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Posts posted by PM ME MARIANNE ART

  1. 1 minute ago, SecondWorld said:

    This is why Cleric Faye is best Faye

    Well at the time of promoting the villagers I already had a cleric and I did not have a cavalier so that was my logic there


    1 minute ago, Nobody said:

    wow i barely post in this thread anymore, but look, it's graham

    sup dan, been awhile mate

  2. 2 minutes ago, SecondWorld said:

    Like Lux mentioned, warp/rescue Alm Double Lion breaks some late game maps and is particularly useful for Nuibaba's map which is otherwise the most annoying map in the game

    i wish I had someone with rescue, that's something I've been really missing

    2 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

    Clive became mediocre to me once Mathilda started getting levels

    and he completely gets outclassed later. Poor guy

    the legend of Doot Doot is alive and well

    its maps like Nuibabas that really made me depend on my bow knight Tobin and Python with them getting supports so they at least have a better chance on hitting. Late game for Alm just turned to RAM BOYZ

    I have Faye as a paladin as well as Clive and Mathilda and to be completely honest I'm not a huge fan of any of them. Mathilda is the best, but Gray and Delthea hit so much harder and Clair is my best high mov unit so Mathilda is a bit outclassed

  3. Just now, Trisitei said:

    Real question is how is your Clive 

    theyre all so good too. Love this cast

    best of luck in that. Though I guess you already heard the horror stories around thar

    Eh my Clive is alright

    For me Gray, Clair and Delthea carry my Alm team while Saber, Catria, and Mae carry my Celica team

    I've heard she's awful, but I have delthea and Gray so maybe it won't be too bad

  4. Just now, Trisitei said:

    Real question is how is your Clive 

    theyre all so good too. Love this cast

    best of luck in that. Though I guess you already heard the horror stories around thar

    Eh my Clive is alright

    For me Gray, Clair and Delthea carry my Alm team while Saber, Catria, and Mae carry my Celica team

    I've heard she's awful, but I have delthea and Gray so maybe it won't be too bad

  5. 4 minutes ago, SecondWorld said:

    lmao that's a shame, not counting Alm the Whitewings were definitely the best late game physical units back in Gaiden and that's probably still true for Echoes tbh

    I don't know why but Catria was absolutely amazing and Palla was just terrible.

    Alm is also pretty bad for me too

    2 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

    Amazing second season on that. Good tastes

    The game gives you the reason to...

    ...even if they start slipping. But they're all such good characters. I always found a favorite with Alms buds, Jesse and Mae but the entire cast is still good 


    sounds like good connections

    Did you do Nuibabas map first?

    My favorites are Saber and Delthea, followed by Kamui, Jesse, Gray, Clair and Sonya

    I haven't done Nuibaba's map yet, it's my next one

  6. 2 minutes ago, SecondWorld said:

    Well tbf, season 2 making me a fan of a show does have a precedent

    Also yeah Echoes is fantastic, the first FE that has rivaled PoR as my favorite

    I love Echoes so much, everything about it is amazing and I can't stop playing it. I've used almost every character because they're all so good


    1 minute ago, Trisitei said:

    What was the occasion for this trip?
    Just a vacation?

    In a technical way, yes i have
    I completed act 5, but theres still that post game act 6 but to me i beat the main story. i'm basically done

    It was a vacation because I have some family that lives over there for work

    I see, I haven't gotten very far in act 4 but I've done a couple of the battles

  7. 17 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

    All the way at Indonesia? Damn, sounds amazing. I'm happy for you

    From what i remember from it, yeah
    its pretty fucked at moments
    not the most fucked i've seen, but its pretty up there

    Echoes is pretty great, i agree
    Act 4 now is when things get serious, especially when it comes to its maps.

    It was definitely a great trip for me, I learned a lot and had a great time. I also went to Singapore, and had layovers in Tokyo and Seoul


    Have you finished echoes? Saber is my favorite character

    1 minute ago, SecondWorld said:

    I've watched... I believe most of season 1 and I'm honestly not sure what I think of it at the moment. I've watched enough to keep watching though so I'll probably form a more solid opinion later on

    Also, yo

    Yo yo yo

    I felt the same, but you should definitely watch season 2. Season 2 was what got me, it was so awesome

  8. 2 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

    How have things nowadays been?
    Going to/got to the school you've been meaning to go to?

    It's been forever since i've seen it. I've been thinking to just binge rewatch it what with mostly free time now

    also, what did you think of echoes?

    Things overall have been good, I just got back from vacation in Jakarta (my first time leaving the US) and it was an awesome experience


    It was one my cousin and I binge watched in our spare time, and we got pretty messed up by it


    Well you see, I had really high expectations for it and it was pretty hard to fulfill those expectations. 

    But Nintendo did it again, and it's a masterpiece. It might end up my favorite game in the series, I'm in act 4 now and absolutely loving it (No spoilers please!)

  9. 4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

    Well, admitedly, I don't have the best memory for these kind of things.

    Although my activity here has been on the decline lately. I blame my current lack of PS3 availability. It has interrupted my playthrough narration.

    I was looking through some of the posts on various threads and I hardly recognize anyone (granted this is recognition based on usernames and stuff like that so it's a bit more difficult but still)

  10. 3 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

    Is that Junkrat?


    also from what it looks like so far, there's no avatar 

    hell yeah it is

    I bought overwatch on ps4 and pc and it's gotta be one of my favorite games ever

    play me


    I wouldn't mind too much if there was one, but since I never played Gaiden before I want to experience the authentic story ( already freaking pre ordered it I'm that hyped)

  11. Thread, enlighten me for a minute

    Nintendo is a hidden gem??????

    Nintendo is hidden???

    And underrated???

    I agree with them, it makes sense when you use the real definition of the word hidden

    Hidden (hid denn) - really obvious and shit so much that literally everyone can see how awesome it is

  12. I'm not sure if anyone on this site plays this children's card game, but if anyone does, I would love some advice on my current deck build (it's a Blackwing base). The deck is below, and I would appreciate any comments, compliments, constructive criticisms, any thoughts you have would help me out a lot. I would like to start doing some locals with it, and I want it to be in top condition.



    Basically the best Blackwing in the deck, he searches everything, summons itself, and can't be Raigeki-ed or Dark Hole-ed or Torrential Tribute-ed or Bottomless Trap Hole-ed or anything like that. Not much to explain here.


    The best Blackwing that isn't named Kris. Summons itself and searches everything besides Kris. Piercing is pretty cool thing, but generally Bora gets Synchro-ed so fast it doesn't put it to much use. It is cool for some funny stuff though.


    Nobody sees this guy coming, which is why he's so awesome. Works well against Blue-Eyes and other big beater decks. He also has the pluses of searching a ton of good stuff like Gale, which makes an easy Nothung. Kalut is just a good card in general.


    The star of the show, Gale is easily searchable and easily summoned, and he searches Gladius for instant Nothung. His ability to cut monsters' stats in half is also a cool thing to do right before you synchro summon something epic and obliterate your opponent even harder. Gale is by far the best tuner in the deck.


    The other best tuner in the deck. He can make instant Nothung or instant Sohaya, and he recycles all your useful Blackwings. He has two downsides: A. He can't be special summoned. B. Opening with him really sucks because he can't really search anything that would help him out, and there isn't anything in the graveyard for him to revive. However, even with his downsides, he's one of the most useful cards in the deck.


    People generally like to keep Oroshi at one, but I find myself in need of him too much for him to be at one. He's searchable by literally any other Blackwing and his combos with Nothung, Obsidian Hawk, Crystal Wing, etc. are unmatched by any other monster. He's an easy way to get higher level synchros really quickly. He can also change the battle position of a monster, which can come in clutch more than one would expect.


    Most people have cut this guy, but I find him to be really useful. This deck only has one really high attack beater, and if you're up against monarchs or some other stupid shit like that, that one beater is going to have issues. So for all else, we have Sirocco. His ability to turn any Blackwing into a very powerful monster is useful, and can be helpful to run over opponents' stronger monsters. He's great to open with if you're going second, since then he can be easily summoned. He's also good to have if your field gets unexpectedly cleared by some stupid thing like Raigeki or Dark Hole. When normal summoned he also searches literally anything including Oroshi for instant Nothung or Gale or Kris for more shenanigans. All in all, Sirocco comes in really clutch, especially when you might be in danger, and I think that's enough to keep him in the deck. If nothing else and he becomes useless, then he's good discard fodder for Twin Twisters or banish fodder for Allure of Darkness.


    He searches pretty much everything, including Gale for instant Assault Blackwing or Obsidian Hawk, and he can recycle himself. However, it can only be used once per duel and he can't special summon himself. He's fantastic, but only if kept at one.


    He can be searched by basically everything, and if destroyed or used in a synchro summon, then he searches absolutely everything. The fact that he can't special summon himself like Gale or Oroshi, and he can't recycle like Blizzard is what keeps him at one.


    This guy is here because if you summon Gale you can instantly bring him out and synchro into Nothung. He's fantastic for that purpose, and he makes a decent wall since he can't be destroyed by battle. He's definitely a one hit wonder, but still a good one.


    Our one and only non-Blackwing in the main deck. We are working with a 100% DARK base here, so this dude can be used well. We don't have much graveyard manipulation, so he can be kind of a dead draw if gotten later into the game, but hey then you have easy fodder for Allure. His effect is fantastic and he has a ridiculously easy summon condition, and 2800 attack hits pretty hard. Nuff said.



    Straight up the best card in the deck. If you open one, you have a huge advantage. If you open two, your opponent is in trouble. If you open all three, you pretty much win. When I talked about the Blackwings searching each other, this is the card that makes that possible. It's amazing, and it makes Blackwings what they are.


    I actually don't like this card because I hate banishing my Blackwings. However, this is the only draw power we have, and Sirocco and Dark Armed Dragon are fairly good fodder since they sometimes come up useless. So this gives you good draw power, the cost kinda sucks, but this can still be a game changer.


    Back row kills this deck. Twin Twisters kills back row, and other stuff too. There's not really much to say about Twin Twisters. It's awesome.


    You see all those amazing Blackwings with less than 1500 attack such as Gale, Blizzard, Oroshi, Pinaki? This can recycle any of them. I'm debating bumping it to two, but I haven't because of space reasons.


    ...do I even need to say anything here?


    This card is a game changer. It saves a lot of lives. It can also recycle anything, so it can be used to get an instant level 7 synchro. It stops your battle phase, but let's be honest, lack of a battle phase doesn't stop Raikiri from bombing the field. One because the rules say I have to.

    [spoiler=ITS A TRAP]


    Fuck this card. It's expensive and broken as shit (no I do not actually own three of it (or even one of it :tangerinesadness: )). For now, it's still at three, and we will use it to our hearts content.


    This card is awesome, it's Blackwing exclusive and it banishes monsters instead of destroying them. It's also a hand trap, so nobody sees it coming. It's great for really offensive decks, and decks like PK Fire that spam graveyard effects.


    Stops special summons and banishes them too. One because I have to.


    Have I mentioned that back row kills this deck? Because back row kills this deck. This card bombs the fuck out of the opponent's back row, and can even be used from the hand.


    Stops monsters' attacks, renders their effects basically useless, and doesn't activate graveyard shenanigans. Win-win-win.


    The best trap in the game.


    Special summoning when not done by you can really be a pain in the ass. So here's a card to stop it.

    [spoiler=Extra Deck]


    This guy actually is in here for the purpose of another card. I will get to him when I explain that card.


    We like level 6s in this deck, and we love being able to draw cards. He's easily summoned and gives us a free draw, and then can be used as fodder or further synchro material (Oroshi summons either of the two big Assault Blackwings from him, and Blizzard summons Crystal Wing). His stats and effects aren't great, but he still really helps out.


    The best extra deck Blackwing. The extra normal summon he gives allows combos to go through the roof with this deck. There's also a great combo where you use Oroshi to turn him into Obsidian Hawk, then use Obsidian Hawk to immediately bring him back. This guy just allows for tons of really cool stuff.


    Remember back when I said we only had one gigantic beater? This is it. For every Blackwing in the graveyard he gains 300 attack, and with synchro combos, that goes up fast. If your opponent kills him, you can then trade him in for any other winged beast synchro in the gravyard such as Raikiri, Nothung, or Obsidian Hawk. He's also a level 7 tuner, which can be good in certain cases.


    This guy wrecks everything. With the number of Blackwings you can easily summon, he basically just shits all over your opponent's field every turn. Like Chidori, he can also be a tuner.


    The much-discussed Obsidian Hawk. He's easy to summon, and has a kick-ass ability of summoning a Winged Beast from your graveyard, which can include Chidori, Raikiri, or Nothung. This guy is amazing, and a big staple of the deck.


    This guy is busted as shit. And we're gonna take advantage of it while it's still legal. It stops basically all monster effects your opponent can try, and it hits like a motherfucker. It's also unbelievably easy to summon with this deck, so it really has no downside.


    Here he is, our deck master. The strongest Blackwing can't be destroyed be card effects, and if you summon him with only synchros, he has 6000 attack, stronger than any other legal monster in the game. How to summon him: remember Sohaya, the level 5 Assault Blackwing that can be a tuner? We use him and Obsidian Hawk Joe, or a revived Chidori or Raikiri to summon a 6000 attack Onimaru. What makes this even better is the fact that Sohaya can revive Chidori or Raikiri, and they won't be a tuner anymore, which means you can revive them (use Raikiri's effect if applicable), then bring out the beast.


    This guy searches Kris and Bora (and Zephyros I guess), and can be a good defensive card. He's also easy to summon.


    This deck hates graveyard effects, and for that we have Abyss Dweller. He's easy to summon for the deck and stops stupid graveyard plays from PK Fire or Infernoids or White Stone of Ancients or anything like that. Those are all common but tough opponents, and Abyss Dweller gives us a chance to get things going against them.


    Here we have one of the most dangerous Xyz monsters out there. Castel is a fantastic card, since his effects render monsters useless without triggering graveyard effects. While it's pretty much irrelevant, he's also a Winged Beast, which fits the deck pretty well. That's kinda cool.


    An amazing card that can really only be utilised by Blackwings and Raidraptors. No effect is safe from Ice Beast Zerofyne, and it even gains attack for the trouble. This card is fantastic for shutdowns, and can then be a decent beater as well.


    This guy is here to prevent the destruction of Black Whirlwind and Vanity's Emptiness. He can make some fun combos with his effect, and he can really slow things down, which can give you some extra time to get things going.


    Utopia is only here for Utopia the Lightning. Another one of the most dangerous monsters in the game, Utopia the Lightning can quickly become an unstoppable, immensely powerful force that can blow through your opponent's strongest monsters just like that. He also prevents effects from being activated, which can be extremely helpful for finishing games and just for running over monsters.

    edit: also note it took me over two hours to write this up...I'm getting slow

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