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Everything posted by YayForYuffie

  1. "Dusk, you go look for Klotho. You're in better shape then I am. I'll ensure that Weaver has a place to stay, and keep him occupied until Nathaniel arrives."
  2. "A lot of people have parents sir, I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific." Yuffie stayed a cautious distance away from the man. He looked fairly harmless, but looks could be deceiving. He reached into his pack, and help onto Florence.
  3. Klotho missing? Crap, not good! Yuffie would have gone in search, but they couldn't risk someone attacking the camp while the others were out searching. Grumbling to himself, he stayed in camp, and kept on guard.
  4. Posts with the stealth and speed of one who is secretly a ninja.
  5. Has a Larry tracker hidden away somewhere.
  6. "Oh... I... I see." Yuffie's shoulders slumped. "I... I should go." Yuffie walked away from the others.
  7. Yuffie rolled around on his bed, murmuring in his sleep. "Let's get beautifurhhhhhhh... Troglodytes... Ngrarghhh."
  8. Omegle is an okay way to kill time, once you get past all of the people who desire... sexual gratification.
  9. Can we compromise for the Shadow Realm? *badumn tss* Please don't kill me.
  10. I could barely understand the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game back in the first generation, never mind the newer generations. Then again, I was (and still am) a filthy casual.
  11. "Kat, I found this when I was burying Charlotte. I thought you might want it." Yuffie hands Kat the Book of Naga, and leaves.
  12. [spoiler=Charlotte]Yuffie carried Anna Charlotte back to the base, refusing to share his burden. He knew Aimee would hate him for killing her, for calling them clones. But he wasn't going to bury Charlotte's body because of that. In actuality, he didn't know why. He carried her to a cemetery, and laid her on the ground. Using a shovel, he began to dig her a grave. Again, he refused to allow anyone else to help. He killed her. He owed her a grave, at the very least. No. He owed her a life. He had no right to take hers. That was the part of war he hated most. Taking a human life. Killing Risen, no problem. But people? That was always difficult. Knowingly taking someone from their family was the hardest thing a person could do. And the cruellest. But he did it anyway. He continued shovelling. The grave was halfway done. Her words came back to mind. I killed her because she was an Anna. Because of her family. For all I know, we could have ended it peacefully. She could have taken Aimee away. Spared her of this heartbreak. But I chose to turn it to violence. What did she mean that we would destroy all we loved by killing the Anna's? That made no sense. Would we be destroying ourselves somehow? Destroying the world? Destroying the way back home for those who are stranded here? Maybe it was just battlefield bluster? Finally, he had dug a grave for Charlotte. He clambered out. Filthy, but he didn't care. He lowered Charlotte into her tomb, and began to cover her in soil. Eventually, the grave was filled. Having no gravestone for the deceased woman, Yuffie instead fashioned a grave marker for her with sticks and paper. Here lies Anna Charlotte. Slain before her time. May her Goddess grant her an eternal rest from the turmoil of this world.
  13. "So you wish to devolve to violence? Shameful. But if you so desire it, then I shall acquiesce." Raising Celica's Gale, he fired out a blast of powerful wind magic. The magic sent Char-Char stumbling off balance, dealing 31 damage. As she staggered back, Yuffie noticed a weakness in her armour. His eyes narrowed. "I am sorry for what I must do." He twirled for no adequately explained reason, and Charlotte was struck by the mighty wind magic yet again, dealing 46 damage. The gale sent Charlotte and her horse flying back through the air, and they crashed into the group, unmoving, trailed by sparkles that Yuffie could have sworn were not there before. Yuffie walked over to Charlotte and her horse. He removed her helmet, and checked for a pulse. There was none. Anna Charlotte was dead. Anna Charlotte was dead by his hand. He sighed heavily. Leaning down, he picked the deceased woman up. Her words were going to haunt him. He knew that much. "I'm taking her back to the base. She... she deserves a burial. I think Aimee would like to say her goodbyes."
  14. Yuffie turned around while Anna Char-Char was ranting, and killed Blenderina and Snuffles with Celica's Gale, before turning back to face Char-Char. Aimee then struck him in the face with her staff. (Yuffie Disapproves (-5)). Yuffie stood back up then struck Char-Char across the face, hard. He then hissed at Aimee. "How DARE you imply that I know nothing about loss?! How DARE YOU!? Because of you STUPID Anna's and your STUPID lust for power, my FAMILY is all dead! My WIFE is dead, my SON is dead, my other son is NEVER GOING TO SEE HIS MOTHER! My home was destroyed, and I had to bury family upon family, friend upon friend! I know ALL about broken promises! I promised my wife that I would protect her and our children with my life. They're dead. I'm still here. I swore to my people that I would stand by them under assault. They lie dead. I yet draw breath. I promised my son a future. I promised to show him Ylisse, and Ferox, and everywhere I could take him. I can't do that now. I can't show him anything. I can't see him smile, or laugh, or play his violin, or talk with his friends. Because he's dead. They're dead. And it's all your fault." "Yes, we have killed. Why have we killed? So that future generations don't have to suffer your tyranny. Destroyed villages, starving families, death, destruction and mayhem. All of this has been caused by you and your family. Thousands upon thousands slaughtered. Yet you have the audacity to complain about a few of your own dead? You make me sick. Your sisters are responsible for the deaths of innumerable people, including MY family. Yes, for these crimes, you do deserve death. To do otherwise would be an insult to the lives you have taken." "As for the sisters of yours we have buried? I do not know. And unlike you, we had the decency to bury those whom we killed. You speak of your tight-knit family. Don't make me laugh. I saw how your precious sister stood in a sea of her sisters blood. I saw her impale one of her sisters on her sword. I've heard about all of your infighting, your treacheries and your murders. Don't you dare speak about family. You know nothing of the sort."
  15. Seeing Anna Char-Char ranting at Klotho, Yuffie realised it was his sacred duty to get all up in this business. He stormed up to Anna Char-Char, forced her hands off of Klotho, and unleashed the Kraken. "How DARE you talk to her like that, you insolent, ill-bred little floozy? No-one takes that tone with Klotho unless it's been approved of by at least three of her close friends!" Klotho kicked Charlotte in the stomach. Yuffie snapped his fingers in approval. Klotho then punched her in the head. "I don't know what sort of backwater swamp you came from, scum, but I assure you that we do NOT take your tone and words kindly. What's more - I highly disapprove. You know nothing about Klotho. You have no right to say those things to her, you vulgar miscreant. I don't care how tight-knit your adorable family of clones is - no-one speaks to my friends like that and get away with it! So either you apologise to Klotho and PROMISE to never speak like that again, or I unleash a world of pain upon you!"
  16. *gasps* "No! Ted is DEAD! AGAIN!" Distressed greatly by the untimely death of Ted, Yuffie scanned the battlefield again, and spotted Aimee snuggling up with *shock, horror* ANOTHER Anna! "Oh my stars and garters, there's another Anna." Tempted as he was, Yuffie resisted the urge to pretend to faint. There was a battle to supervise.
  17. Yuffie waved Fortify around dramatically. There was healing to be done, and there was one for everybody in the audience! Everyone was healed for 41 HP, and Yuffie resumed glaring at the Risen. Dan just stabbed poor old Ted.
  18. This Fortify staff sure is useful, Yuffie thought to himself, as he healed all the others for 41 HP.
  19. "Ohh, thanks for the Fortify, Phoiby! You look pretty banged up yourself. This should help you out!" Using Fortify, Yuffie healed all of the Dreamers, Aimee and Phoibus for 41 HP.
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