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Everything posted by YayForYuffie

  1. Nowi's rated high for her great growths, her permanent 1-2 range, being a Manakete, and having green hair. Just throw her a defence tonic and/or a defence boost and she'll be laughing all the way across the battlefield. Henry would be proud!
  2. As long as a character is promoted, they can reclass to any of their other classes, promoted or unpromoted once they're at a high enough level. EG: Lissa Sage -> Valkyrie. EDIT: Ninja'ed by Ana. Woe is me!
  3. Maribelle. Maribelle has to be my favourite character in the game, hands down. She's eloquent, refined, compassionate, and has a horrendous sense of humour. She completely subverts expectations, as well as being in my (admittedly biased) opinion one of the best developed characters in the game. When she's first introduced, Maribelle is shown to be VERY caring about Lissa, the reasons of which we don't discover until her A support with Lissa. She then is shown treating Vaike with a certain amount of disdain. This gives the impression that Maribelle is the stereotypical elitist noble, glaring down on those from a lower class. Once again, we see in her supports how this is incorrect, with one of the first things she asks Vaike if she's a snob, and thinks she's "A sad, inexcusable woman who is proud and vain beyond her station". She again subverts our expectations in her supports with Donnel, which I personally expected would start with her dismissing him. Instead, she teaches him how to dance. Oh, and law. I shall deal with that topic later. Vaike succinctly sums up my point with "...The Vaike ain't wrong often, but maybe this time... I could be? Maybe I misjudged that woman..." Now for Maribelle's passion for the law. We can see how she strives for equality in her supports with Libra. "A child cast out by her parents was driven by hunger to steal from an aristocrat. Yet should a noble commit the same crime to the commoner, the sentence is light. Surely that cannot be considered justice! All must be equal in the eyes of the law, else we cannot claim them fair." She even decides to wage a war of justice after the current war is over. "I'll fight each battle until none suffer under the burden of an unequal body of law. Now for why she is so passionate about the law, and justice. Warning, delving into headcanon territory. This, I believe, we can attribute to Gaius. More specifically, how he saved her fathers life after he was nearly put to death. This clearly has had a huge effect on Maribelle. I think it was Gaius' actions that brought the law to her eyes, and further research brought the issues with the law to her attention. It also, I think, gave her a passion for helping what is right prevail. "Virtue and right always prevail in the end." Virion. Virion, as most people can agree, is one of the best developed characters in the game. We can see in his supports with the Avatar that he's an able strategist, and possibly the person who replaced the Avatar as tactician in the bad!future. He's also obviously holds a great love for his country, and I'm fairly certain that the letters Lissa saw him sending were to check up on the status of Rosanne. He actively funds the war (see Frederick supports). I can't really say anything more about him that hasn't already been said. Oh, and he's a smashing dancer. Brady. Brady is another fascinating character. He initially appears as a thuggish character, hunched over with scars and messy hair. Like his mother, he subverts expectations. He's extremely sentimental! Eg, flowers cause tears. He has severe self esteem issues, and he wants to get stronger. He loves his mother, and all around is a great character in my opinion. Tharja. Yes, I'm serious. Now, I'll just say this now - I'm not a fan of Tharja. She's a weird stalker, and I'm 90% certain that she poisoned the Avatar to spend time with them. But why she is the way she is is what I find intriguing about her. I think that she may herself have had an abusive childhood, and may think that that's the way to treat a child. At least, that's how I view it so that I don't hate her. We do see that she cares for Noire, and I operate under the notion that she was experimenting on her to help her improve, and that's how she expresses her love for Noire. We all know about Tharja's more obvious, creepy side. She does have her kind side, which tends to be ignored when talking about her. But we do see her caring side in most of her supports, for example with Gregor, Donnel, Virion (in a weird, roundabout way), Vaike, Kellam, Lon'Qu, Ricken, and Nowi. It's also possible that she has self esteem issues, as she uses Gaius as a guinea pig for a curse to make people see her good side, which I think reveals that she has misgivings about how she acts. Cherche. Cherche is both a both a badass and a lady. I'd say more, but it's all been said before, and I used most of my will to write on Maribelle, and Tharja picked up the rest.
  4. For Maribelle, a good path (in my opinion) is to go Troubadour (10) > Mage (10) > Sage 15 > Dark Flier (15) > Valkyrie. It gives her Demoiselle, Magic +2, Tomefaire, Dual Support+ and Galeforce. It lets her play both an offensive role, and as support also. Of course you might not want to give Maribelle so many seals, so you could cut out Mage or Dark Flier. You could use Resistance +2 instead of Magic+2 if you're cutting out Mage, and you could bring out Focus instead of Galeforce if she's not going through Dark Flier.
  5. As a matter of interest, how big of a difficulty spike is it going from Lunatic to Lunatic+? I'm in the midst of my first Lunatic run, and after the first few chapters, and two good Risen spawns, it seems to have eased up considerably.
  6. Old Hubba confirmed that Emm prefers Gangrel to Aversa. She feels safe with Gangrel, who considers her a fashion disaster. Aversa admires Emm, but Emm thinks that they have bad teamwork.
  7. Panne's growths make me sad. Taguel (10) - > Wyvern Rider (20) - > Wyvern Lord (20) stats are better than Lissa, who has been through Cleric, Sage, Troubadour and Dark Flier.
  8. I share a birthday with Chrom. My sister shares a birthday with Lucina. I laughed for some reason when I saw that.
  9. I'm not sure whether or not the argument was all in jest or not. This wouldn't happen if everyone joined the glorious Maribelle army. My ability to be subtle remains unparalleled.
  10. Not a joke, so much as a funny coincidence. Ricken's voice actor (as mentioned before) is Yuri Lowenthal. Miriel's voice actress is Tara Platt. Apparently, before the game was released, or the English voices were revealed, Ricken and Miriel was a common ship (according that what I've read. For all I know, it still is). Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt are married in real life.
  11. I brought out Cords (I gave her a nickname, because I'm too lazy bother calling her Cordelia all the time) and Severa for some support training. Cords and Severa go to attack an enemy, and Cords misses her attack, and gets criticaled, leaving her with 5 HP. I had been planning on a quick, get in, kill, get out (Yay Galeforce!). There's no units nearby to attack and get rid of the enemies (5 of them). My turn ends. The enemies attack, and I'm resigned to Cords shuffling off the mortal coil. Suddenly, Severa intercepts and defends her mother. Thanks, Severa, but your mother's still kind of screwed. Cords is attack again, and again, Severa protects her. All of the nearby enemies attack, and Severa takes all of the hits. This actually also happened before with Cynthia, just with fewer enemies (and also no chance of death, but it's the thought that counts). Severa redeemed herself, and I've lost all disdain for her. I never thought a character would rescue themselves from my Scrappy heap like that. Damn Severa.
  12. According to crazy theories that I totally didn't steal from elsewhere, it's canon in the alternate timeline because of both Morgans. Yay, drama!
  13. Just a slight bit of confusion for me. In Lucina's B support with Chrom, she talks about how he would always share little tidbits with her in the future. I thought Chrom was killed during the premonition, which was prevented because of the premonition. I have quite the way with words. However, I thought the premonition only occurred because Grima went time travelling with Lucina and co. So would this not lead to a dead Chrom who would be unable to share these secrets with Lucina, who at the time, was a baby and thus would be unable to remember all these tidbits? Also, how does passing on skills work? I'm not sure, myself.
  14. But if we cut down, we don't get funny moments like "Chrom, don't screw with me today." or "The fear is officially flooding me. And Silvia MISSES at 86%, only for the boss to hit her at 55%. The fuck, Anna?". Can we keep those? Pweety pwease? I'd share some form of x% horror story, but I'm a filthy casual, and thus, have no fears because of retreating.
  15. Because Pegasi are aesthetically pleasing. I voted for it, as Galeforce leads to more fights, which leads to more experience, so obtaining all the other skills would (theoretically) take less time.
  16. My first playthrough was my very first time playing a Fire Emblem, and thus, I hadn't the foggiest what the hell a "support" was. and the game married my character off to Chrom. I don't think we even had a C Support at that point. I was more than slightly baffled. Second playthrough - Maribelle. Until she was recruited, I was debating between Miriel and Lissa, while being a tad miffed that Maribelle wasn't recruitable. And then she was recruited. Third playthrough - Chrom, because of those powerful kids! Henry and Lon'Qu are considered. Fourth (upcoming) - Maribelle. I think it may just always be Maribelle.
  17. For me, Chrom!Morgan and Henry!Cynthia worked together absurdly well, with Cynthia killing most things, and Morgan popping in to protect her from attacks most of the time, and to finish off whoever had the audacity to still be alive. Later on, when I was getting all the supports with all the characters (except for S, because I don't think I would be able to handle all those replays) I teamed up Vaike!Severa and Henry!Cynthia, and they had the weirdest relationship. Even before they had a C rank, Severa was dual guarding quite literally EVERY hit, and dual striking every second hit. Secret best friends!
  18. The barracks have a very odd fixation with making Gangrel and Lissa talk to each other.

  19. This could be my bias towards the two characters, but I have to say Maribelle and Brady. They play off of one another so well.
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