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Everything posted by Luchi

  1. Rabid Dawn has poop availability for 80% of its cast ( and poop plot except for Part II ) and Poop of Radiance has broken loladins. So yeah... the only thing I really like about these games are the character design and some of the music. Also, this topic is three months too early. -_-
  2. Well, Meg would be the only correct option for the ladies. On a more serious note: Tibarn, Stefan and Geoffrey. No-one else matters.
  3. Luchi

    My Creative Dump

    I'll bear it in mind when I do the other characters ( I should have started in reverse class order, with the Whispers first. Then they'd turn out crappy but the TBs would be rockin' by the time I got to them ). WIP of my OC ( she doesn't appear in any FE universe though, but the MC for my JRPG ).
  4. Luchi

    My Creative Dump

    Yeah, I haven't done some art in a long time and I always struggle with anatomy. >< I thought there was something about both Edward and Zihark that looked off. Was trying to take their height into consideration as well ( I'd imagine Eddie is about 5'6", Zihark at about 6' ). Thanks anyway. =)
  5. Updated the topic title, because I'm a Jane-of-All-Trades I'll be dumping some of my sprite-work, written works and images from an FE-inspired J-RPG I'm making ( female lead, brown hair, uses bows, 'nuff said ). That 3rd Tier project is going to take too much of my time, orz. General FE fanart: All my art is done with the mouse. Images from my RPG. Chibi sprites: Cuter than the FE GBA sprites. XD
  6. I haven't been working on it for a while though. I have another real big role-playing game project in the works that takes inspiration from FE but uses SMT's battle system. The 15 playable characters so far are: ( plus 5 extra units ). No laguz. Miciaiah, Nolan, Aran, Laura, Sothe from Part I. Elincia, Lucia, Geoffrey, Nephenee and Calill from Part II. Ike, Soren, Titania, Shinon and Mia from Part III. And the last five characters will probably be: Tauroneo, Jill, Gatrie for now.
  7. I'll list them in the order I played: FE7: Probably still my favourite FE ( until I finish Geneology, in any case ) of all time. Lyn Mode, while short and a bit of a slog to go through, was still a nice way to introduce first time FE players to the series. Don't get me wrong. I liked it so much that when the tutorial came to an end, I thought that was that and I was telling myself "No, this can't be the end. It's too short!" Then Eliwood Mode came along and the real fun began. Loved the characters ( Pent is one of my all time favourite mages/units and everyone knows how badass a SPD-blessed Hector is. Oh, and Raven too. And OsWIN ), gameplay was fun, plot was engaging, 'nuff said. For a GBA game, it was pretty lengthy ( I clocked in at around 24+ hours on my first playthrough ). This was also the only FE where I didn't dislike/hate a single unit. 9/10 FE8: Meh. 6/10 FE6: I really can't remember this one. All I remember is that it was pretty darn difficult, Roy was nothing like his daddy ( personality-wise, Eliwood is still one of my favourite Lords, but he takes 2nd place behind Hector ) and Marcus curb-stomped everything. Oh, and more than half my units were dead by the time I got past Murdock, so I stopped playing and never went back. I know there are supposed to be some interesting units if you read into the support convos, but believe it or not, I don't care for that crap. Yeah, I pretty much played all the GBA games without supports ( or if I did, I can't remember any of them, save maybe the Lords support convos in 7 ). Not rated, because I didn't finish. FE9: Hoo boy. The Tellius games. I have a love/hate relationship with those games. On the one hand, I really want to like them and put them in my top games of all time, but Ike's existence destroys it. I hate the guy. He is the most boring, dullest, Stu-ish Lord in the entire goddamn series. IS gives this dude so many favours its not even funny. It's like they were already trying to build up this Radiant Hero bullcrap in FE13 because of his feats. The only beorc who can damage Ashnard? Ike. The only beorc who gets the upper hand over Burger King? Ike. The most over-hyped unit in the entire series? Ike. The most overpowered sans-Sigurd/Celice unit in the series? Ike. And players can't relate to the guy because of his 'larger than life' feats. So I don't blame some players for outright disliking him. what makes/breaks a main character in any game, regardless of its genre, is relatibiliy ( I come from an RPG background, that's why my scorn for Ike is absolute ). Urgh. Add in the GMs and... no, I'm not going to talk about this anymore. It's going to drag out things that should best stay repressed. But yeah. Gameplay? Who needs units if you just let Marcia, Jill, Tits and Ike beat the game for you? ( Not that I used Jill/Marcia ). And those map graphics/models are fugly as hell. Lucia/Elincia's ( my 2 favourite FE characters and I ship them as well ) existence in this game stops it from plummeting to 5. And the music is good, at least. But nothing on FE4's Arranged Soundtrack. 6/10 FE10: If this game had ONLY focused on Micaiah and Elincia's arc, it would have been a gem. If you ask me, taking down a tyrant who is trying to oppress your homeland is a hellava lot more interesting than taking down a bloody goddess ( Good Lord, what were they smoking in Part 4?! ). THAT, if you ask me, is far more epic. A lot more epic. And you can relate, because you'd have a bunch of units fighting to protect the homeland they love ( all of us have some sort of patriotism inside of us, after all ) instead of what RD decided to do. Balance in this game? Non-existant. Decent amount of playable characters? Only if you're counting the DBs and GMs. So no. Suppports? Atrocious, but everyone knows that. No need to beat an old horse to death. Voice acting. Appalling. Only Shinon's English VA was decent in any way ( and he's the only GM I really like ). A crapton of Eleventh Hour Rangers who appear in Part 4-Endgame? Humiliating. It's like the game is insulting you for putting in over 30+ hours training your units into battle gods, and then those guys show up. Urgh. Bottom of the heap. 3/10 ( Part II, L/E, great OST saves it from being a 1/10 ). Thanks for destroying the FE experience for me, RD. I'm going off to make my own FE-inspired RPG now ( actually, I've been working on it for more than a year ).
  8. Pretty much everything BrightBow said. All my favourite characters appear in Part II ( in terms of personality, they've got the best bunch. Kieran, Calill, Danved, and Ellie and both her gorgeous retainers. Too many fans base their favourites off stats -_- ), Ellie goes through some amazing character development and regardless of what people might say of the GMs stealing the show, the real star was Lucia herself.
  9. Probably gonna go off topic, but Goldie told me ages ago that those videos were her worst ( averages unleashed, unleashed supreme etc. ) simply because lower-levelled units like Edward would have a distinct advantage over a late joiner like say, Stefan or those guys. She said it was horribly unfair. XD
  10. E: Haha, a necro. How amusing.
  11. I can't really remember ( I first started playing the series back in 2008-ish with FE7, so that's a bit fuzzy ) but I do know when I played RD for the first time, half the DB perished in 3-13 and I used a freakin' cheat code for unbreakable weapons when I came to 4-4 because *gawd, those reinforcements*. If it wasn't for 4-5 afterwards, I would have rage-quitted the game right there and then. And in FE9 I got stuck at Chapter 11 ( one of the more memorable ones for me, since BK just appeared out of nowhere and my units had to flee for their lives ).
  12. @SoC: Obviously. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26IhaQLAFtw Meg is Pat Benatar. HP: 77 Str: 48 Mag: 28 Skl: 48 Spd: 64 Luk: 62 Def: 57 Res: 60 Wins: 65/74 She appears as a Guest in PoR. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n5fW-iYJ4es Wins: 48/55 She is my heroine for humiliating Ike and Mia.
  13. I'd be that one NPC who gives your unit a useless booster like a Goddess Icon, because I'm hording all the Seraph Robes, Energy Drops and Speedwings for myself.
  14. Fiona for God Tier. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xaLPK-A-7Z4 Another classic. Credits to Goldie, of course. 1st song is Rebecca Black's "Friday", the worse pop song ever. XD Fiona's stats: HP: 74 Str: 48 Mag: 29 Skl: 48 Spd: 61 Luk: 52 Def: 60 ( yes ) Res: 57 Wins: 39/74 ( lol, 39 ) Such a waste. Had amazing durability ( seriously, 60 DEF and 57 RES? ) and Imbue, but her shoddy accuracy really screwed things over for her. Friiiday - Flare Day, lmao. If you're a Mia fan, don't watch.
  15. He primarily exists as a glory hound and fetish fuel for salivating fanboys/fangirls. The whole of the GMs, really. They just exist.
  16. I really don't understand the fascination with Ike. He is seriously the most overated, overhyped and most boring FE lord in existence...
  17. I have been in contact with her. She's starting a new series soon. I've been helping her with the stats and stuff.
  18. It's not on her channel anymore, but I have both versions of Meg's vids. I'll put it it up soon. Too much of a classic to lose. Seeing Meg Luna stuff to death was too freakin' hilarious. And the comments she made was golden.
  19. My God, are people STILL discussing Ike's sexuality after SEVEN years? Jeez laweez. I think he's asexual, in any case. I can't for the life of me see him romantically involved with anyone.
  20. A female Lord who is over the age of 25, does not have blue hair and uses a bow ( and doubles as the game's Jeigan/Oifey ). Said Lord was at the head of the country's elite military force, only to have them decimated by a dark cult. Lord feels guilty and angst-ridden, vows to avenge them and suffers from PTSD ( seriously, why do NONE of the veteran fighters in FE suffer from this? ).
  21. 30 chapters seems ( FE7/FE 9 length ) about all right for me. RD was way too long ( Part III was a snorefest and I abhorred 3-E so much it wasn't even funny ).
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