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Posts posted by PM ME MARIANNE ART

  1. pls

    there is a clear difference between most attractive and just mere


    I'm actually both

    and to talk to me ofc

    I see

    I'm also busy but the chronic procrastinator inside me doesn't care

    so yeah

    swimming stuff?

    ofc you're the reason I came here tonight

    actually not rlly

    I tried out for my school's play and actually got in so rehearsals every day

    that and swimming

    free time just goes away

  2. lol yoou haven't posted here in a week then the first post you post is replying to that dumb post born out of boredom

    it is true tho

    I actually have a shitton of shit going on so I pretty much only get on here to check for fanart

    how goes graham

    I have a lot of stuff going so I haven't had much free time

    it's fun stuff though so that's always a plus

  3. ...I'm sorry, is this a joke or am I missing something important? Even on a joking scale, what does Gregor offer to Laurent that Ricken can't provide something better than?

    oh you have much to learn

    What Ricken offers to Laurent:


    What Gregor offers to Laurent:

    Good strength without really hurting magic

    armsthrift to be an awesome sorcerer (if that's your thing)

    Vantage to do VV (if that's your thing)

    Absolutely amazing class choices (when he said he rules at everything, he meant it). Launret now has the mods and skills to be anything. Sage? Go for it. Dread Fighter? Well, he has very high strength and magic and faires for any of the three weapons. Need another anathema berserker? Laurent understands. Want a balanced axefaire hero with dua procs? Laurent is ready. He can do anything.

    Ricken!Laurent is a sage. There you go, you're done. If you're cool with that, go for it I guess. Gregor!Laurent can be literally whatever you need. He can fill any role your team needs and do extremely well at it. Plus Gregor!Laurent even as a sage misses out on maybe 2 magic points compared to Ricken, which when you're that high isn't a big deal at all. Plus Gregor!Laurent can be a VV sage which is something Ricken can't do.

    tl;dr Ricken!laurent is a sage and a sage only and Gregor!laurent is literally everything (including a potentially better sage)

    God I love talking about that pairing

  4. if trump becomes president

    i'll cut out my patriotic persona

    and then rebuild it, b/c America is built on the people that want and work hard for the dream

    not some retarded leaders with bad toupees


    this is such a great quote :UnitedStates: :UnitedStates: :UnitedStates:

    better than Ted Cruz

    I don't know, they're on about the same level

    scott walker too

  5. if it's for the greater good

    I'm gonna make this pencil disappear

    *slams Dusk's head on the table forcing the pencil through his eye*

    It's...ah, it's gone

    okay then

    My honest feelings toward FEif is nonexistent as I don't care for it. \o/

    thanks fam

    sorry if I came off as rude, this week hasn't been going very well for me and I didn't intend to be rude \o/

  6. did someone dethrone camilla for you?

    obviously we haven't talked my fates character preferences in awhile

    I honestly don't like camilla at all because her character is just...not well done at all (I've had intense one-on-ones with Kam about this)

    here's my sorter


    4 Zero
    5 Orochi
    6 Grey
    7 Takumi
    8 Harold
    9 Shinonome
    10 Leon
    11 Marx
    12 Flannel
    13 Nishiki
    14 Kagerou
    15 Odin
    16 Subaki
    17 Shigure
    18 Aqua
    19 Siegbert
    20 Charlotte
    21 Mozume
    22 Kinu
    23 Matoi
    24 Ophelia
    25 Ryoma
    26 Sakura
    27 Velour
    28 Soleil
    29 Oboro
    30 Kaze
    31 Deere
    32 Luna
    33 Felicia
    34 Benoit
    35 Silas
    36 Hinata
    37 Asama
    38 Gunter
    39 Ignis
    40 Lutz
    41 Kisaragi
    42 Fuuga
    43 Hinoka
    44 Belka
    45 Kanna (Female)
    46 Joker
    47 Anna
    48 Midoriko
    49 Eponine
    50 Setsuna
    51 Elfie
    52 Kanna (Male)
    53 Kazahana
    54 Hisame
    55 Yukimura
    56 Sophie
    57 Camilla
    58 Asura
    59 Mitama
    60 Nyx
    61 Lilith
    62 Elise
    63 Crimson
    64 Pieri
    65 Rinka
    66 Yuugiri
    67 Foleo
    68 Syalla
    69 Izana
    70 Tsukuyomi

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