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Pull My Devil Trigger

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Everything posted by Pull My Devil Trigger

  1. It always bothered me but I bever complained that much, but I really liked Feebas evolution method, it made so much sense. I already expected more pokémon with evolutions like that to be added, fortunately, I didn't like any of them this time
  2. No, seriously, you can't imagine my rage when I found out they changed Feebas evolution method to "trade with x held item"
  3. His paired ending doesn't even mention him
  4. I don't really mind how silly the evolution method is long as it does not involve trading
  5. I don't give a fuck about it either but this and Gyarados Flying-type is still annoying as fuck Besides, I'm still mad that Mawile got a Mega but Sableye didn't
  6. MAWILE is a Fairy-type, and your problem is with Marill?
  7. Honestly, the only character that I almost mistaken for a girl was Marth when I first saw him in SSBM. I still find most of his portrayals a bit feminine, though.
  8. Good, I need some Hector mode playthrough while Anna continues to fuck ny attemps of completing Eliwood's modeQuick question to everyone, did you people actually though one of the "trap" characters like Lucius or Libra were female at first sigh? I never seen what is feminine about them (in Lucius case I'm only considering in-game because his official artwork, well...)
  9. I've never really seen anyone say they wanted a 3DS or a 3DS game because of the 3D so I think it probably was only the 3D models are you going to continue your FE7 run or you really only wanted to play Lyn's superior mode? I need moar Sex Panther
  10. I might be wrong, but I think that people were only hyped about having 3D models, not the 3D effect
  11. I really only use the 3d when there is some sort of cutscene in the game, I can't focus enough while actually playing
  12. Btw, the Lopunny was the male, well, at least he was male, I don't know how this Ditto thingy work
  13. Holy fuck, I put Lopunny with a Ditto in the Black 2 daycare and I barely had to walk before an egg appeared, someone was a little too fast
  14. They should make one based of some region in Brazil
  15. I was actually considering entering the competitive scenario in this generation, but I am too noob maybe I'll try if I manage to complete the battle related things in-game like this game version of what would be the battle tower/frontier in the other games Did any Kalos pokemon get a mega evolution? I kind wanted to have a only Gen VI team if I do Get the game and I don't really want to not have any Mega pokemon I don't know, since they kind of tried making these new games more "international" maybe it will work
  16. So apparently Anna does not want me to finish FE7 at all Does X/Y lack that much post-game content? I'm already thinking of not buying it if that's the case, I'm not buying a game with our prices if I don't have at least 100 hours of gameplay guaranteed. I'll probably wait until they announce some sort of DLC or see the Z or X2/Y2, whatever they decide to make, if that's the case. It's Ruby and Sapphire all over again, why GF can't conciliate great graphic jumps with much added game content Who are those pokemon?
  17. Yeah, I use no$ too, it does that. I only still use it because it's the only one I never get lag when the game actually doesn't crash or anything.
  18. Were you playing nonstop? When I use emulators I usually close it once in a while even if I won't stop playing just yet exactly to avoid this kind of thing.
  19. Wait a minute. Did you think I was talking about the whole thing that happened here in Brazil a while back? I was talking about that thing with me and Rei Rei earlier in the thread bringing more shame to our country
  20. Isn't Telephaty his hidden ability? That was probably because your friend from that safari was online at the time.
  21. I see. Here they still had something during Independence Day and the city's anniversary. Hopefully some people will realize that, but it most likely won't be enough to avoid it. We can really only wait and see how things will turn out.
  22. Oh, that. Is that still a thing where you live? People already stopped here some time ago
  23. Where were you during the BR uprising, TE?
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