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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. omg I'm legit dissapointed I got my grade back for my essay and I had one thing marked against me which lost me 4 points because I had enough room for one more paragraph BUT she said 4 pages and I had actually written too much originally to where it went to a 5th page so I edited out as much as I could without making it look awkward and there wasn't really all that much room left to type anything else before it went to a new page like......... I mean 96 is still a good grade but IT COULD HAVE BEEN PERFECT y'know =(
  2. YA I rly like his voice and music I need to look more into his stuff.........sad that they removed all instances of the original LOVE SAVER on youtube though and I can only find the UNDERCOVER remix of it on there now I'm sure its somewhere else on the internet but ehh
  4. my favorite part of that fic is when L said he was gonna use stealth only to jump through a window while screaming
  5. did someone mention art history a few pages back do you have to remember dates for art and if so how I studied my flashcards a lot and I could remember the other stuff but I'm absolute shit with numbers and messed up the dating on my first test.....but! luckily I wasn't the only one and the prof admitted she worded it too confusingly so I didn't get it marked against me and I 100%'ed it, I'm not feeling confident that I'll do well on the next test though =( (thats not until November at least) we do get some leeway to where we can be off by 50 years(it was originally 500 until she realized that was too lenient and what sparked the confusion lol)
  6. Uhh, eh... He doesn't act as forceful as she does but he still says shit to subtly try to convince me to stay with them like "I just want you to know that no matter where you go, there isn't anyone who would love or take care of you as well as we do" like l o l ok maybe if your definition taking care of someone the most is making them feel trapped and contributing to them feeling suicidal most of the time, he's generally more passive tho but he still says guilt trippy shit like that and its just one of those things that make me instantly go from "somewhat ok" to "everything is awful" fast I have no idea how long she expects things to go on before its out of the "too soon" window or if she'd ever be satisfied regardless of how long I wait, either way for my own wellbeing and stability I can't really afford to live with either of them for too long and would just like to get out as soon as the chance presents itself I will, yes and thank you aaaaa
  7. will try yes Yeah and thank you Should be, but I don't think she'll ever accept it. Mood or no mood it seems she'll do whatever to keep me here and basically owning me while trying to convince my brother to come back as well even if it means wasting loads of money bringing him back. She always asks him to come home on the phone and insists he must be "miserable" living over there she just wants us to stay with her forever and its kinda creepy actually
  8. its ok don't sweat it just hearing stuff like that is nice in itself, thank you
  9. thanks Kim ITS OK it still means a lot ..but but I'm not even sure how she expects that given we're far away unless someone does it during one of our visits but neither of us have the funds to fly out much I'd rather just move when we're both prepared and worry about that sort of thing later either way I feel like she set it up in a way I can't win ugh Thats true..though I'm not sure when that'll happen and I feel like she'll stop at nothing to keep me I don't know what shes capable of and I'm afraid to find out
  10. Oh ..yeah I'm kind of really afraid to do anything like that unless I have everything packed and can get out ASAP or already out of the house
  11. Me? I'm not really sure what to do, the longer I live here the worse I feel and more self-destructive I get but I'm really fearful of doing anything because of how they'll react or what'll happen to me..The whole moving in with my friends plan is pretty much bust for now because they kept getting their work hours cut and they don't even have internet anymore and the one friend's mom is p awful herself and it doesn't look like they're getting out anytime soon, I don't like my relatives either SO I really have nowhere else to go another problem is that I'm on SSI with my mom as my payee so she basically has control over me and the money I get every month so unless I can get it switched to me as payee theres not much I can do and I don't know if doing that will go well while I'm still here True, but idk what shes capable of if I defy her feel trapped
  12. my parents keep guilt-tripping me and mom made me promise that I can't move across the country unless i'm engaged but I didn't even get to say anything she just wants things her way this is why I'm never happy this is false i'm not popular either and i need that sort of attention and people thinking i'm cool to thrive r i p i think you're pretty well known though i believe in u
  13. @the intention thing dw I know you're not the type to egg on people like that I see could be yeah, I mean it could be a lot of things uhhh It might be me too since I'm not exactly good at wording things and I get moody too uh but I get what you mean thanksss, theres a lot of stuff I wish I could say but I'm pretty sure I'd pretty sure people would find me unlikeable or get scared off I really wish my therapist didn't have such wonky dates of availability.. oh thats...actually pretty comforting tbh though I feel like saying that makes me sound jerkish I still worry when others do it though and people don't mind because they're ~charismatic~ or whatnot though but you know what I'm gonna not dwell on it for now its not worth it, its a shame this feeling comes back every once in awhile though I don't know what else to say besides pardon the episode and thanks I should sleep FOR REAL NOW gnight I just assumed you had a love/hate relationship with it because Jeanne
  14. thx Dusk I'm gonna try to go too gnight damian I don't feel like ripping into anything right now I wanna sometimes but I don't feel like I get the same treatment as others and get treated harsher for being negative about things like for example theres someone on here that starts complaining whenever Fate gets brought up for example almost everytime and yet nobody really bats an eye ?????????????????? idk what I'm saying is I guess I feel like I'm not allowed to be as opinionated as other people even though I see others talk about stuff with just as much vitrol if not worse and it always turns out ugly when I do it and get people jumping down my throat like why do I gotta be "well-behaved" all the time pffffffff the whole subject is a huge can of worms though and idk if I should say anymore I don't want someone being harsh with me about it bc then my headspace will take a turn for the worse again and I'll hold a grudge against them 5ever unless they try to make it up to me IIII seem to be getting upset on how I get treated compared to others in a lot of ways lately like damn, its nice talking about it though I will probably regret it later ahjskls;d;;dfld;s;s
  15. oh no I know what you mean though I SHOULD SLEEP soon bc class but idk............. are you having fun at least
  16. http://gbf-sorter.tumblr.com/ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  17. tfw you kinda wanna talk anywhere but you're still splitting and don't know when you're gonna stop so you gotta avoid getting set off weeeeee
  18. o if people can call stuff i like trash then i'm entitled to do the same thing with things i don't like ye
  19. lmao dude why is it ok to bash kancolle but not touhou........ok WHAT UP
  20. kancolle is the only good thing on that map im@s is ok though except the fans that shit on ll
  21. The choices you make that determines whether you get the good or normal ending happens after the final bossfight and even after you finish the game as long as you don't overwrite it with a ng+ or something I don't quite remember but I'm pretty sure after finishing the game you can go back to the last save for the other ending, just have to refight the final boss again
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