the point where they're the capitals of rape of the western world. I... Don't really think it's that effective? I still don't think that the Norwegian people should be burdened by the mistake of some other country if they could help it.
  11. I don't think so too, which is why the alt right is gaining ground in Europe. I reconsidered a bit, and I'll just withhold judgement regarding whether or not the police are too scared of being called racist to do their jobs. Since I lack proof. But I think that people fear being called racist a bit too much, enough to make some victims of rape coming forward. Which is still cause enough to consider, along with the police being the ones to 1. Not to their jobs in arresting the rapists 2. Tell the girls they're being racist. That there could be a culture problem here. That specifically being the culture of second guessing crimes involving brown/black people, instead of putting them through the proper channels of due process. Ultimately I'm wondering why the police are being this soft on the rapists. It could just be a one off case if them being cowards. But I don't really see that as a possibility given how often and prevalent these coverups are. Like I mentioned how big of a coverup the cologne incident was. Honestly I wouldn't put it past the authorities to just have lost their minds over this considering how Merkel in a fit of insanity opened the gates entirely to immigrants for a while with no background checks. And only stopped when the Germans lost their shit.
  12. Yeah absolutely. I think any rational person would prefer being called racist over letting rapes go unpunished. Though I'm mostly considering the idea that they might be completely irrational. Or perhaps they thought they could cover it up. Which is the case with Rotheram since the article said that the police said "everything is ok now and has been dealt with" or something to that effect, only for independent investigators to find that that is a bald faced lie. And with the Cologne incident coverup by the German police. While I have no definitive proof, I do think this isn't a possibility to be completely waved away.
  13. Ah, I see, I should have clarified. I go by the wikipedia definition of PC culture Where I think it's usually used in the sense of "not offending". And culture as in "the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society." While I have no problem with the most basic idea of political correctness. What I do have a problem with is if it goes too far. And from what I understand, when it goes too far it's basically people avoiding being racist like the plague, so much that morality is sometimes compromised. Such as the example of the grooming gangs. As well as smearing all asians to avoid saying "middle eastern" since they tend to get offended more easily (by offended I mean, react in really violent ways). I guess a better example of this would be how for most Germans doing the Nazi saulte is a crime and they get arrested for it. But when the immigrants do it, and hold fascist rallies praising Hitler, the police turn a blind eye. Or when rape scandals get covered up if they're immigrants, but not when they're Germans. Or when the girls were afraid of coming forward about their rapes since the police would just call them racist. Or that Norwegian politician that thought that deporting the guy that raped him to his home country would be cruel. Despite it not being a problem borne from the Norwegian people, and thus the Norwegian people have no obligation to have to pay for his food in prison etc. While these might not be definitive proof, it does make excessive PC culture, a possibility to be considered. In my opinion anyway.
  14. Freedom of religion only goes as far as people's lives are not adverse impacted because of it. So following this logic, people are free to not want to, themselves sleep with members of the same sex. But they should not infringe on the right to choose to do so, of other people, because that can adversely impact their life. If you grew up in a gay religion, and you were forced to marry someone of the same sex because in that (imaginary) religion's eyes heterosexuality is a sin... Then you wouldn't lead as happy a life as if you could be with someone you actually loved in that way. And I do not think religion should be free to take away the happinesses of people via indoctrination.
  15. That may be so, yeah. I've heard a lot about that. But still I don't think the way to deal with this is for the police department to discourage reporting of black people on the basis that /some/ people are racist pricks. Rather there should be heavier consequences for malicious false rape accusations etc cetera to deter these "racist pricks". But that's a whole other discussion.
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