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Everything posted by Luchi

  1. I'm older by two years. Let's see here... FE7 was released in 2003, which means that the real 25th anniversary of western-FEs will be in.... oh, 2028. iirc, NoA didn't even 'celebrate' Blazing Sword's 10th year of release. Which means that they certainly won't do it for Tellius ( or even in 2017; RD's 10th. Good god, I'll be nearly 30 then... )
  2. Fairly large update ( yes, I'm still working on this ) -Update so far/changes: - Added a few new character-exclusive classes to the game. Who in their right mind will choose a boring Sentinel over an awesome Dragoon? The Dragoon ( an idea I picked up after viewing an excellent LP of FE7 CM ) is a physical powerhouse with insane Str and Def, innate +25 critical, but low Spd and terrible resistance to all forms of magical attacks. Also Lance-locked but does get the amazing 'Jump' ability. This is Aran's class. I wanted to differentiate him from Nephenee, who no longer gets Impale as a Mastery, but rather gets Luna. The Duchess is a variation of the Trueblade class with the ability to use magic-based swords ( the Sleep, Mercy and Stun Swords and the Tempest Blade ). She is also more support/defence orientated, with the Dual Support ability and can counter physical attacks with the 'Parry' passive skill. This class differentiates Lucia from Mia ( who is more offense orientated but like Aran, has terrible resistance to magic ). Trueblades also get +30 crit instead of +20. Sentinels get +15 crit. All Marshalls are weak against magic/armour effective weapons - More preferential weapons added to the 70+ or so I have in the database. - Enemies are exceptionally nasty. They were raised with their Order base stats up until Level 50. And mages rule here, plain and simple. If they survive long enough, that is. Random pairing is random but Miccy needed a bit of an Evade buff, which Dual Support does beautifully. Warriors have 128HP on HM. Data base stuff: Skill list. Average enemy Speed is 68 in Hard Mode. Better watch out for those Swordies. Just grabbed a couple of in-game stats to show how the playable units compare against the Order foes.
  3. I make RPGMaker games ( I finished up a 12 hour long RPG in RPGMaker VX in November last year after 4 years of development ), but Star Stealing Prince is one of my favourites. And I find it quite saddening that most people's favourite RM games are horror games and not JRPGs in general. ( le sigh, that genre needs to die in a hole ).
  4. I figured I'd post some of my non-FE related written works here. The following 1800+ word prologue is a brief introduction to the FE-inspired JRPG I'm working on ( may put up a topic soon ). I have written some FE stuff, but the majority is AU. It has quite a few parallels to PoR.
  5. - I abhor FE13/14's character designs, but love the Tellius ones. - I once removed Nihil from Ike and he got Eclipsed by BK ( because I hate his FE10 self. Wait, I hate him. Period. He's the sole reason I don't play PoR/RD anymore ). - I took base level RD Mia into 4-5 and she emerged as a Level 8-9 Trueblade by throwing Resolve on her. But I do think she is one of the most overhyped characters, both in terms of looks and battle ability. In that same chapter, I got Tibarn killed in his unshifted state because I wanted to see his death quote. - I data transfer Lucia and promoted her in 2-2 when playing Easy Mode. I'm still peeved to this day by what IS did to her ( gives her crappy bases but WTF growths in PoR, gives her decent bases in RD, but with now 0% availability and a 25% Str/15% Def growth >< ). I adore that woman and ship her with Elincia ( my OTP ). - I really, really yearn for an FE4-style game again. Not going to happen, I'm afraid. - I hate all the GMs except for Shinon. And I think Eternal Bond is the most overrated track in the series. - When playing FE7 for the first time, I thought the game had ended at the end of Lyn's story. - I managed to recruit Ira first time round when playing FE4. - I prefer characters with good backstories/personality traits/plot relevance as opposed to characters who have high bases/anime stereotypes/tropes etc. - I don't have a favourite FE game...
  6. Luchi

    My Creative Dump

    A sprite/image dump for the JRPG I'm working on. Besides, RPGMaker VX is nowhere near as restrictive as working in an FE editor. Yes, the MC is based off Lucia. Figured I would need to redeem her for being an absolutely sh*t unit in all three games she has appeared in. Comparison wise, Tristian is like a female Sigurd stat-wise. Still need to fix her legs. I made a bit of a booboo there. >< I redid the trees after those screens were taken. The lighting was just wrong. .
  7. As always,whenever Ike is mentioned, a sh*tstorm occurs. (sigh) Anyway, Ike then Sothe for least favourite Tellius characters.
  8. That art with Lucy/Ellie/Tits took me to a link to a doujinshii. And it is was like the first time I've ever seen Meg and Brom depicted in an FE manga. XD Good stuff.
  9. Played Genealogy, Sealed Sword, Blazing Sword, S.Stones, Radiance and Dawn. Gave up on Sealed Sword. Completed Blazing, Stones, Radiance and Dawn. Currently playing FE4 and it's my favourite one so far.
  10. Edited the Lightning sprite. Gave her a bit of a black outline and fixed some stray/missing pixels.
  11. Yeah, I'll do either Cloud or Lightning. XD I love their designs. Edit: x3 version. 16 colours incl. background. She was a bit tricky to do given all the detail and working with only 16 colours. Reference:
  12. Luchi

    My Creative Dump

    Moar sprites. BK without his helm. 20 colours. 29 colours. 21 colours. I decided to make retro-fied stuff from my old 2012 RD playthrough screens.
  13. Well, it's about time I decided to enter one of these. My entry is based off my MC from an RPG I made. Her name's Laine. She looks a bit like Lightning from FF13. Original size. x3 size. Reference
  14. I don't even know why Lucy and Stefan are on that list. They have like 0 availability, so comparing them to the other 3 is pretty moot. I still DT Lucy and use her, but w/e. No one cares about her, anyway.
  15. Did a video version for my OTP. Couldn't resist writing a romantic version as well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XJIpARVrYQ Background track is Ludovico Einaudi's Oltermare. Since non of FE10's regular tracks suit the tone of this convo.
  16. Snowy is welcome to do it, though. I'm a bit busy with other stuff, atm. ><
  17. Eh, I once made a forged Silver Bow for Geoffrey and called it Mango for shiggles.
  18. I don't care because I believe he is asexual. And lol at this whole thread...
  19. Luchi

    My Creative Dump

    @Shadowfrost: I am far more active over at the RPGMaker forums, tbh. XD Probably because I've been hanging around there for around 6 years, so yeah... Anyway, I decided to do a new sprite base based off my own style ( since every Tom, Dick and Harry does the GBA stuff around here ). Was a lot of fun doing them. x3 original size ( Man, Ike's head is small... Dude looks pretty lonely without his Ragnell, but I'm not giving him special treatment.) Tried to keep their height proportionate as well ( I'd wager Lucia is around 5'10, Tits at 6' and Ike at 6'2". Ellie is probably 5'7", ( even if she does only have 6 Con, she's still pretty petite ). Something completely random. Since I'm a Sims 3 fan...
  20. *facepalms at entire thread* Just how many times has this ridiculous topic been covered already?
  21. That is some of the best fan art I have seen in a long time. Its always nice to see art of under-appreciated FE characters.
  22. Ike just seems like a walking JRPG-hero stereotype to me. There's nothing about him that sets him apart from those clichés.
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