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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Radiant Dawn

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  1. This topsik is terburill. I hope it dies.
  2. I wish I could use some sort of electronic mail.
  3. Should stop blaming Collete.
  4. I think Krevin is just soooooooooooo Shield of +2 Perversion.
  5. wat. www.internetisseriousbusiness.com Edit: fuck it's down.
  6. Except for all the times you swore you hated me? You thought I should be banned and that Krev was a hippy? You said you hated us and called us all rabid wolfs? And many more times like that?
  7. Thunk was a communist moderator and a badass. Yosh just kinda vanished into thin air with not much of a trace but having to work. This was really a conspiricy?
  8. Many people missed a good bit.
  9. Good clarification. Make the same mistake again I will not. So he just didn't do anything.
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