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Posts posted by Bohemund

  1. From what I found Renais is both a first and last name, but I've not see any city with it's name. Ostia refers to a port town near Rome. Grado also seems to refer to an old city in Italy.

  2. True, true. I changed it anyway, I just thought it would make for an interesting discussion. To be frank, it was rather pleasant.

    P.S: I warn against a certain someone giving some kind of smug "victory" or degrading remark.

    A logical discussion between two individuals is most pleasant. It's a shame it rarely happens. If anyone were to break into a victory dance, it'd have to be me. Afterall, I did produce flawless logic to back my claims.

    Oh... and I framed that fourth one. It's nice to have an even batch. It's just like a new set of coffee mugs!

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