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Posts posted by TheWill

  1. On 6/7/2019 at 2:31 PM, User name said:

    Dude, say that to Troy Baker, the guy is everywhere and voiced like 3 main characters in games that came out prety close to each other (The last of us, Bioshock infinite, Saints row the third)

    That's an awful comparison. Not only are those games completely unrelated to one another, they're by different developers. 

    For a singular series like Fire Emblem, Tales of, Final Fantasy and so on... You absolutely wouldn't want the same voice actor doing multiple main characters. Doing two main characters is fine (eg. Yuri Lowenthal doing Marth and Eliwood, Buckland doing Eirika and Katarina), but anymore than that is really pushing it and would definitely not be preferable. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Armagon said:

    FEH: "Hey, can i copy your homework"

    Pokemon Sword and Shield: "Sure, just change it up a bit so it's not obvious

    More like Sword/Shield taking not only the premise, but also the exact same presentation as Dragalia Lost.

  3. 9 hours ago, User name said:

    In feb Direct at about 4:50 you can hear Edelgard shout "Forward Now" and to me she sound kinda like Kira Buckland, or to be fair it could be someone new entirely.

    The 'Forward now' sounds nothing like Kira Buckland.

    It's pretty unlikely they'd give Buckland another heroine, she already does Eirika and to a lesser extent Katarina (who is the main rep for FE12 over Kris). Whilst these two characters wouldn't have a similar tone to Edelgard, one of her most renown roles, 2B, would, and I can't see a resemblance from the trailer to 2B.

  4. 9 hours ago, Florete said:

    I'm guessing you meant "male counterpart" there.

    This statement isn't very accurate, though. While male Robin has typically been more popular, it's never been to a large degree. And then female Robin out-placed male in CYL 3 with over twice as many votes.

    She got vote brigaded by a Youtuber in CYL3, so her position is inaccurate to her actual popularity.

    Male Robin did beat the female version by a reasonable amount (16th vs. 24th) in CYL1, which is the only CYL that should be taken remotely seriously considering how the motivations of voting changed with CYL2 and beyond. But I do agree the popularity difference between the Robin's is not to a large degree. Especially compared to the Corrin's (9th vs. 41st).

  5. 13 hours ago, Critical Sniper said:

    Maybe ugly looking bandit women no, but mini bosses that are female, like ok? Why not?

    But why not ugly-looking bandit women? I don't really see an issue with portraying a barbaric, ugly chick who slaughters others for a living.

  6. 45 minutes ago, NekoKnight said:

    Jesus, the FEH subreddit is a cesspool right now. (Opinions here are calmer.) Like, I get it, you wanted Hector. I voted for Hector. But people are acting like Lyn ran over their dog, denying her value as a unit and as fodder. Hardly anyone is giving Azura shit for being bad fodder and AR cancer.

    It's more about the poor design of the event. A characters starting point should never be such an influential factor in determining the results. Heck, it shouldn't be a factor at all and characer positions should be totally randomized. All because people were too lazy, or didn't even know that you could scroll down, in an event. 

    The fact that the top 12/20 of the characters were coincidentally the units shown at the starting screen, of which includes 3* Robin and Chrom, kind of goes to show how crazy and bad the design of this event was.

  7. 58 minutes ago, Diovani Bressan said:

    I am surprised that Nina got more votes than Halloween Mia... I thought she would be 2nd or 3rd in the Colorless color.

    I don't have Myrrh and Azura, I don't care for Lyn, and I could fix Duma' stats. I am 75% happy with the results.

    It's coz Nina was on the front page of colourless voting block. Same reason Robin/Chrom got top 30.

  8. 32 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

    Sure. IS has no problems changing a character’s appearances. Drastically too sometimes. Just ask Boey. He’s had three different designs.

    I feel like that example is disingenuous. Both artworks were made in the 90's and have essentially been retconned for the modernized design. 

    It just seems strange to distinguish canonity in this particular narrative. Hypothetically, if Heroes did confirm Ike and Soren to be gay, I'm almost certain that they'd never retcon this as the backlash would be monumental from fans who felt betrayed with misinformation, even if the precedent was set by a Gacha spin-off. Similarly, if IS actually went out of their way to design Anri as a Mythical Hero... I don't see how you could just say "that's not Anri's official appearance because it's from Heroes". It's not like they're going to commission a completely new design in a hypothetical Archanea spin-off when they've already provided fans a modernized design of the character. 

  9. 2 hours ago, NegativeExponents- said:

    Well, even if Heroes makes them out to be romantic partners you gotta keep in mind that nothing in Heroes is canon to begin with so Ike/Soren or Ike/Elincia or Ike/whatever will never become canon regardless (at least not through Heroes).

    Seasonal banners are supposed to be fun so no need to get up in arms and start a shipping war.

    Should we really be entirely dismissing Heroes, though? At this rate, if we end up getting an Anri Mythical Hero, are we just going to say his appearance isn't canon despite the fact that IS is likely to reuse whatever they design they'd make for his Heroes iteration? 

  10. 15 minutes ago, Cute Chao said:

    I hate what this might mean for f2p guides but I'll be picking Hrid if that's the case. Still annoyed I didn't get him >.< 

    Depends if I pull him during his next banner and what the fodder is... 

    I'm sure 99% of F2P guides will assume players picked Azura. 

    And I'm just sitting here leaning towards my horsie lord. 

  11. The free Legendary summon is 100x better than the terrible A Hero Rises event that just caused extreme salt (even tho I was one of the people who voted for Ike). Of course, this is all hypothetical, but it does seem like a great anniversary present. Looking forward to see what you do, IS!

    Azura is easily the best choice, altho you can go with DC Fodder in Hrid/Hector as well or a 180 BST in Tiki. Fortunately I already got Azura. My legendary list is:

    Fjorm, Eir, Ike, Lyn, Marth, Ephraim and Azura. 

    That leaves...

    Gunnthra, Robin, Hrid, Tiki, Lucina, Hector, Eirika, Ryoma and Duma.

    Still a lot of great options... Definitely need to think about it. Considering Eirika and Hector (since I like both characters) or Hrid/Gunnthra/Lucina (since I like their gameplay). Even then, though, I like Aether Raids and Duma would give me leeway to not make a cancerous defense team. 

  12. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    The majority of people will be pleased while the people in the minority opinion will be screwed over.

    Can we stop saying things like this?? First of all, I've literally only seen "minority" used as means to disregard a subset of people and their opinions. Similarly, how the hell is people being happy with Camilla a "majority" opinion? Whoever wins, whether Camilla, Micaiah or Robin, they most certainly don't have a majority of the votes. I agree using the term 'selfish' to describe others was unnecessary and ill-mannered, but this whole dismissal attitude people have as they label others as a minority and themselves as a majority is also just ridiculous and toxic, perpetuating the cycle. 

  13. I am rallying Eirika/Micaiah because I like them and I can't stand these Youtube Smash Bros. vote brigades getting someone like Robin from 30th to 3rd. Just goes to show how influential having a social platform is and I just... don't like it. At least Mangs is only influencing Brave Redux compared to actual CYL winners...

  14. 1 minute ago, Vince777 said:

    I would rather the male duo we have right now sticks but my guess is that they have a commanding lead over 3rd place which I'm not sure Micaiah has over Robin.

    Now particularly fond of Adult!Roy. He's the boring Blazing Sword lord. 

    Literally the only reason Robin is third is because of Alpharad, a Youtuber. 

    I'd be pretty disappointed if Micaiah didn't have a commanding lead over Robin, but Alpharad does have a pretty sizable following...

  15. 4 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    I've alreasy said this, but the double standards are pathetic; Eirika gets her first alt last year during voting and it dooms her CYL chances, Camilla gets her sixth alt right before voting and she's in first place. FIRST place!

    At least the men's side looks good, with characters that actually deserve recognition in the top three...

    Eirika should be third.

    But thanks to AlphaRad (a Youtuber), Robin has jumped up considerably. Blegh.

    I'll keep voting Eirika though. I only wanted her and Micaiah to win.

  16. 1 minute ago, XRay said:

    I think F!Robin is the most popular avatar out of the three. She is beautiful, smart, powerful, charismatic, loyal, friendly, royalty, a potential goddess (albeit evil), etc. She invented Pair Up, one of the most broken battle tactics in Fire Emblem history.

    F!Corrin is beautiful and is a princess, and maybe borderline charismatic, but that is about it.

    Nah, FRobin got rallied by a Youtuber.

    Normally FCorrin is the more popular one, but popularity is a fickle thing at this point. :\

  17. 4 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Believe it or not, it's more complicated than that.  I don't like her aesthetic, have questions about her character, but at the same time, I think karmic justice is being served by her winning.  In the end, she's a video game character, and that's hardly a reason to lose one's temper.

    You quoted something that just links to what I said... The first line is 'She is just a disivie(typo) character', of which it summarizes that she has a lot of fans and a lot of haters. Which, I think both are pretty justifiable in the context of this fandom. 

    To be honest, I don't see anything karmic about the situation. This isn't anything related to luck, although I'm not sure if that's what you meant. She has a lot of passionate fans, she has /v/ rallying votes for her to cause salt and so on. Yes, she has a lot of haters and people who will be rallying against her. But, even if you remove both Camilla and whoever is being rallied (fans seem to be stuck between Micaiah, Robin and Eirika), that's still just a subsection of the overarching fanbase.

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