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Flaming Kirlia

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Posts posted by Flaming Kirlia

  1. This is a reoccuring problem I have been seeing. People seem to wish to hold hacks to the same quality standard as the commercial releases, which is honestly silly. Sure, there are a lot of times where lack of effort, poor writing, etc are writ large and I am not suggesting these things be overlooked, but it seems lately that very rarely is due consideration given to the fact that nearly all hacks are the work of small teams (or even simply one person!) of hobbyists rather than a team of professional artists, scenario writers, programmers etc.

    While there should be a standard of quality expected , you can in no way look at a hack the same way you look at a professional game release, as it lends itself to a lot of unequal comparisons.

    He really likes TLP and Sacred Dawn, he isn't that critical of hacks

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