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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. ..I'm at a loss of words on what to say, but fuck, you have my deepest condelences Shirley. If you need anything be sure to reach out, okay?
  2. Passed! Just gotta wait for my learner's to arrive in the mail ..now theres just the issue of learning how to actually drive and hopefully being able to borrow my mom's car for the time being and then passing that test aaaaaa
  3. Why the ellipses guys talk to me
  4. Pride a weirdy also I passed!! ..Now I just gotta worry about the stuff that comes after :S I need a car.
  5. oh yeah it sounds rough also what the fuck, why are there so many stupid people-- its too dangerous out there weeeeeeeghrmgrgmr help
  6. Yes-- that'd be a cool talent though :') Noooo, I don't think its simple at all :( The very idea of driving anywhere with people and changing conditions and knowing the right thing to do not always being clear just makes me anxious and could severely hinder me if it was to happen with me actually driving I'm just trying to not to let too many of my worries leak on the thread bc like it'd be long and all I should really worry about is the written test since thats all I can even do for now yes thanks for the support anyway its gr9
  7. Whoa I wish I had a innate ability to do things I've never done well like you Nighty ;_;
  8. Relaxing isn't something I'm well acquainted with :( good idea though! Wait what have you been doing not living too dangerously, I hope
  9. Yes I WILL BE OUT THERE Kinda worried once I do since I get extremely panicky easily and have trouble with decision making but uh I'll figure out something
  10. I always miss stuff man Probably will be on irregularly later too because of my driver's test in the morning which I'm still worrying over and then napping after for who knows how long because general mood/irregular sleep schedule my dad wants me to see my grandpa at the hospital too which I will do except he wants me to do it RIGHT after the test and I don't wanna stay for a longass time but he's guilt-tripping me in a kinda shitty way about it Things are a drag sometimes Why thank ya uuuuuu u
  11. B) Woulda been nice if he also used just plain 'ol "Nohr" and "Hoshido" in the badges rather than adding the silly -ian at the end, but I'm just being nitpicky with my tastes here Thanks, I try
  12. Thanks! Aye aye, I'll keep you updated
  13. Taking my driver's test this Saturday, I just want my LISCENCE but the closer it gets the more my confidence drops ;_; studying is a hassle I saw Tomodachi Life mentioned but I haven't played that in forever either like all of my other games, last thing I remember doing is making a male version of me and trying to get married to myself
  14. 1. What is something you wish you more knowledgable in? 2. What is the best movie snack? 3. Favorite mostly harmless earlygame enemy from any game?
  15. I thought she was singing along to either whats new pussycat or sins of the father tbh
  16. I mean it in the kindest way! :^) Eyup why can't the rooms in this house just be better soundproofed ;~; ...Yes, survival first and foremost Thats me alright And yes I could do that :o for now I just decided to read a few manga chapters to be caught up with things again
  17. Nothing out of the ordinary, only thing of note seeing was some birds hanging around ground at some point right now its pretty quiet and I'm trying to think of a good way to pass the time while huddling in a blanket lol yes, pretty much!! I saw that and was like man the rng in this thing sometimes
  18. :'D I don't like blasting music too loud, but yeah at least I can try that and also make myself look too absorbed at what I'm listening to while I'm at it weeeeee
  19. Alright, glad I went out for a walk because the weather was pretty nice \0/ I-I see you've noticed my tendency to pop in and suddenly drop off without warning, yes I've been more prone to bad moods due to family dramus that despite not being involved in, still have to hear about and deal with due to living here but I actually feel pretty good today and slowly getting closer to possibly be able to drive soon so hooray
  20. Sega held a voting contest on what game Rin should promote next and Puyo Puyo won I thought hey this is relevant to you

    1. Emeraldfox


      I want Rin to cosplay Arle

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