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Pull My Devil Trigger

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Everything posted by Pull My Devil Trigger

  1. Wait, what am I missing here? I'm still new around here people
  2. don't worry Vash, one day they'll realize that the only possible canon is Rey and Annie
  3. So I just discovered this. I like it. Another! I haven't seen everything yet but especially liked the little Ezio in a haystack. You wouldn't have a smaller version of it, would you? I would love to have that in my signature, but it's too large. Now to search for all the fat bunnies I can find inside this
  4. I don't even remember when was the last time I actually dreamed...
  5. Well, I should sleep now, my neighbors won't let me wake up late with all the noise. Good night everyone
  6. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/PokeRadarApparently it was only in Platinum, you could have a chance of 1/200 of finding a shiny after the 40th pokémon on the chain. Too bad my chain would always break before that
  7. Wait, so Haunter can go to these Sky Sky Battles but Gengar can't because of his model? That's a bit fucked up Looks pretty similar to what we had in Platinum (maybe D/P too I'm not sure)
  8. Where did you see it? I can't confirm it either but I want to see how that would work I just saw in Serebii that Gyarados can participate in Sky battles. Wut?
  9. I heard that the shiny encounter chance Increased, there's also a way to make it easier? If they changed the way to determine shinies I wonder if that will cause some sort of problem with poketransfer
  10. What are you talking about?Just look at all that Special Attack, it will be so fucking useful for my Armads
  11. I prefer the Premier So, I got him with a regular one after all, let's see his IVs: Hp:0,1 Atk:5 Def:9 SpA:23 SpD:6 Spe:9 Yup, resetting
  12. So, he successfully landed Guillotine on his second try, yeah
  13. But it's a shiny, a regular one is too lame for all his shinyness besides, with my luck, it will probably be the only shiny I might get
  14. I'm not talking about efficiency, btw. I actually kind of like it but I already used it in so many pokémon, I kind of wanted this one to be different, how does the Premierball looks like in X/Y when the pokémon goes out of the pokeball? I really like it in the previous generations
  15. I think I would have birds... So, what pokeball should I use for my shiny Haxorus?
  16. You should have one bunny named Loki and one named Thor and tell people they are brothers when they are not but a cat lady should have all kinds of cats, including the damaged ones
  17. can i have a cat named after me? it can be the severely physically and emotionally damaged one
  18. THAT is why you can't look like him? now I'm conflicted
  19. Was this directed at me? I don't really see your point
  20. No, most likely something completely different, something... good
  21. I have no words to describe how I feel right now
  22. Rey needs only ask and Annie gets on a wedding dress for him THIS IS LOVE
  23. Why not both?So... Assassin taguel is not bestiality, right?
  24. I ship you with an assassin bunnyOk, NOW I'm going to stop
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