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Everything posted by SPQR

  1. IIRC he mentioned giving Kurtis 90% HP growth and 40-45% for everything else, so your mileage will vary moreso than it would with others.
  2. From writing and characterization to spritework the quality of your hack has improved in pretty much every area since the first version you released a couple years back. Here's hoping that the third time's a charm,
  3. SPQR

    FEE3 2014

    Dat Thomas Cole painting tho.
  4. SPQR


    I think the pillar bases is an issue with the tileset itself. Looking at some of the other maps from the base game I assume it is supposed to be some sort of floor reflection of some kind. I guess it's supposed to be really shiny tile flooring?
  5. SPQR


    A few issues: -The tiles for the base of the pillars don't match up with the other tiles in the room, they also lack shade tiles to the right of them as well. The center walls lack shade tiles as well to their bottom and right sides. -The garden itself for being such a focal point of the map seems rather small compared to everything else, not to mention it seems outright odd to see an outdoor section surrounded on all sides by an indoor area. Most castle gardens I've seen in some sort of medieval-fantasy setting are are vast and open, not to mention they have man-made walkways that run through them. We can't expect the high and mighty nobles to walk on bare earth, now can we? -To parrot deranger's comment the map as a whole seems pretty generic and has too little going on. When designing a map you need too account for each area and make sure that most if not all sections serve some purpose, whether it's a pathway to get you from Point A to Point B, a pathway/area to funnel enemy reinforcements to impede your progress/give you stuff to kill so you can level up and watch your stats go higher/make your playing experience hell, a side room that has treasure, etc. Check out the tutorial that was posted and work from there. Edit: Okay, so you reworked the map and it does look a little more lively, but I feel like there is too little going on for the topmost part of the map You could cut that part out entirely and still have a serviceable map, and not a bunch of empty space that doesn't contribute at all. Of course that is assuming that you start at the southwest stairwell, even if you start at the north there will be one side on the left or right that doesn't serve much purpouse. Of course, there are ways of fixing that...
  6. My SC85 entry. The eyepatch is a a little messy, the strap is too big and runs at an odd angle, the cloak's angle is off, the shoulder pad is... yeah... and the pallet is boring. Still, I figured it would be a good chance to take Yoshi's advice and work with a limited selection of parts.
  7. I figured this would be a good learning experience and get me out of my comfort zone by experimenting a little.
  8. Yeah, that's a significant improvement. I should probably go look over some of the better mugs and consider scrapping some of the lower-quality splices.
  9. Decided I should at least work on one of the mugs before I bother you guys/gals again. First off I managed to change those few stray pixels in his eyes that were left over from the original pallet, made the ear a pixel bigger so that it is more in-line with the eyebrow and added a little shading to the parts where the collar and skin meet on the neck. I also felt his body was too big for his head so I brought the pauldrons in 2 pixels from the left and three from the right. I then adjusted the strap on his left side since it wouldn't seem symmetrical with the other one when it ran across the body, but something about the shoulder is bothering me still - I'm not sure if I'm over-analyzing but it seems like the pauldron is slightly rotating outward towards the front of his body.
  10. All around I noticed many problems with my splices: either I don't use enough pieces to differentiate them from the bases, I don't align them properly, the colors are uninspired or don't clash well, I'm not using good parts, or there's little details that despite my best efforts to fix pixel by pixel, I end up making them worse. Honestly, it's best if you just lay it on me because while I can sorta pick up on what is wrong, I can't always work out how to go about fixing it.
  11. Over the last couple months I've churned out some static mugs of varying quality with numerous issues. If anyone can give a novice like me some pointers I would be grateful. Aerona - Thief Andela - Halberdier Baldwin - Mercenary. Barclay - Knight Ceridwen - Hero Corinna - Cavalier Cyrus - Warrior Domhnall - Paladin Elpis - Cleric As of now I just refer to this guy as Emperor no-name. Hristo - Shaman Iason - General Kallistos - Great Knight Kenneth - Archer Kristoff - Fighter Moreen - Cavalier Petya - Mage Richard - Lord Simona - Knight Zoe - Lord
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