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Everything posted by Fleece

  1. thats true, i'm still worried about having a low grade but i forgot how many points each answer was worth aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aa I just know its like 125 points total and ya I just noticed its on the blackboard announcements too so its not just me I will try
  2. I'm hoping she'd be more lenient since its not just me and she isn't mean from what I've seen so far but I have no idea what to expect Tuesday :( She just sounded super serious in the email and it set me off like idk I can't read tone all that well especially on text but I read a lot into things and I feel like she's mad or something.......
  3. - got an email from the prof stating that there was a misunderstanding about how you can date things in tests and that simply putting things like "1400s" and "1500s" isn't acceptable and has to be within 50 years of the actual date at least (im pretty sure she said within 500 years in class tho..) - she mentioned that several people did it and I was one of those students - got another email stating she won't be posting grades until after next class and theres stuff she needs to go over and wants to make sure everyone follows her test specs dude I'm panicking and feel shit I probably failed it I'm confident I remembered almost all of the artist/painting/culture stuff and gave accurate facts but I just can't remember specific dates for shit because I've always struggled with numbers whether its math or just remembering them but I don't wanna tell her I have a learning disability I don't like talking about my problems in a school context and it looks dumb considering the fact that this isn't a math class and it might look like I'm just making excuses even with proof its already bad enough I had to miss class because I was in ICU for diabetic ketoacidosis and had to ask her to ask another student to share notes with me because I don't know anyone in the classroom and my crippling anxiety prevents me from asking anyone myself I'm just I don't feel like I'm cut out for classes or intelligent in anything
  4. well shit I have a bad feeling ;_; I'll try wooow stalker
  5. my dad keeps bugging me about going to the gym with him since he's getting a membership and I could use the increase in body strength but I don't really want to go because of all of the people there I have to share with its so.....sweaty........and gross.... no amount of handwashing will make me feel any better q_q I'd rather work out at home even though we're lacking in equipment is a pain in the ass ok ;_; I'm totally innocent
  6. yes not much, just responding to the Tonton o I got AA6 i'm on case 2 but I really don't wanna deal with the seance segments again also its hard to play at my usual spot because my new 3ds cord is too short to reach and my battery keeps going low bc I take forever to get through segments even at full charge ;_; w-what
  7. Umi isn't lovable idk anything about the other two
  8. dude man i gotta remember shit like the time period, date, medium, name, artist, and several facts about 25 art pieces total for a test and idk how even with these flashcards i made to study with ;_; my memory is shit
  9. ;))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I like that artwork I AGREE omg I like Rama's hair
  10. Yeah, they're having rate up days for the classes and today is lancer
  11. no luck aaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbffffffffffflfg; o no i dont remember but i think i got him a lot when i played too
  12. I guess another try might not hurt HRM t-thanks
  13. i just want karna and all i got is a buncha cu's i don't think i should push my luck =(
  14. fate/grand order school idol festival tales of link mystic messenger until i finish everyone's routes wee
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