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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. idk about best route but the sakura thing is right
  2. Oh yeah? I'd like to see her try ripping off THESE GUNS /flex (my arms are actually frail and stick-y don't take this seriously)
  3. I hate the thing where someone is extremely panicky or grieving so they can't exactly focus on the situation and/or want to give up and the other person thinks its appropriate to slap them to "make them come back to their senses"
  4. one time a yellow jacket landed on my chest and I spent probably like several minutes frozen and sweating bullets hoping I'd keel over rather than having to deal with the pain that was possibly about to come if I somehow startled it or pissed it off, LUCKILY it flew away and did nothing so yeah it'd probably be something like that again I hate bees and I especially hate wasps
  5. r.i.p In all honesty I don't think anything bad is going to happen if Clinton wins though its just the other guy I'm extremely concerned about I just want this election over with already 2016 sux
  6. idk what the person in Lux's avatar sounds like but she looks cute
  7. ya pizza is best when its warm and melty
  8. really gotta stop stuffing food in my mouth when its still too hot for consumption
  9. probably!! o no not much you can do besides button-mash your way out of the convo
  10. I noticed he seems more liked in general by people in 4 and Rising, yeah this is probably gonna sound odd as heck but I actually enjoyed the codec calls between him and Rose in mgs2???? mostly because of how dumb and melodramatic it got LIKE SO RIDIC AT POINTS.....BUT... I get so anxious playing mgs sometimes even though I like it so I save a lot and then I get some silly-ass conversation while I'm in the middle of a very serious mission its like "dude wtf why" but not in a bad way it helped take some steam off for me I thought the way mgs2 Raiden delivered his lines and dialogue in general was seriously goofy too but I found it more endearing than annoying I don't know either man but I also love cool edgy cyborg Raiden as well I just love Raiden and want him to be happy and wish he could have more time to be with his wife and son and be a family man ;_;
  11. the only tbfp vid I saw was the one they were playing the mgs collection and I was all ":^(" I forgot why I think its cause I think they were dissin on Raiden and Rose other than that it was amusing
  12. oo that is interesting and I appreciate the input thanks guys I just noticed that the series seems a lot different now with the way I see people discussing it nowadays idk how to explain it but uh I might give it another shot to see what has changed though I can't say for sure if I'll like it any better(I don't really watch series with people playing games and commentating on them in general it might not be for me but WE'LL SEE)
  13. I'm just curious but is game grumps any better without jontron around I couldn't watch it in the past because I thought he was grating and I never tried to watch it again even after he left, I don't care much about the other guy either but he's ok at least
  14. I hope its a stylish jacket at least great
  15. thanks dusk you are a true friend
  16. I totally don't get whats going on anymore bc I'm OUT OF IT but as long as it works out in my favor then ok
  17. listen buddyd,, yououuuuuuuuouu don't have one not since the INCIDENT ok have fun!!!
  18. Oh no that sucks I hope it gets out of the shitter soon!!!!! Uhhh, mood swing-y af but ok for now-- and nooooooo I wouldn't I don't know how
  19. what image and oh wow, interesting choice of rhymes there
  20. whats up charlie I see you are having a sudden shift in attitude my dude but ok yes, I can bargain with you
  21. Oh yes, I sure can im rly proud of myself for knowing things
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