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Posts posted by Luchi

  1. Things I'm sick of seeing in FE? Hmm... let's see:

    • The main lord is either a 'Marth-type'(whom the Japanese prefer) or a 'Hector-type' (whom the Americans prefer).
    • Obviously evil-looking antagonists.
    • Dragons/demi-gods/gods as final bosses (no, FE10 does not get a pass nor does being possessed by a dragon count).
    • Blue-haired male leads. Loses more points if they use a sword.
    • The more experienced late-game warrior having lower base stats than the (levelled-up) scrub you got in the early stages of the game. Worse if the pre-promotes base stats are complete trash. At least give them reasonable base stats if they don't have enough chapters to gain levels...
    • Storylines that resemble anime plots rather than telling a proper tale of war, morales, ethics etc (though FE4 tried, at least). IS should fire all their current writers and get someone like Matsuno...
    • Shipping wars. Made worse if the game is more than 10 years old. The newer ones I can understand, but the Tellius/Elibe shippers should just give up now. No-one cares if Hector ends up with Farina, or if Ike ran off with Soren/Ranulf. Wrt to Ike, fans should give it a rest about his sexual orientation. Why is this such a big deal? It makes zero sense to me.
    • The fandom arguing why the older games are better than the newer ones or vice-versa.
    • Fans complaining about fan-service.
    • Oh, and the constant arguments that sprout when a new Smash is announced about who will get cut and who won't.
    • Oosawa-Sigurd has more personality than his in-game self.
    • Ayra looks like an edgier version of Eirika in Heroes. Maybe too edgy.
    • Elincia is a milksop in FE9 and has awful taste in men. Her Heroes art is horrid and she REALLY looks like she needs to take a pee. Don't get me started on her voice.
    • I wonder how Lucia became Elincia's retainer with those base stats in FE9... About the only good thing about her sucking stat-wise in FE9/10 is that she can't possibly get worse when she eventually gets added to Heroes. Same deal with Bastian.
    • Lucina... Time-travelling doesn't work for a series like FE. Sorry, sweetie, even if you daddy did screw up super bad. Still <3 you in Heroes though.
  2. I'm back after a 8-9 month hiatus on this game (got sucked into Granblue, still playing it), and was relieved that I didn't delete my old data (I just uninstalled FEH) and had around 209 orbs, which I pushed up to around 320+ thanks to the overwhelming number of orbs just waiting to be collected.

    Amusingly, my first 5-star pull in months was Redhardt and I got him on my second summoning attempt. However, he is +SPD/-DEF. I wanted Leif as well, but got a second Rein (+SPD/-HP).

    Will conserve my remaining 200+ orbs for when Ayra (so I can bench V!Ike, I can't stand him) and Hector appear on a banner, since I really want DC fodder for the Redhardts (and Ayra when I eventually get her). I'm still kicking myself for merging 2nd Haxtor into the first one...

  3. 1 hour ago, Troykv said:

    I personally admire more her to have the guts to post this instead of repress herself (because Ike is a really, really popular character); there are some things I have my doubts too, but she definitively has valid points.

    Yeah, like I give rat's fart about a rabid fangirl's opinion who will go to ANY lengths to protect her precious Ike. :/

  4. So, apart from killing off my least favourite FE character, this is how I would have handled him. Or at least, made him more interesting.

    Ike, as the son of a noble house that has pledged its fealty to Crimea, leads his troops into battle againstDaien on behalf of his ill father. He is extremely confident in his ability with the sword ( due to having Greil for a mentor and receiving daily tutoring from Crimea's top swordsmen; incidently, he'd probably be sparring partners with Lucia and he'd know Elincia) but makes a couple of mishaps. His recklessness and arrogance causes the losses of many casualties and he is forced to reassess his behaviour (much like Hector, he's a fight now, ask questions later type of person). He is guilt-stricken and worried if his strength will be enough.

    (That bit was taken from my 3K word essay on why I hate Ike and how I'd make him 'flawed').

    Of course, he wants nothing to do with the nobility after he finds out they're merely exploiting the commoners for their own ends, then severs his ties, and becomes a mercenary. But after Greil dies of illness, Ike has no choice butto assume his noble duties, just like Hector. This also conveniently removes the Black Knight from the picture (who is oneof the worse villains in the series) and prevents Ike from taking the tried-and-tested yawnfest of seeking revenge for daddy's murder. He'd have no need to become stronger if he is already an established general in his 20s.


  5. Least favs:
    Ike. Kill him off the way the Mountain kills Oberyn Martell in Game of Thrones Season 4: That is,crushed, eyes gouged out and head smashed in. Less violent version: Have him hanged after he yells at Sanaki.
    Makalov: Have him die of alcohol poisoning.
    Sothe: REALLY have Tibarn throw him off that cliff in RD.


    Lucia: Fix her god-awful base stats in FE9, give her more playtime/screentime in RD and give her back her godlike FE9 growths.
    Elincia: Have her be the main character in PoR. Get rid of her horrible damsel-in-distress persona.
    Sigurd: Make him more like his Oosawa-manga self.

  6. In an earlier post in this thread, I was toying with whether I disliked Sothe or Ike more. Well, in this 3000 word essay, I finally have my answer. And it is entirely relevant to this thread.

    The many, many reasons as to why I dislike Ike:

    He has no flaws that hurts his character development, whether it's in PoR/RD. When he calls out on another character ( Sanaki, Lucia/Bastian etc. ), it just makes him look better by comparison. I'd have thought that anyone who would yell at the Apostle would get thrown in jail, but no. For an example of character flaws, see RD Elincia (inexperience)/Lucia (overconfidence). Or Jill (bigotry ). They all grow from this. Hell, even Miccy is flawed. Ike? No. Not even in FE9 is he flawed.

    Sure, he 'hates' the nobility, but that's not a flaw. If IS had stuck to making him a noble who comes to realise how flawed the class hierachy is on Tellius, and watched how they would abuse the commoners (eg. Ramza from Final Fantasy Tactics ), then becoming a merc would have made perfect sense.

    Then again, the only 'evil' nobles on Tellius are from Begnoin, and this is only shown much later in RD. If they had expanded on some of the more corrupt, power-scheming nobility from other countries (eg. Ludveck), the story as a whole would have been improved upon greatly AND give a solid reason for Ike's 'dislike of nobles'.

    A true flaw is one that forces a character to rethink their actions and change their way of thinking. It's also an obstacle that probably would have resulted in some kind of tragedy. Sure Ike starts out as a green recruit but nothing he ever does results in him forcing to rethink his ways (he may have disobeyed Titania's orders, but the nepotism is so strong here that Ike doesn't even get slapped with punishment. And it's all down to the narrative once more kissing his arse. How convenient that word of Daien's invasion just happens to occur when Greil was about to punish his son...Then guess what. He kicks the bucket a week later, but I put this down to his arrogance, so I wasn't sorry at all that he died.

    Imagine this scenario for an instant:

    Ike, as the son of a noble house that has pledged its fealty to Crimea, leads his troops into battle against Daien. he is extremely confident in his ability with the sword (due to having Greil for a mentor and receiving daily tutoring from Crimea's top swordsmen; incidently, he'd probably be sparring partners with Lucia and he'd know Elincia) but makes a couple of mishaps. His recklessness and arrogance causes the losses of many casaulties and he is forced to reassess his behaviour. He is guilt-stricken and worried if his strength will be enough.

    There. A perfect example of a character flaw.

    He never makes a mistake and is always right.

    He only becomes who he is simply because he just 'happened' to come across Crimea's princess. And this just leads from one contrived coincidence to another.

    While I don't mind one or two coincidences (they are needed for some form of plot progression ), FE9 takes it to ridiculous extremes. From his father's  connection to BK; who is not only the right hand man to Ashnard, but he is ALSO connected to the big bad in FE10. BK also just happens to be obsessed with surpassing his master, which leads to the whole claptrap of Ike 'wanting to become stronger' (how riveting).

    Ike's mother just so happens to be the only woman in the entire world (barring Mist) who could hold the medallion without going insane. And she just happened to cross paths with the sister of a heron prince who just happens to hate beorc. In a nutshell, if Ike's parents were perfectly normal, he'd be normal too. None of the other Lords parents in the series observe the almost stu-ish traits of Greil and Elena.. It would have made a lot more sense if the medallion had somehow found its way into the Crimean Royal Family. Then Ashnard would have at least have had a sound reason to pursue Elincia (which is what I do in my game)... The original game handles this in the most pathetic way however: The mercs refuse to hand her over, Daien attacks (did any of them know that one of the girls just happened to have the medallion that Ashnard was seeking so assiduously? Probably not. Another example of a contrived coincidence).

    People think Miccy is a Sue, eh? Well, just think about Elena next time you say that. At least Miccy's powers were attributed to her heron lineage. Elena just seems like an ordinary woman who was so 'oh my god pure she doesn't go crazy' when holding the medallion.

    THIS is an example of a sue trait, when no explanation is given whatsoever. It is basically 'Powers as the Plot Demands'. Just like with what happens to Ike at the end of RD: NO explanation is given why only he can land the killing blow on Ashera ("Because he's the main character!"some fans will say. BS, I say). A defining trait of a Sue/Stu is not only that they're flawless human beings. The entire narrative revolves around them and they are given positions of leadership and/or powers without any real explanation. People accept them unconditionally even if they have zero charisma (like Ike). People who dislike them/disagree with them are painted as obvious sleazeballs or the 'enemy' (see Shinon or Micaiah).

    Or on forums, the people who dislike Ike are branded as ‘Ike-haters’.

    Micaiah, for the record, is deconstruction of the Mary-Sue trope.

    Of course, the most telling aspects is when there is far too much Author Investment in the character; you can tell that whoever designed their special snowflake  (read: the developers of FE9/10) is putting FAR too much emphasis on their character's FEATS ( read: Ike ) and not their PERSONALITY. A classic Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu exists purely so awesome things can happen to them. Want further proof? Whenever Ike's fans talk about him, it's always about his feats, not his supposed 'personality'. Of course, there are some who go out of their way ( and try really hard ) to emphasise that he is well-written and even has FLAWS.

    I mean, I have to roll my eyes every time someone mentions Ike's 'bluntness' as a flaw. Despite his well-known shouting scene with Sanaki, did anything BAD happen to him as a result of this 'flaw'? No! It just made him look really damn good because even Elincia praised him for it. Because IS can't BEAR to paint Ike as the bad guy (see RD), amirite? Who can yell at little girls, tell them to stuff it, and walk away without incident? Or even better, talk down to dragon kings without getting fried?

    This situation is made even worse when the same little girl (Sanaki) makes him a 'Lord' (lol'ing at this because it is so bloody unbelievable), therefore granting IS' beloved special snowflake command of the entire Crimean Liberation Army. A special snowflake who was, LESS THAN A YEAR AGO, a pathetic green recruit of a mercenary company. In other words, he was the least qualified member to get this position (apart from 'child soldiers' Mist and Rofl).

    Let's take another example of a common Sue/Stu trait, shall we? They make other people (who are normally more intelligent, well-read, wiser, older etc ) look bad.

    Beginning of Chapter 24 of FE9, for example. Geoffrey is about to be ambushed by Daien's forces, Lucia wants to get Elincia away from it all to a safer place. Ike says no, because yada-yada-yada she's my employee and all that crap. Elincia goes against HER BEST FRIEND's wishes to side with Ike, despite the fact that Geoffrey is a KNIGHT and would gladly die for Crimea! Lucia (who is an extremely intelligent woman) looks like a complete fool after this scene. Because of Ike. She clearly had Elincia's best intentions at heart, but the scene is written so horribly that it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Once again, the writers are kissing Ike's arse to make him look good. One of the worst written scenes in FE9. Not to mention that Lucia's moment of true bad-assery in RD was ruined by Ike: All well that the mercs  saved her and all, but the scene is such pure Greil Mercenary fanservice that most people forget about it and her resulting pre-Execution speech.

    Let us count Gary-Ike's feats, shall we?

    - Has super awesome parents. Most Lords parents are perfectly ordinary.

    - Defeats the Mad King, one of the strongest humans alive.

    - Defeats the Black Knight. See above,

    - Becomes a mercenary commander AND a general before he is 18, despite there being far more experienced people in his army.

    - Gets lauded as a national Hero. Because of said contrived coincidences that led to it. And not as a result of him, but rather, Soren and Titania.

    - Becomes a legend by the time he is twenty. Again, all due to contrived coincidence.

    - Gets singled out by a god, despite said goddess granting almost equal power to other individuals.

    - Hailed as incredibly strong and the only person who can wield a giant stick of butter with one hand. But the Alondite exists too...

    - Defeats a god.

    - Unites an entire continent, ends racism. All laguz love him.

    - Gets praised alone at the end of Radiant Dawn, proving that FE10 was the Ike-show all along.

    I sometimes wonder if the developers (who LOVE their special snowflake) were intending to make a full Greil Merc sequel and decided to add in Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade at the last minute. Which could explain why they are so shockingly under-developed. Why put all that time and effort into develop FE9’s cast, but don’t bother with the new characters in FE10? Why, IS?

    Everyone except Shinon (who is my favourite GM) accepts Ike's leadership unconditionally after Greil dies, despite him having no leadership qualities. The one person who hates Ike is also presented as having some of the worst traits imaginable: a drunken, foul-mouthed racist... The other person who happens to leave the group isn't exactly a shining pillar of morality either: he's a womaniser. This is another common trait among Sues and Stus in fan-fiction.

    He is most probably illiterate with low IQ and EQ (emotional intelligence) to match. He is far from intelligent and his brash actions over the course of both games (let alone failing to control his emotions) is a sure sign of it.

    Essentially, he's nothing without Soren and Titania. Though if he had been a noble as mentioned earlier he at least would have had some experience with regards to military strategy and would have been ingrained with a bit of... diplomacy. Which a leader needs. A non-schooled illiterate who doesn't possess the slightest ounce of tact combined with a reckless persona is a disaster waiting to happen. A walking disaster who somehow ended up being hailed a national Hero and a general. If Ike was a real-life general in a war, he probably would have been killed in his first battle.

    Ashnard and BK having blessed armour is basically IS's way of saying: "Screw off everyone, we want our special snowflake IKE to land the killing blow on the last boss!" I still don't understand how the laguz royals could damage Ashnard. What did they have, blessed claws and beaks? Again, no explanation given.

    The blessed armour doesn't really fit Ashnard or BK: Both of them revels in fighting the strong; clothing themselves in impenetrable armour goes against the very ideal they live for. But both of them have literal plot armour so, yeah, you guessed it, special snowflake Ike can damage Ashnard, which makes for one of the most anti-climactic fights in the series: Ike doesn't even HAVE a connection with Ashnard, hell, he doesn't even know what Ashnard LOOKS like! So his self-righteous anger just looks pathetic in Repatriation.

     If anything, Elincia should have been the one to fell the Mad King. Boss fights against human opponents become riveting for one reason: The player character has a personal connection with their foe. And Ashnard is the big bad of FE9, NOT the Black Knight. Who is a classic example of a Villian Stu (since the Gary-Stu needs a foil, after all).

    Want more examples of how IS just LOVES Ike? His battle animations were the only ones that used motion capture, everyone else was modeled off animation sheets (even Ashnard and the Black Knight. See Vol I of the Tellius Recollection if you want proof). Even more: He gets not one, not two, but three Pref. swords over the course of his two games: Regal Sword, Ettard and Ragnell. Most Lords are lucky to have two. He is frequently touted as being the strongest Hero ever, this is paraded in not only FE:Heroes, but FE13 and FE14, hell even his Einherjar is referred to as the strongest ever by old Hubba and even calls Ike his favourite card (Hubba can't be trusted anyway). And Outer Realms are BS anyway.

    But probably the most blatant form of Ike worship happened in Heroes when the player couldn't damage him because Veronica made him unkillable. Yeah, Veronica turned him into God-Mode Stu. His Cipher cards are blatantly overpowered as well.

    No explanation is given either why only Ike can use Ragnell in PoR/RD when a twin sword of it exists: Same power, gives off the same 'shockwaves (which I attribute to being magic-based and not 'omg Ike is so strong he just SLAMS his sword into the ground and creates an earthquake!' ). Again, Powers as the Plot Demands, a common Sue/Stu trait. The 'omg he is so strong he uses a two-handed sword with ONE hand?' Have you even seen how the swordmasters/trueblades fight? They too, fight with only one sword hand...

    Made worse by the fact when the majority of the fanbase seem to forget that Alm exists too. Wielded a fairly large sword with one-hand? Killed a god? Trained by an elite swordsman? Check times three. And did it before Ike made it 'cool'.

    He gets called a 'veteran' (or rather referred to as one;  Sigrun's speech to him before 3-11 disgusts me despite the fact that Ike fought in only ONE war ( and even so, the GMs weren't even involved in a true war at any point). What the player sees in FE9/10 are just little skirmishes. The REAL battles were being fought by the armies of the Crimean Royal Knights and Begnion's forces. The mercs do not have the authority to lead the front lines. The snippet from 3-12 is pathetic as well, where the freakin' Holy Guard can't protect their bloody Empress, they need to run to IKE for help. Seriously...

    Let me not even get into his overpowered Endgame stat caps for both PoR and RD. But his Vanguard class is the worse example. How can a guy of 12 Con only have 3 less capped Speed than a Trueblade/Whisper? Not only is he bulky, but that armour has to really weigh him down ( or maybe the designers were thinking of giving him a 40 SPD cap minus three for the armour he wears... He gets praised as the strongest human on Tellius (because story > gameplay amirite?), but both Haar/Boyd/Nolan (with Gatrie tying for Ike with Str) have higher Strength caps. If his cap had been around 40 with less speed, I would have found it easier to believe.

    As for the Black Knight fight (and every fight before that): Ike's stats are calculated so that he absolutely dominates every single enemy save for Swordmasters in Part 3.

    While his RES is piss poor, mages are so uncommon and magic has been nerfed so Ike's 'flawed' stat doesn't even hurt him (unless he is being put to Sleep by Laura in 3-13 and gets thwomped with Purge by Miccy). See, even GAMEPLAY wise, his FLAW doensn't hurt him! Also has the Earth affinity, the most broken affinity in the game. BEXP also exists to mitigate all of his other stats (like his pathetic SPD and RES growths). So IS wasn't even trying to hide the fact that even when it comes to gameplay, their special snowflake is still overpowered.

    If the Black Knight had been fighting Ike at his full strength (40 Str and 45 MaxDef), BK would have won. But once again the narrative uses the BS excuse of warp powder weakening BK. It had no effect on him in PoR, where he used it several times. Ike only gained hammers on promotion in RD so he could score a cheap win with the Hammer (so even that cutscene when he fights BK with Ragnell is false).

    He is the only one who can defeat Ashnard and Ashera (though hacking RD has revealed that every single beorc unit had the 'Goddess Slayer' move, which is essentially a non-lethal critical animation. Ike's 'Great Aether' is exactly that: A non-standard crit, only he is surrounded by blue flames. Basically, he goes God-Mode Stu). Of course, this is all ridiculous in retrospect as well, because Ashera comes back centuries later and fuses with Yune, making the entirety of Endgame in RD a massive farce. Then again, Part 3 and 4 as a whole are dog shows.

    And worse of all, he steals Micaiah's spotlight, not only in Part 3 (which should have fleshed the DBs out more), but Endgame as well when Ike talks to Yune's spirit. I always thought that scene should have belonged to Miccy. RD should have been Miccy's game, not the Ike-show.

    He kills the entire narrative structure of both games because he is so boring. From his dull, unemotional manner of speaking to his terrible voice actor (who was thankfully axed in Heroes), you can't glean ANY sort of personality from him. Ever wonder why Part 2 of RD has one of the best narratives in the series? Because it had the best characters from the Tellius duology. Tellius suffers as a whole solely because of Ike.

    And the whole 'we are family' speech too. Ends up looking like a complete hypocrite after he disappears and is never seen again.

    Now you know why I HATE Ike.

    0/10 Worst Lord in FE.


  7. 36 minutes ago, Flee Fleet! said:

    Why is this wrong? They only stated the reasons as to why they hated him. It's not wrong for someone to state their reasons as to why they hate something.


    People are completely within their rights to dislike something indeed. But hating something without giving any reason just comes across as being shallow and petty. Not to mention it looks awfully hypocritical on Ana's part when someone hates her Ike but she's allowed to hate on Lucina, Micaiah, Mia etc. Only their fans show admirable restraint and never fly off the handle like she does.

  8. I've been designing jRPGs for around 8 years or so (all ftp) but I only seriously considered going commercial with my games recently. While I work full-time, I hope to make a success of my upcoming games (plot is primary inspired by focusing on political conspiracy and general power-mongering rather than save the crystals/world hogwash and the main characters are partially based off my favourite FE units) by honing my skills (mainly pixel art, writing, studying reverse-engineering guides on Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6 etc,) before I put my plans into action. 

    Granted, it isn't an easy road being a solo indie-game developer, but if I persist long enough with it, I can succeed.

  9. I haven't updated this project since March but I hope to move it forward soon. This game is basically for everyone who loves Elincia and would have prefered her as a main lord. Without sharing the spotlight with any male leads. After adding Mia, Lethe/Mordecai are probably next, followed by Jill.

    So there's that.

  10. Unpopular opinions, huh. This is probably like the third thread dedicated to it, lol.

    - FE9's story is hideously over-rated and just a bad video game in general.
    - Tellius would have been amazing if it wasn't for Ike. Elincia showed more character development in Part 2 of RD than Ike did during the entirety of PoR.
    - All FE plots are awful (yes, even FE4's). The writing is questionable as well.
    - Virtually every lord is a Sue/Stu in some way or the other. But Ike and Ephriam take the cake. I don't count Corrin because he/she is a self-insert which equals automatic Sue/Stu-status.
    - Jill is one of the most over-rated characters and units from Tellius. The fantasy racism cliche is so old by now.
    - Weapon durability and permadeath are poor gameplay decisions.
    - Eliwood and Roy need more love.

    -The Black Knight is an atrocity. I suppose he suffers from 'Sephiroth Syndrome: aka, you can get away with murder if you're cool enough.
    - FE8 has one of the best OSTs in the series.
    - I love using pre-promotes and hate shotas/lolis.
    - FE doesn't know how to do 'hard games'. Hard/Lunatic just amounts to stat-inflation, unfair balancing, excessive reliance on the RNG and/or cheap AI tricks.
    - FE's unit rosters are far too large. RD was ridiculous with its 70+ units, of which maybe 15 were viable for endgame. This is bad, bad design.


  11. Ah yes... I remember doing an AU FE high school/university RP on Discord. Amongst some of the stuff I did

    Sigurd and Diadora were the premiere love couple on campus. Siggy was also mortally afraid of attending any sort of BBQs and pretty much went full-panic mode when Grill Master Arvis set his sleeve on fire ( this joke will never die xD ). Ayra's kids were her 1st cousins, Lachesis was still obsessed with Elto while Finn moped in the background. Naturally, Cuan (who was dating Ethlin), Elto and Siggy were besties and the girls were gaga for them.

    Roy and Lilina were too adorable for words and Ike x Lucina were a crackship for lulz. Luci later dumped Ike  (since he was a typical dumb jock along with Boyd and Luci prefered brains over brawn ) for M!Robin and Chrom was none too  pleased. Naturally Ike went buddy-buddy for Soren. Elincia on the other hand was torn between Geoffrey and Lucia but went for Lucia in the end. Mia x Ilyana were dating as well and were often caught in the bathrooms making out. Actually, they were so raunchy they put Heather and Nephenee to shame.

    And a whole lot of other stuff.

  12. I know I threw in the towel I few days ago but..


    I wonder how viable it would be for me to get 40K for those 3 extra orbs... That's my main arena team, btw.

    Regardless, for someone who has never played an FE game on Hard, let alone Lunatic, I should feel rather proud of myself.

  13. Easily Lucia and Elincia. While I cannot stand how they handled Elincia in FE9 ( that damsel-in-distress trope should have been killed with fire over 20 years ago ), she pretty much redeemed herself in FE10 where she became this amazingly strong and confident queen who has clearly gotten over her foolish crush(es) from FE9 ( though I blame NoA for shoving that in ) and was ready to take the reigns of leadership. While it is true that Lucia didn't get a lot of screen-time (and as such, she gets interpreted as being flat/boring/just another loyal knight etc.), she doesn't need a character arc to show the bond she has with Elincia. It's as simple as that. You only had to look at their reunion scene in FE9 to get the gist of it. And it was wonderful. A well-written character(s) doesn't need to be verbose to explain their nature or what they stand for.

    I love the unbreakable bond she has with Lucia, hell, I love their whole relationship dynamic, and the beauty of it is that, no matter how you interpret it ( whether platonic or romantic ), you can't deny how close they are. The same can be said of her relationship with Geoffrey.

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