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Everything posted by HeroMystic

  1. I don't mind grinding, and I certainly don't mind the option, especially for Postgame. I just wish there was an option to turn off DLC for a save file so I couldn't be tempted by it. For instance I'm on my first Lunatic Run, and I get the feeling I've spread my EXP too thin, especially after reading the Lunatic Club thread (Optimal party seems to be 6 units). So right now I'm kinda thinking "fuck" and wondering if I should restart my run or grind.
  2. On Normal Mode I wouldn't bother with Fred too much. Chrom and Avatar should be your priorities, and everyone else is fair game. On a personal note, I'd say everyone on the Shepards, minus Miriel and Vaike are very strong Endgame units, but you'll get many characters down the road.
  3. My fire FE game was Fire Emblem 7 (first FE that came to North America), and there was only Normal mode at the time. My first run, I lost all my units except the required characters at endgame. Now I can breeze through the game, no problem. Even on Hard Mode, but that's because I know the game's mechanics inside and out. Regardless of the mode, the game will punish you for making mistakes, it's just on Normal Mode your units will be able to endure it.
  4. Indeed she is, but I believe Micaiah herself is okay as a character. Silver Lightning made pretty solid point about the (lack of) support conversations in RD, but I'll take it a step further than that. I used to hate Micaiah with a passion because of her lack of growth and lack of consequences for her actions. However replaying through the game recently (twice even), that my hatred should be going to all of Daein, especially the Dawn Brigade. The only one who questions Pelleas/Micaiah's orders is Jill. Sothe sort of does but all his words are meaningless because he'll never leave Micaiah, and everyone else just follows blindly. The game was obviously stretched too thin to account for character development, but Micaiah and the Dawn Brigade suffered the most because they were new characters.
  5. Sounds like your characters have been KO'd too much in the beginning chapters. Only having levels between 1-5 is pretty abyssmal.
  6. Micaiah is more of a character who's a victim of having very dry and flat friends.
  7. If you are completely new, you should absolutely switch to Normal mode. Get familiar with the mechanics of the game and play through the game as you'd like. Once you get better, you'll start stomping stuff and you'll feel ready to Hard or maybe even Lunatic Mode. If you want to stick to Hard Mode, you'll eventually find opportunities to grind your characters and overpower them. However, you'll destroy the challenge of Hard Mode and breeze through everything. Not a worthwhile experience in my opinion.
  8. Must topics like these always appear? Virion answered it better than I ever could.
  9. There's a few problems with Daggers in FE10, first being is they weren't fleshed out well (much like Crossbows). They didn't have the versatility of the other weapon groups and they certainly didn't have any heavy versions of themselves. The second and perhaps the biggest problem is the lack of forges. I personally don't want to see Daggers return, simply because in order to make them comparable to the other weapon classes, you basically have to make them swords anyway.
  10. I have to agree here. I initially disliked Sumia because her character felt centered around Chrom, and if you happen to go down that guided route she drops off the face of the earth after she talks to Lucina. But once I explored her other supports more (As well as explore hidden conversations in the Outrealm (love her conversation with Caeda)), I began to like her to the point where even I consider pairing my avatar to her for my next run.
  11. Having them in Part 1 would be a pretty bad idea as well considering they don't give Weapon EXP. I believe Crossbows should be an idea to work with for later installments as well, as it gave Archers a legitimate Enemy Phase. The biggest problem with them was their fixed ATK and their absolutely ridiculous bonus damage.
  12. Because FE9 had really good supports and FE10 had really shitty supports.
  13. It's been said already but it bears repeating. Morgan(F) and Lucina. Seriously. The fuck happened there?
  14. In No-Grind runs, the Pairing System as it is, is very reasonable. Believe it or not the game can actually handle Pair-ups, and sometimes it is even better to keep units separated to guarantee an extra attack from your partner character during player phase. On Enemy phase, being paired up is almost always better, but for obvious reasons that has always existed. No, the problem isn't the Pairing system. It's the insanely easy methods to grind in this game. You get rid of the grinding and suddenly things look a lot more balanced.
  15. Same as the above. Though he was a dude at first glance, then thought "OH GOD THAT VOICE!", then Chrom recruits him and I just stared at the screen for a bit after that. And this is coming from a guy who is very anime savvy.
  16. This was also PoR and RD's biggest flaw when it came to animations. PoR's was stiff as fuck while RD's animations were way too long, especially when the Mastery Skills came into play. Astra is the biggest offender of this.
  17. It's a dark time, with nothing but death and desolate ruins everywhere.
  18. Fred on Hard Mode is pretty powerful as he's the only one that can hold a Silver Lance. Once that Silver Lance is gone though he's basically just a regular unit. I had to bench him after Chapter 11 because at that point his poor EXP growth caught up to him. He's no Seth or Titania for sure, but he's pretty comparable to Marcus in FE7 I'd say.
  19. I will admit, that had to be the most hilarious scene in the entire game.
  20. I was wondering if Ike had any conversations between Chrom and MU, so I went into his range to try it out. I like to imagine Chrom trying to talk to him and Ike going "BRAH!" and throwing his sword at him like a gorilla. EDIT: I didn't like Micaiah in RD, but I felt the conversation between her and MU upon recuiting her gave her a lot more depth, so much that I actually do like her now.
  21. It's called the "Face-Block" stance. Very effective, you know.
  22. It must be only MU, Tiki, and Morgan(M), because Morgan(F) didn't have any supports with Anna in my playthrough.
  23. I don't like Sumia, by the way. I agree with Sumia being flat and uninteresting. But... that's not what Mary Sue means. The term gets thrown around so much that it's misused more often than not.
  24. That's exactly the point, there's nothing wrong with MU being a self-insert when that when that's the intent of the story (or game in this case). It's even better that the story holds up extremely well even after the fact.
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