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Everything posted by Alvitazi

  1. But since Counter is one of the options to pass down, Noire would have to learn Sol / Lifetaker on her own. If you're lazy to get it like that, then my final suggestion would be to just go Movement +1.
  2. Tomichael and Shadowfrost have been gone for some time now, but they're my last two supports. Can I get someone else?
  3. Counter could help with her bow-only option. If Noire will become a Sniper, anyways.
  4. I personally prefer Counter, over Movement +1. If not Counter, then Pass. And for Tharja, I'd say Lifetaker.
  5. It's pretty annoying (if your units can't handle the reinforcements). They start coming on turn 2.
  6. At least he has a lot of speed. On EXPonential growth, Ricken and Nowi (no pair up), cannot double the Risen. By their base stats.
  7. Why is that? I actually like Counter, but reading some of the previous remarks about it, they say it's situational, and is better suited on the enemy. But why would Henry be better than Gaius?
  8. He can give Lifetaker? That's decent. Lethality, maybe... Lucky Seven? Eh. Acrobat? I make her a flying unit. Counter... maybe. And barbarian.
  9. It's natural that Dark Fliers have a higher magic cap than their strength, right? If so, why is Sumia's strength so much lower than her magic? I know it's SUPPOSED to be lower, but I don't think by 12.
  10. Oh. Myrmidons. That doesn't really make much sense... but I guess they need another class to fill it.
  11. Well, thieves can promote to assassins. What's the other class?
  12. No... it's impossible for all children to have thief at once. Only 7 can have thief at once.
  13. Then... no Morgan! Can't all children becomes thieves? With the right fathers?
  14. You should've allowed children, to get as many thieves as possible.
  15. Henry's quote isn't as great as everyone claims it to be... what's so great about it? And you can't say "he's so happy" or "nobody says it with the childlike glee".
  16. I'm guessing the ones without labels are still thieves?
  17. How do you determine the magic type someone is, if they gained 'Tome' as a new weapon type? Meaning, how did you determine that Lissa is Fire, Sumia is Wind, and Maribelle is Thunder?
  18. It sounds matter then FeMU's "Yes!" When FeMU says it, it sounds like she's choking or can't breathe.
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