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Cymbalina's Revenge

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Posts posted by Cymbalina's Revenge

  1. Because the internet is full of sick minded people.

    Because a LOT of SSB fans have never played Fire Emblem and don't know about the settings of the series and how unconnected they tend to be.

    Because it's the internet.

    That simple.

    Just curious-- do you also consider the Marth/Zelda and Ike/Samus shippers out there to be "sick-minded people"?

  2. Because Anri was around some 1,000 years after Falchion was made (and Falchion was carved, not forged).

    Also Anri did his hero thing solo. In order to get an actual game out of it you'd need to take the other heroes into account-- Iote, Ordwin and Cartas. Which could be interesting, what with all the political backstabbing and the love triangle, but might be kind of anticlimactic when these guys have all been slogging away and then Anri shows up with his magic sword and wins everything.

    Anyway, I don't see it happening. New world, new continent pl0x.

  3. Too young and it wouldnt work. If they're like 5 they should be at home with their parents. Even if the parents are playable units...which would be interesting in itself. Closest we've had to something like that is Amy, Largo, and Calill. She wasn't theirs biologically, and Largo couldnt fight because of nasty previous wounds, though...but why not expand on that? What if say, Pent and Louise already had young kids in FE7? They would either hire a babysitter or take turns. The latter would probably be a pain in the butt to the player, you'd need one of them for a certain chapter and too bad, they're at home with their rugrats atm.

    Well, FE4 kind of addressed the issue of babies + armies. Deirdre got left behind once Seliph was born and that didn't turn out so well, but Ethlyn tried to take Altena on campaign and that also didn't turn out so well. Unless very small children are part of the actual plot I don't see that happening-- the kids would just be offscreen, like Yuno and Zealot's baby girl in FE6.

    A female Lord who is over the age of 25, does not have blue hair and uses a bow ( and doubles as the game's Jeigan/Oifey ). Said Lord was at the head of the country's elite military force, only to have them decimated by a dark cult. Lord feels guilty and angst-ridden, vows to avenge them and suffers from PTSD ( seriously, why do NONE of the veteran fighters in FE suffer from this? ).

    Finn in FE5. Not PTSD perhaps but Leif indicates his emotional responses have been frozen muted since he watched Leonster burn... thirteen years before the game takes place . Also FE12 has some kind of interesting things to say about Marth's psyche and IMO it wasn't handled especially well. I guess some psychological realism would be nice but after seeing, say, Noire in FE13 I wouldn't expect to have PTSD handled in a sensitive or realistic way.

    At worst, they'd play it for laughs. LOL, Jeigan character has been triggered into a flashback. Isn't mental trauma wacky and fun? Ick.

  4. You should see what they do to Link and Pit

    Ike and Pit was actually a big hot thing for a while after Brawl came out, because SSB shippers already had Marth paired up with Link or Roy.

    As to why... why not? They're pretty and it's the Internet.

  5. I don't think it would fit with the overall aesthetic.

    Yeah, I was going to say that FE's battle sequences are stylized in a way where blood doesn't really fit.

    Might potentially lend more impact to the cut scenes and CGIs, but it seems like FE's done a pretty good job of making players feel the plot-important death scenes without it. And chapter 5 of FE4 didn't need a single pixel's worth of blood to make an impact.

  6. I have been wondering for some time now if they will ever make a Wii U Fire Emblem game (and no I am not talking about the fire emblem x shin megami tensei game). What do you guys think about it? Does anyone actually want a Fire emblem for Wii U? Much less would they get it if it did? Feel free to give your thoughts about it.

    No thanks. I am about 90% less likely to finish a strategy game that requires me to be chained to my TV. I have a WiiU and stuff like Mario Kart looks great but Mario Kart and SSB work with a crowd in the living room. They benefit from community. I enjoy FE much, much more on a handheld.

  7. That's an interesting observation. I never paid attention to this but now that you mention it, there does seem to be a pattern to the unused portraits. Assuming Hawk and Jeane would have just replaced their counterparts, the rest of them point towards Blume. I mean, there is also Arhur who would be in Thracia in pursuit of revenge on Blume. And since he is paired up with Fee/Femina, she might have ended up being roped in his affairs as well. (And Karin just so happens to look for Sety for the same reason as Fee)

    To me, this looks like Blume might have been intended to be a main villain and those characters got axed once that plotline got pushed into the background.

    Anyway, I do think that it would be tricky to give Blume a major villain role in Thracia without very fundamental changes. I mean, the fact that he is supposed to not be all that evil and opposed to the child hunting would put him into a really difficult position. Defeating him would be quite daunting since all it does is to remind you of the real bastards like Julius and Hilda that you didn't get to fight.

    Not to mention that focusing on him would end up dragging all those big names of the FE4 story into the plot as well. And then things would get really messy.

    Maybe that's the reason why the game focuses mostly on new villains: So that we can have more of a sense of closure at the end of the game.

    I don't know. Dethroning the actual "King" sitting on what is meant to be Leif's turf would've arguably have provided more closure than just beating up Veld, more of a sense of "YES we liberated the North." He's opposed to the child hunting but he's a usurper. The whole scheme to unify Thracia under Leif demands Blume's death, or at the very least running him out of town. And, as you said, the presence of Arthur and Asaello both would seem to point to more of Blume and specifically to a showdown at Conote.

    The game we get just gives this weirdo asterisk to Leif's status as "The Liberator of Northern Thracia" and that appears to be 100% intentional. Leif saved the day, except Seliph kinda did actually. But Leif deserves to be the king anyway because he's the last male heir, except Fergus is secretly royalty. Well, Leif can marry Miranda and make everything legit except hell no he's not gonna do that. And oh yeah, Travant wasn't such a bad guy after all.


  8. Here's an interesting thought. What about a mother who is the antagonist and a daughter who is the hero? I would suggest a father/son thing but that seems really obvious. Also, don't just make it a 'notion', really play it up. Show them together as a happy family playing together, trusting each other, and maybe not even 'hating' each other despite the battle going on. They have reasons to fight and believe what they do, but they're still family.

    Five thumbs up. FE has had a couple of good mother/Lord relationships of varying types (Leif & Eyvel, Eliwood & Eleanora, and Ike & Titania all come to mind), but this would be great.

    And no, F!Robin and Robin!Lucina really doesn't go where it could've gone with that concept.

  9. You know, it's pretty weird but, I kinda want to see a unit that betrays you a few chapters after his/her recruitment, but will return permanently at a chapter where he/she's an enemy and can be re-recruited if he/she has a certain support ranking with others. It feels somewhat realistic for some reason.

    We kinda had that in FE12. Did not like, but your mileage may vary.

  10. Also - A lord who's like a villain-protagonist. (s)he wipes out all of the opposing armies, thinking (s)he's in the right, when all of the other armies are the true good guys - and maybe, late in the game, (s)he realizes the horrible things (s)he's done.

    I'd love that. Like FE4, only you're playing as Arvis.

    Wish list:

    Peg Knight Lord, though the idea of a lance-using Lord who promotes to Wyvern Rider is also a great one.


    Badass female PIRATE.

    The cynical Jeigan and the Falcoknight Jeigan are both cool ideas, too.

  11. I mean there havent been any full-fledged female FE reps in Smash, so I don't see anything wrong with this

    No kidding. After years of people complaining (rightfully) about the dearth of female Smashers we got 1.5 female FE reps in Lucina and Robin. Out of four reps total. Plus all the Chrom cameos, which seem in no worse taste than what, uh, every other character in SSB gets done unto them in each installment (remember all the humiliating "deaths" of The Subspace Emissary?). We should be celebrating.

    Like a couple of posters said above, there's an obvious sense of fun to both the in-game ribbing and the fandom ribbing. Being important enough to poke fun at sure beats being ignored, for a long-time niche franchise.

  12. That makes sense, but whoever made that timeline in the Fire Emblem Wiki put Naga creating the Falchion right after defeating the Earth Dragons, in the same year Loptyr and Bishop Galle make their blood pact, which ruins the whole "Naga wasn't sure about helping humanity" thing of Jugdral if we are to assume Judgral and Archanea are connected.

    With this resolved (someone could edit the timeline to fix this), it's actually not that hard to put Judgral and Archanea together because their creation myths are very similar (dragons fighting and eventually helping mankind). Kaga knew what he was doing back then, I suppose!

    The more I read about it the more it looks like the taguel were a very gratuitous and not very well thought-out shoutout to the laguz in Tellius. Their existence is a big thing getting in the way of Ylisse being future Archanea.

    Yeah, without knowing offhand who edited the timeline and what their sources were, it's hard to hang a lot on the wiki. It's hard enough dealing with all Kaga's interviews and notes and such, some of which don't seem to add up. But Jugdral and Archanea are connected per the word of the main guy who thought them up. That's not an assumption on our part-- a lot of it is laid out here, including Naga's reluctance to help humans versus Forseti's desire to aid them.

    FE4/5>>>FE1/FE2/FE3 is the one part of the continuity chain that's dead certain, IMO, and if Kaga had been allowed to release Tear Ring Saga as an FE spinoff that game's continent would've been another addition to the same planet.

    I don't think much of anything about Ylisse was very well-thought-out, really...

  13. I feel the need to reiterate that it is impossible to put all games in the same timeline and make much sense out of it because their legends and creation myths are conflicting.

    - The Judgral and Archanea/Valentia timelines feel a bit awkwardly stitched together at their creation myth - it offers no explanation as to why Naga allowed the Loptyr Empire to happen when she had already fought Earth Dragons and created a weapon for humans to defeat them, for example;

    The Loptyr Empire happened first. The Loptyr empire's defeat came about at a time when all dragons save Forseti were pretty reluctant to help humans-- from the sound of it, Naga wasn't 100% on the Help Humanity train yet. Plus the creation of the Falchion and Shield of Seals coincided with Naga's "death," at which point only three divine dragons were even left alive, so the creation of Falchion can't pre-date the first Holy War.

    Based off all that, the Miracle of Darna that gave the Jugdral crusaders their powers happened before things on Archanea went completely to hell from a dragonkin perspective.

  14. Well,FE8 takes place in year 803 and FE7 takes place in year 980 with FE6 taking place in 990 or 1000.FE5 most likely obviously comes before the War of the Stones,and FE4 comes a couple years before FE5.I don't know where it will fit with the others.*sigh*If only it had something like the Hyrule Historia to go off.

    Plus,someone please tell me how Bantu is still alive in FE13?He must be around 6000 or so because of his old looks,since Tiki in Awakening is 3000+.Either he's some sort of super-manakete,or he isn't as old as he looks in Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light and Mystery of the Emblem.

    The dates can't necessarily be reconciled. The Jugdral calendar and Archanea calendar are not based off the same starting point and there's no reason to think Elibe and Magvel are dating their calendars off the same scale.

    Bantu's still alive 'cause it's funny for him to be alive given he was already decrepit.

  15. In the second generation of Holy War, Seliph rescues Leif in Lenster Castle. They then force Bloom to flee to Conote where he sends his squadron of mage sisters, Faval with his holy weapon and Ishtar with hers, against Lenster, likely forcing the player to reinforce Leif at Lenster again. After that the layout of the land and plot would imply Leif brings the charge against Bloom in Conote yet things play out very differently in Thracia 776. Lenster is only attacked once, Seliph saves him and they move onto Conote and Mantser respectively. Leif never resolves his plot with Bloom even though by all rights they should fight twice and the mage sisters, Faval and Ishtar never appear to attack the player. I get that they're different games and have different chapter set ups but the second siege of Lenster at least could have been pulled off in a single chapter. It's not like anything particularly important happens in Chapter 21 anyway. Not to mention having Faval on your side in Thracia would have not only been fantastic for the last few chapters, but in terms of plot it would have made a lot of sense considering Leif starts feeling inadequate compared Sety and Seliph because they have major Holy Blood. Having another Holy Weapon user fighting along side him would have expressed that even more. So what do you guys think? Are you happy the way things turned out in Thracia? Would you rather the two games had a plot a little more in line with each other? Or do you have any other theories/ideas as to why there's such a discrepancy?

    The lack of Faval and Patty is interesting given that the unused portraits of Asaello and Daisy hint that their niche in the plot might've been considered at some point. But whereas we got Nanna instead of Janne and Ced instead of Hawk in the finished FE5, Briggid's kids got kicked to the curb, mentioned only in a certain character's ending bio. Maybe dealing with Briggid's kids in the game would've been too thorny given that particular spoilerriffic surprise?

    I'm not sure if I'm satisfied with the way FE5 plays out with Seliph taking down the "real" threat (Blume) in Conote while Leif'n'Ced deal with Manster. On the one hand it does ram home yet again that Leif is not actually the main hero of the saga these characters are in... but we kind of get that point, already. To have Leif able to face down Blume, with boss quotes and all, in FE4 and yet denied the opportunity in FE5 is kind of sad.

    Yeah. I guess I've accepted the two different versions without ever being 100% sure of which one I prefer.

  16. FE4Gen1>

    What if the ending winter from Elibe's lore hit not only Elibe, but every continuities as well, being the cause of the mysterious degeneration in Akaneia?

    It would make a timeline like this

    FE9>10 (since laguz still exists) => Ending Winter (laguz becomes manaketes and taguels) => FE4/FE5 (takes place sometimes between 300-600 years after the E.W) => FE7>FE6 (takes places roughly 1000 years after the E.W) => FE1>2>3 (takes place roughly 1600 years after the E.W) => FE13 (2000 years after FE3)

    FE8 would be thrown somewhere in between the E.W (since there are manaketes) and FE13 (since the twins are legends by the time of awakening) but as no element to class it more precisely.

    I still have to wonder if Archanea was meant to be the world on the other side of the Dragon's Gate, making Elibe a thing to itself. Don't we have the claims in FE13 that human-dragon hybrids didn't exist before Nah? That makes no sense in context of all the hybrids in Elibe. Also IIRC there's pretty compelling evidence with the in-game timelines (re: the Miracle of Darna and the dates of Tiki's birth & Naga's 'death') that FE1/3 happened about 1000 years after FE4 wrapped up.

    Magvel is also a mystery-- as you said, there are manaketes and the legend of a sword that sounds suspiciously like Marth's Falchion but nothing else, really. The five Stones that can't be the Orbs from Marth's world make it seem almost like a weirdo mirrorverse of Archanea/Valentia.

  17. I've actually thought of this before, but healing magic always seemed like something that would cause cancer/make it worse. As in, healing theoretically causes cells to reproduce faster in an artificial manner, and uncontrolled reproduction of cells is cancer. As a pure lore thing, something like 'healing sickness' seems interesting.... hehe >.>

    (I guess this is a headcanon? lol)

    On an unrelated note, I wonder how common slavery is in Awakening(I say awakening because it is the most recent, timeline wise, I think?). In Nah's support with Yarne she almost gets kidnapped by slave traders. This happened in Shadow Dragon with Linde too, I'd actually kinda like to see that aspect expanded on.

    I know it is mentioned in Tellius with the laguz. (IIRC, Nowi was also owned by slave traders before she joined, too?)

    I've always wondered how healing magic affects people with terrible/no RES versus high RES, myself!

    Slave trading seems to be a fairly large problem in some continents-- Linde was originally rescued from slave traders (Shadow Dragon kind of downplayed the slavery part of it IIRC) and FE5 has Eyvel rescuing Mareeta from slave traders. As far as societal ills go, Archanea and Jugdral seem to be pretty terrible places where kidnapping, child slavery, and exploitation are just part of the scene-- and in many cases this stuff is going on well before the war du jour, so it's not like the war is the cause of it all. I mean, the Loptyr cult doing outright child hunts was a worse problem, but Jugdral already seemed like a pretty crap place to live with pirates running protection rackets, widespread corruption, etc etc.

  18. But in FE9 Rhys has an unnamed sickness and Rolf even laments that they can heal big axe wounds but not the sickness in their support. Some form of non-staff medicine would have to exist

    Yeah, and the vast number of characters who are orphaned, half-orphaned, or have dead siblings indicates that life is nasty-brutish-short for a lot of people even when there's not a war on. Staves may well be too expensive for the average village but even the wealthy die of illness (ex: Hector's whole family) when they could easily retain healers to keep them alive. It just doesn't seem like magic is all that effective there.

  19. Yeah, that's definitely a possibility. And yeah, I think magic would be able to do a lot of things that our modern technology can do. Our machines are our "magic."

    Actually as far as Archanea goes, IIRC the designers' notes said that when the dragons ruled everything, they had way cool technology, and when the friendly dragons yielded the continent to humans they taught them magic to make up for the technology. And then two thousand years later we get Ylisse and it's pretty much at the same level as Marth's Archanea except they have spectacles instead of monocles. So yeah, magic makes up for technological advances and once you have that, there's no real pressure to improve.

    Like, who needs a machine for heavier-than-air flight when you have wyverns and pegasi? I will say that Thracia 776 does mention new weapons being developed after Leif unified the country so I have to wonder what advances they made there...

  20. One thing to mention that I don't think anyone has yet was that all of Sigurd's is played first, then this.

    That's where I was going with Gen2 being presented as a standalone-- Super Leif and Seliph Quest or whatever. I think you definitely could get a full-length game out of an integrated Seliph Campaign and Leif Campaign, but the end result would likely sacrifice essential characteristics of the campaigns as they are in the SNES games and the resulting hybrid would be... different. Maybe good, maybe not

    But having Sigurd's campaign followed by Super Leif and Seliph Quest sounds really imbalanced IMO.

  21. There were certain moments where originally Jeigan though of some approach to a difficult situation, but he was swapped with the MU/Kris in FE12, for example. A lot of these minor occurrences exist. It doesn't help that Kris is always acting like a complete idiot.

    The greatest offense - IMO - was in the epilogue where Marth accredited all of his achievements to Kris. But of course he declined since he's valorous and humble and ugh.

    Well, you also have the original FE3 cast fleshed out in ways that don't even match to their established characterization from SNES times. (No, really, some characters actually had characterization prior to FE12.) It wasn't all bad. Some of the new things FE12 created to embellish the characters turned out well. But the claim of "character assassination" above isn't far off in other cases-- some characters now feel like tropey re-hashes of the characters from mid-period FE games. And it really didn't help that Kris was a blockhead.

  22. FE12 pls. I feel ya there. That's why I can't trust IS to remake any other FE. FE12 was painful and 13 more so but at least 13 didn't nuke an already existing cast.

    Word to the third. I think FE7 ought to be remade in the vein of FE12/13 just so everyone who loves and treasures the FE7 cast can feel the pain of their favorite characters getting stomped by the self-insert. :P

    However, since the thread asks about the Japan-only games, I am morbidly curious to see FE4 remade, especially if it included things like Pair Up and reclassing.

  23. at first i was of the opinion that, despite such a combination sounding cool on paper, it wouldn't be all that feasible considering the two aren't the easiest games to reconcile with each other. but then i saw this:

    and i am suddenly convinced this would actually be a really neat way to address it! and hell, jugdral may not be getting a remake any time soon, but i'd love to see this fe2-esque approach to parties return at some point

    Eh, still not convinced.

    The tone of the two games is just so radically different-- large-scale continental warfare with a small party of super-warriors vs small-scale conflict in a relatively tiny geographical area with a pretty motley army. Even the color palettes are so sharply different! The atmosphere is different. Even if Gen2 were presented as its own standalone game I kind of feel that what makes each game itself would be stripped away in order to make a coherent whole of it.

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