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Everything posted by Tasigat

  1. I don't quite get why Riot would have to make free runes weaker, i mean they don't last longer than one week and are for testing purposes and, well the champions from the rotation aren't weaker either :/ And persoanlly feel that the randomly unlocked runes upon upleveling as well as the bundels are a nice thought (as in would buy), but for me don't quite capture the "free rotation" spirit. This has to do with their random nature, because you cannot decide which runes you would like to try, but rather that you are trying the runes that are given to you. I think ot's a really nice addition for new players to test out the rune feature via randmo runes as a whole, but you cannot playtest specifics/customise, bacause of the randomness. On the whole topic of random features that actually grant power, this could be a little imbalanced as some players might get really good runes (armor seals say hello) while other players get rather obsure ones. This however has more to do with the imbalance in the whole rune system rather than in the randomness of giving out runes to new players. ... Maybe players could get some set of fixed standard runes and the rest are random (like 3- fixed, 6- random)? I hope that this is at least somewhat understandable and that you get my point ^^ Oh and this should not come of as rude or flaming or anything like that, i just find it hard sometimes to properly express emotions through a text :)
  2. I have been playing for 1 1/2 half year and haven't even earned 200.000 IP D: Interest, your article was interesting (sry couldn't help myself with the joke :P) And i agree that the rune pricing is pretty off and at least for me a major turn off to invest in non standart-runes, but i'd like to know what you think about a "free rune rotation", simillar to the free champinon rotation. This way new players could test how runes work and which runes they like, and more experianced players could try out rune sets that are tailored for a certain champ if said rune is free, so they don't have to buy and potentially (if they dont like the outcome) waste a lot of IP.
  3. I have no idea what kind of drug this Skarner had, but i want it too. ^^ Also i'm so looking forward to try Yasuo in his free week, fail and feed hard and decide against buying him, until his sexyness overwhelms me and i do it anyway :D
  4. Oh god Raven, Psych sorry for playing so bad today ;__;
  5. I like dark balsamico vinegar on white bread with cream cheese and boiled ham ^^ Actually i enjoy balsamico vinegar on lots of different meals, like fried noodles for example. And i loooove broccoli <3
  6. I'm also playing on a pretty shitty laptop, that was made for writing text documents and browsing, and i have set everything on the lowest possible level and it does help. And if your pc crashes during a game just reconnect, apologise and say what happend. Some people will belive you others won't, but at least you said the what happend and what they do with the info is up to them.
  7. \o/ yay :D Hmm i think Kayle would be a good pick up not only because you liked her but she is also very versatile and doesn't cost much ^^ I guess you should try some out of the free champs and just get what you liked and enjoyed playing, and you don't really have to buy whats considered strong/OP at the moment, just get what you enjoy, that's what games are made for imo. It also helped me to spectate some of the featured games, from champions that i found interresting, to see what they actually do and how to generally play them. Or just buy what you think looks pretty, just like i did and Janna (my second buy after Ashe) was a TOTAL SUCSESS! @ Raven: lol that Renekton thing actually made me laugh ^^
  8. .. i don't know what to say A smurf account is a new/low level/low elo one that an experianced player made. Sometimes it referrs to a account from a high level player especially. And, OMG i just had such an epic game, like wow i'm still flashed .__. So We had a solo q Riven top, Voli jungel, i was mid with Orianna, and Graves - Soraka bot (we were 4 premades with teamspeak). Enemy team: Renekton top, Eve jungle, Kata mid, Kog - Nid bot. So yeah in champ select Riven instalocked and we were like: uhg - ok. Then in game she has 44 Ap. and 44 Ap only. ON RIVEN. Anyway she got pretty owned but still played somewhat deced or at least tried to (didn't watch her much though). Then in mid game it was back and forth we won some fights and lost some, but it became worse for us as time went on. Then Riven wanted to surrender over and over but it wasn't really that hopeless. Anyway we started to loose more fights and our mid inhib and then Riven just went "LoL I dont even care anymore" mode and engaged in really wired situations and got caught a lot and then - rage quitted. So we were 4v5 and were already loosing. BUT WE DIDN'T because our Graves and Voli were moderatly fed and i don't know why but the enemy decided to just focus Voli, and if they didn't we were still able to survive and peel for Graves :D So Voli tanked shit while still doing good damage, Graves was hitting like a truck, i landed some pretty good shockwaves and provided nice speed boosts and shields and Soraka healed every damage we ever got back. I'm still flashed from this game, wow *__* I will sill tell my children about it
  9. I'll add you as well, lightdasher, though i can't say if we can play together or not as i mostly play with people i know in rl. And i'll add you too Psych ^^ Maybe we can play a 5 premade SF game sometime :D?
  10. Ahhh i'm not often on these sites :/ But man it would be awesome IF they made it ^^ don't tell me the crossdressing assassin scared you away D: Anyway do you like LoL? Have you played similar games before?
  11. So i was on surrender@20 for the news when suddenly I don't know what to think about it .. but i think my fangirlism is taking over D: if it only was official
  12. There are may really cool hairstyles, but i think i like Tiki's the most - love that ribbon around the ponytail :D
  13. yes - whoops there go my panties! turns out he also voiced Inigo and that doesn't help my case. I am pleased that Riot is releasing more and more hot male characters :D One for all can be real fun - or reeeaaly boring, played a 10 Nidalee match yersterday and man that was soo tiring and annoying like wow.
  14. WHEN WILL IT BE PATCHED OMG CAN'T WAIT!!! What do you guys think of Koi Nami? I think about buying her on this sale but im not sure (and i have to buy Nami first (with IP) thought about getting her anyway)
  15. EU is pretty fucked up again :/ I just hope that the service maintainance and this planned datacerter in Amsterdam will slove things. Announcement OH and guess whats on sale :D Points at avatar :3
  16. This topic is so full of win. ... but what would happen if they also met Henry along the way D:
  17. I can only agree that the avatar someone has really does influence how i read thier posts, be it personalitly or expression wise, and that my mind likes to connect the avatar to the user. To be honest, this is the reason i changed my very first avatar because i think it doesn't quite suit how i like to portait myself on the internet ^^ (aka. more cheerfull :P)
  18. i would die in the prolog. no kidding ;__; real answer: probably dancer or a bow-wielding class
  19. Short cut-in that i agree with you guys here about The Beard's Voices exept Rhys. ^^ And that I'm exited about the forest scene C:
  20. Not much: Hextech Janna Arcade Sona Spellthief Lux Defender Leona Traditional Karma and Nottingham Ezreal only for dat spalsh and his bishounenpower and ironically not Infitraitor Irelia, although i used it as my avatar here for some time :D AND I AM SO GOING TO GET THAT CAT WITH A HAT aka Bewitching Nidalee C: However there are some more i would like to have but haven't bought (yet) as i am somewhat reluctant to spend money on LoL, a free to play game, but it does benefit the company so uuurgh ... And i feel kinda wierd buying a skin for a Champ i don't use very often, for example i love Mythic and Jadefang Cassiopeia, but i don't play her at all :/
  21. Native: German (actually surprised that no other germans are around, or rather, have posted in this thread so far) 8 Years of studying english and i use it pretty much everday on the internet, so i would say that i'm pretty fulent in it(and it was my best subject in my final exams, though it was only an oral exam) However i always have a tab with an online dictionary open for words or phrases i don't konw. I had 5 years of Latin in school and was actally pretty good at translating, but rather slow sometimes if i didn't get the meaning right away and i wanted to do i acuratly and produce german sentences that didn't sound like shit, which lead to some fails in exams becuase of the time limit >.<. But now i don't think i would be able to translate much anymore and tbh i never really felt very safe with latin even though i could handle it. I was in a frensh playing group in kindergarten when i was 4 :D And when i visited a friend in a Frensh speaking country i leart to say that i don't speak frensh - in frensh! and well that about all i can say (and "do you want to sleep with me?" after this popular song, and "i love you" durr this i going to get me far in paris, right? ... riiiiight? lolnope)
  22. So i turned 18 no long ago, which is the legal age in my country and well i bought a bottle of Baylies, not because i wanted it that badly, but because i could do it and it was a special offer Also, i am looking forward to drive alone whenever i want, as soon as i finish my driver's licence. Funnily enough people i don't know well often think/thought that am i older, probably a bit because of my behaviour around strangers and in school i was one of the youngest in my class, but didn't look like it so people often asumed that i was older. But i can be super childish sometimes, especially around people i know better and i try to maintain this as it makes the life more fun :D
  23. I have orthography issues ^^ and when i have to write things in a hurry (like exams) thigs can get reeeealy ugly sometimes :D funnily enough i check my splling way more when i write in english than when i write in german afraid of getting grammanazied on the internet
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