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Everything posted by Aviv

  1. Aviv

    Sholes' Sprites

    The only suggestion I would have would maybe make the blade about the size of Lyn's or a myrmidon's sword. a rapier-like sword has not edge to it, just the slender and needle-like point. Other than that it's good. :)
  2. Been a while since I've posted in here... ^ Perren got a new face and hair, along with an amulet. ^ Requests from FEPlanet. ^present for my friend, BP, of her morph character Esmeralda. ^Female Hero. Alot of progress needs to be made here. ^Two animations for the main characters of my hack/story known as Valeon Chronicles.
  3. I just noticed there's no mention of Mama Linoan. Did she fall of the face of Magvel or somethin'?
  4. Yes!!! Welcome back Ray and I absolutely LOVE the new look of the hack!
  5. The latest one is really good! The only thing is that his neck seems kinda long.
  6. This sounds fun/interesting! I'll do whatever I can to help marky!
  7. Feels like I haven't posted anythign here in... forever? ^Percy's boy Perren. He is a Dark Sage (A variation of a druid that has taken a greater interest in Anima magic over Elder magic). My 1st OC, Anthony's, grandson. Takes more after his grandfather than his father :) Mugs for Lyra Tawny and Elphisia Svanhildur, two of the lords for Skylessia Emblem hack. Mug of my sister's OC, Fia Vaelia. Any comments and critique's would be greatly appreciated! :)
  8. Aviv

    Mouth Frames

    do you need children? I'm currently spriting two kids if you need examples.
  9. I originally misunderstood you when you said it should be brought down in the back, I thought you meant the hair by the neck D8 Anyways, here's an updated version
  10. How's this Seph? V1 of Percy's sprite. Currently working on a new one.
  11. Is this better? Also, a little bird told me Viceman's b-day just passed. So I decided to pop out a sprite of his Skylessia GenII OC, Elyssia. Based off of his art of her in her 2nd tier. Also, who would want to be alone on their birthday? So here comes her friend, Andrew Vastor! (OC of Sety's on FEPlanet). Thanks for the critique LG! Applying suggestions to the Shaman sheet now.
  12. Nice to see you back and spriting Dei! What ever happened to that hack of yours? Songs of Time?
  13. -> -> Really old -> Old -> New Originally a request for a friend, I decided to take my liberties and redo the mug for an RP/Hack I am involved with. GBA mug for my Skylessia GenII character, Percival Marisul, on FEPlanet. His FE10 version mug [spoiler=FE4 Shaman Sprite Sheet(Spoilered for Size)] A sprite sheet I originally made for FE4Adv, back when it was still alive. If you want to make a script for the sheet, feel free to use it. I only ask for recognition/mention of the sheet being my creation. Any critiques/comments/criticism would be really appreciated!
  14. Hooray for Arch, one of the legendary FE Hacking Revolutionists! And Hooray for the revival of probably one of the greatest FE hacks/renditions ever! Anyways... Looking forward to the patch Arch! :)
  15. Sounds very interesting... Can't wait to see some screens :)
  16. I got these two. I got the battle sprites as well.
  17. Currently working on learning to hack to help friend w/ FE4 hack/sequel

  18. Lookin' good Ray! Can't wait to see more screens of the hack!
  19. Will this be adequate for mug #1? I decided to try different articles of other FE clothings, and this is what resulted from massive splice. I know there are some shading issues, but its a start :)
  20. Aviv

    Need Help

    what are save states?
  21. Aviv

    Need Help

    I have been playing the FE4 translation patch on ZSNES on my Mac, but every time I exit ZSNES and get back on it, My progress is replaced by a save file that has me on the fourth turn of the prologue chapter. Can anyone shed some light on why this keeps happening?
  22. WIP for Levin's older self. If there is anything any of you see wrong, please let me know.
  23. I would like afew things: 1) Marth has a preference weapon from beginning of game.(like afew other lords) 2) Class Skills 3) New weapons 4) New Classes
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