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Cymbalina's Revenge

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Posts posted by Cymbalina's Revenge

  1. So that he could have inherited something from Finn.

    Anyway, he grow up as a mercenary, but I guess the paladin fits him well given his actual parents: Eldigan and Grahnye. Or Iria. Or Raquesis.

    You know what? Probably Eldigan can reproduce by mitosis, Ares is a clone, that's why they share class.

    Dammit, every time I see a post about Genealogy, I think about how badly I want a remake. Maybe FE4A is possible with FEXNA?

    Cavalier!Delmud would've been nice, yeah.

    But I think the cav-->pally class route really does suit Ares. Whatever his upbringing, being Eldigan's son and the heir to the original Black Knight's powers sets him up well to be a particularly menacing specimen of paladin. (Also, obligatory Camus call-back. Sable Knight, Black Knight.)

  2. The only actual god, as in a creator, in FE is Ashunera from Radiant Dawn.

    Archanea and Jugdral have Naga, and Forseti says she, Loptyr, and the others were just plain old dragons. Though to be fair Naga is stated to be a Divine Dragon, but what that exactly entails isn't made clear.

    Valentia has Mila and Doma, though it's unclear whether they're actual gods, Doma as he appears in game is a kind of goop monster, or something else. Like dragons.

    Elibe doesn't appear to have any gods, and the major religion of the continent instead revolves around Elimine who was a mortal human.

    Magvel, once again, in the only religion seen they worship dragons.

    Ylisse once again has Naga, who is once again a dragon.

    Hoshido/Nohr they don't even hide that it's just dragons.

    Everything is dragons.

    Jugdral also has Ethnia, the Earth Mother Goddess mentioned in Thracia 776. Sounds like a similar figure to FE2's Mila, but we don't know who/what Mila actually is. Maybe Ethnia's also a dragon like Naga, Forseti, etc.

    (I assume Ethnia is the dragon/goddess that granted Crusader Nova the powers of the Gae Bolg aka Earth Lance but I've never seen Word of God confirming it.)

  3. Doing this fusion would completely destroy both games, because they are intended to be in different scales, FE4 being a massive Continental War, with clashes between countries, while FE5 is a war opposing the occupational forces and Leif's resistants. One is about invading countries and immense battlefields and the second is more about a group of maquisards waging a war based on survival and guerilla. If you keep the same formula for both games, you screw up both gameplay and storytelling.

    I'm in this camp. Two great tastes that really don't taste together. FE4's immense battles, cast of noble heroes, and bright colors just don't mesh with FE5's castle siege and prison break, Leif's army of relative nobodies, and somber atmosphere.

    I do like the idea of an "intermission" segment for FE4, something new in the style of FE4 itself, even if it'd probably be DLC.

  4. But aren't Lex/Ayra and Jamke/Adean part of Kaga's headcanon? And his headcanon is probably the best determiner for canon pairings that aren't confirmed in FE5.

    Yes and no.

    Kaga's original scribbles contained three possible scenarios/routes, and what he published (that I've seen) are some of the scenarios from this original idea for a couple of characters, and we have the details on Jamke/Aideen, Azel/Tiltyu, and Beo/Raquesis but not the alternatives. These three routes are probably reflected in that most of the Gen1 ladies have three predestined lovers in the finished game.

    Anyway, what's Holyn for if not to pair with Ayra? She's his only predestined option. ;)

    Given the FE5 website fiasco I think it's beyond doubt that the plan was to make Beo/Raquesis canon, but in the end, it's not.

  5. Holyn/Briggid is really nice for boosting Faval's shakey skill growth- let's him actually hit things with Ichival. The boosted sword rank on Patty means you can hand her a Herosword for the battle (in the arena all she needs is her sleep sword then something cheaper).

    I'm on the Verdane bandwagon myself- Jamke gives Skasaha both Continue and Charge, which combined with Astra means you can hit the enemy for days. His strength growth is pretty good too for Lakche's sake, and just have him nab the Silver Blade from Chagall. While Dew's insane growths is a hilarious combination with the wondertwins, and free healing is always nice- let's them run at the frontlines and possibly not even need a healer.

    But if you don't like those, Noish isn't a bad choice at all. I just agree with the other that once you get the 50+ kills swords, you don't need the Critical skill. Lex and Holyn I personally think make better fathers for other units- IN FACT you could try Briggid/Lex for a defensive Patty that'll promote extra fast.

    I did Noish/Ayra and Jamke/Ayra in back-to-back playthroughs. Noish!Larcei was marginally better than Jamke!Larcei and Jamke!Ulster beat out Noish!Ulster but it was really close regardless and I'd recommend either pairing.

    Noish!Larcei was a beast.

  6. Can you provide i link to where in his notes he said that? (because i'm pretty sure that it was in reference to an earlier concept that did not make it into the final product like, along with things like ares being eltoshan and lachesis's kid.)

    Yeah, I'd love to see that, not least because I love any translated Kaga stuff. If it's translated, that is. If you have the text of the original, share that anyway. All I remember seeing with regard to Tiltyu-Azel dated back to the "One's Dream" notes, which are early story ideas.

  7. Use both unless you're looking at pure efficiency. Lester may have availability and Canto but Faval is tanky enough to take damage plus the Yewfelle restores his health between turns. And depending on what your bred Lana for, Lester may turn into a liability. Midayle!Lester gets Hero Bow inheritance and is good for early chapters but I found Finn!Lester to be more useful lategame thanks to Miracle and a solid statline.

    I wouldn't use Jamke and his lousy SKL to breed either of them, though. Yewfelle is no good if Faval can't actually hit anything plus Jamke!Patty is terribad.

  8. AideenXfin works out well, as lana caps magic on average due to her +5 convo with fin in chapter 7. Lester ends up bad until you get the hero bow in chapter 8 due to lack of inheritance, though. Lex!arthur actualy works better with a hero sword than with magic, but i still liked him less then azel!arthur, and there is a LOT less competition for tomes then for the hero sword. Levin!tinny is not that good at first, but her +5 magic convo with levin, the tornado tome, and the continue and critical skills with cap-rammed speed and skill, make her very good latter.

    Finn!Lana caps magic super-quick but her RES is pretty bad, so you can't use her to bait siege tome users or anything like that. Finn!Lester is actually pretty darn good and can get by all right without the Hero Bow for two chapters; I preferred him over Midayle!Lester just for being able to dodge and survive. Lex!Arthur and Finn!Arthur both wreck shit with the hero sword; my last Lex!Arthur had MGC so bad the sword was his primary weapon.

    One of these days I will breed a Horsety boy.

  9. Lex isn't so great after the first couple of chapters. Even with crits, Arthur is unable to kill enemies in the later chapters.

    What he said. Lex!Arthur was excellent for a couple of chapters and then... not very good. I've gotten got more mileage out of Finn!Arthur and the Miracle/Wrath combo thanks to Pursuit.

    Does anyone support Dew as a father for magic kids?

  10. Yo

    You do not need anyone to get hit by Ayra to recruit her. Once Sigurd enters a certain area Ayra will start moving. Place some units very close right outside of her range but close enough that she'll start chasing people not named Sigurd. I usually like to have them go like, right above that forest area to also hinder Ayra's range of movement to get to you. Just keep dragging Ayra away but never enter her range as Sigurd bossrushes. Once he seizes Ayra will start heading back and you can meet her halfway with Sigurd.

    I have not had Ayra even reach anyone for a good long time now, let alone injure or kill anyone. She's honestly not that scary.

    That's pretty much it. Alec works just fine for being "bait" because if a turn doesn't go as planned it's OK, but I managed to lure her with Azel once thanks to the trees. Finn also makes decent bait (thanks, Miracle) if you've leveled him up a bit. By exploiting MOV and terrain you can recruit Ayra without actually facing her in combat.

  11. yeah, he's more like Sigurd's half brother.

    I thought he was a cousin. Anyway, he was orphaned before the start of the game and Byron's not dead yet, so he can't be Byron's kid.

    Seliph > Julia > Julius (Seliph's all right, Julia's pretty dull before she gets her memories back, and Julius is just a puppet for the evil dragon)

    Leif > Altena (I do like Altena a lot, I just like Leif more)

    Ishtar > Ishtore (Don't like Ishtar very much but Ishtore barely exists)

    Johalva > Johan > Brian (I genuinely like Johalva, feel little toward Johan, and nothing for Brian)

    Larcei = Ulster (I find them both pretty dull TBH)

    Lana >> Lester (Lester is probably my least favorite kid)

    Arthur > Tinny (by a slim margin)

    Nanna >>> Delmud (Del's underwritten and often turns out lousy for me as a unit)

    Patty > Faval (but I love them both)

    Fee > Ced (ditto)

    Corple >> Leen

  12. Best: Shadow Dragon runs away with this one, but props to FE8 for a solid job there.

    Worst: FE10 cut out actual chunks of the script including an entire mode which developed Ranulf in a way that his joint ending with Ike doesn't come out of left field, so that one merits a thrashing on those grounds alone.

  13. I'd like a 50 episode anime of Genealogy of the Holy War with an OVA style movie about Thracia 776. 25 episodes for gen 1, 25 for gen 2.

    I think you'd have to severely prune the Thracia subplots to make a successful OVA out of it. Ditch the Dandelion Gang or Olwen's arc or Linoan's arc or even two of the three. The manga I own starts off pretty faithful to the game and then cuts through all the subplots with a knife in the third volume and it just feels bizarre.

  14. Browsing here and other forums such as reddit, I get the impression of a discontent with the narratives of FE games (or at least with New Mystery to Fates). Be it the Avatar characters, faulty major antagonists, the mishandled 2nd Gens, etc. Fates doesn't look to be a great improvement, considering the crystal ball stunt in the Conquest Path.

    I ask, what do you suggest? A poster in the Fates board brought up IS outsourcing and changing little. Another used Dark Souls as an example of how to treat the player character.

    There's a quick and dirty way to fix the narrative of FE12 and that's to get rid of Kris and everything to do with Kris. New Mystery took a perfectly good narrative and tarted it up with fluff meant to flatter the player's ego at the expense of the supposed hero/protagonist. I just wish the game had offered a "retro" option with no Avatar.

    As for FE13, IMO the actual conceit of the plot and its basic structure were flawed. Time travel is challenging to pull off without feeling cheap in any form of media. A three-part, ocean-spanning narrative is hugely ambitious but the actual writing didn't feel like it was taking itself seriously so many places that it sure didn't feel like an actual war epic. I've read several attempts by fans to "fix" FE13's plot by changing this and rearranging that and it just bolsters my own feeling that the only way to really fix it would be to start fresh and approach the base material some other way. A story whose core message is basically about friendship and bonds between individuals probably would have benefited from a much smaller scale-- a single-nation civil war, not a World War.

  15. FE12 and FE13 both pretty much embrace the idea of a Lord who keeps his/her hands squeaky clean while another character does the "dirty" work-- Kris on behalf of Marth, Robin on behalf of Chrom. With Kris it isn't even subtle. What I've seen thus far of a friend's playthrough of one of the FE14 routes is totally in keeping with that.

    If you're looking for a Lord who's OK with conquest and looting I suspect Thracia 776 is as edgy as you're going to get. And Leif most certainly is expected to show regard for enemy civilians-- that's part of what actually sets Leif apart as the good option for Thracia's future.

  16. People who think Finn is a random choice need to play FE4 and FE5.

    Finn is THE MAN.

    Yeah, it's awesome that he cracked the Top Ten after so many games and so many years, but he was hella popular back in the day and with good reason. Best availability in Jugdral, some of the best character development in Jugdral, he basically got his own spin-off game with FE5 and I'm pretty sure there was more official art with him than some of the actual Lords ever got. So yeah, it's not really that random? But still awesome.

    Dude goes through so much, and yet remains a steadfast and awesome dude. A true Arthurian level like Knight.

    Pretty much the Perfect Knight, yeah. I mean, going by FE5 that's exactly what Finn was designed to be but it really does work and it clicks with people. Later characters might be better units (he can't solo his games) or have better writing or produce better children... but he's still Perfect. :D

  17. Most of the mothers have relatively lame growths compared to the men. Things start to get a little crazy when you start stacking blood though.

    The pairings I want wouldn't exactly produce optimized kiddos. Alec/Noish (good skills tho), Jamke/Dew... Lex/Azel would be interesting. The pairings I'd REALLY want would break up canon couples and would also produce sub-optimal children. I haven't crunched the numbers for Ethlyn/Aideen babies but the skillset already isn't promising.

  18. One of the things I love most about FE7 is how fleshed out most of the 'generic' bosses are, especially after Dragon's Gate. Their personalities are more than just "Haha, I'm an Imperial captain, die peasant scum!". Radiant Dawn was exceptionally bad at this, as it ends up feeling like you're fighting basically the exact same guy almost every time you're up against the Begnion Army. I would hate to see that go away completely, as it's a great way to give more depth to the enemy and their goals.

    FE5 actually did a lot of interesting world-building with bosses, especially if you capture them. That game would have a different undercurrent if every chapter boss were just Bad Guy X with no motivation and no incentive for you to spare them.

    Oddly enough even the palette-swap baddies in FE4 had different personalities. I love that guy in Chapter 10 (Ridale) who's thrilled to be on what he thinks is a real military mission and not more child-hunt garbage. I also love Aias in FE8. IDK, it's part of what I like about Fire Emblem-- it does give more depth to your opponents.

  19. Larcei/Shanan every time.

    For Patty I usually do Corple. Paired her with Lester once but their dialogue annoys me.

    I have ended up with Lana/Seliph every time even when I wasn't aiming to. I want to pair him with Larcei one of these days...


    Leif/Nanna except on the playthrough where I paired him with Tinny and her with Ares.

    Tinny's so random. Deliberately paired her with Leif once and she's ended up accidentally married to Faval and Delmud as well as being unpaired. The time she married Delmud I was playing at 4AM and accidentally got Ares killed and then Tinny ended up as Queen of Agustria.

    Leen (or Laylea) gets Ares if she gets anyone.

    Never managed to get Julia paired off with anyone.

  20. Oh yeah, I forgot about the minor Blaggi blood. Welp, I guess Kaga's just a perv.

    Even better, he's a troll. She's not canonically his sister, but she's not canonically absolutely NOT his sister, either. It's a "question" the devs are posing with no firm answer so you can keep yourself awake at night wondering how poor saintly Claude might react in the event he did learn he was banging his sister.

    Honestly I think you can view a lot of the weirder aspects of FE4/5 in that light, including the Raquesis shenanigans. There's no firm answer, there was never gonna be an answer, there's no final word on "what happens next?" It's just questions being put to you, the player, and you can answer them however you like.

  21. Doesn't Holy Blood, Major or Minor, give a mark to their bearer ? Checking if your so called children have ot or not shouldn't be that hard.

    I really doubt that Trabant would have killed Leaf for not being able to wield Gae Bolg, he is, after all, Ethlin's child.

    I'm not saying he would've been the best father of the world though. :p

    Eh, I almost forgot about that ! It's embarassing, since I actually love this piece of information.

    I think that AULeaf should be either a Wyvern Knight, or a Lance Knight. Imagine the Trabant's facepalm if his kid was a Prince. :p

    Funnily enough, I don't imagine Altena to be a Master Knight, dunno why since everything is possible.

    The player's guide indicates only major blood carriers (aka holy weapon users) have the mark, but it can show up at any point in the carrier's life. So it's not foolproof. You can just say to yourself "Well, it'll show up one of these days" if a kid doesn't have it.

    Re: Altena the Master Knight IIRC the FE4 beta version had Quan as a Master Knight? I still see her in the Lance Knight class tree though.

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