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Everything posted by ienmdb

  1. As long as those "ridiculously complicated conditions" are nothing like Xavier from FE5, then I'm good. I still have traumatic flashbacks from those days.
  2. To be fair, a lot of the events that happen in FE7 aren't relevant to the story of FE6. If you look at Eliwood and Hector in that game, it would be hard to tell that they went on this big adventure to save the world. I think it stands best as a story on its own. But yeah, I really don't think Kishuna has an overall importance to the story. Even as a morph, he isn't the first to be created, just the first to have emotions. He may as well been put there just to have an annoying character that blocks you from using magic. There's not even a real reason for him to do so. I mean, how did Nergal unintentionally create something that seals magic? For the most part, he has caused a lot of fan speculation such as the theory of him being Renault's best friend. But I digress, if I wanted to look at it deeper, I read an interview a while back with one of the producers of the series (can't really remember all that well) saying that one of the important themes in Fire Emblem is questioning whether the person you're fighting truly deserves to die. There are a lot of figures who are only fighting for the pride of their nation and a lot of the villains are considered tragic. So if we look at it this way, is Kishuna really something that we needed to kill? He really didn't do anything besides exist as a morph. So why are we beating him up? WOW I just rambled too long there and possibly just derailed the entire convo so sorry for that lol
  3. Preferably neither for both though I honestly get the feeling that they will bring back an Avatar. I just hope that it's not as terrible as Awakening's. If that's the case, I do hope it's played more straightforward with more of a neutral personality. I really don't see how they expected people to think they are the Avatar in Awakening when it had a personality of its own (along with the incessant amount of "strategy" related lines JUST TO LET YOU KNOW YOU'RE PLAYING A STRATEGY GAM- Anyways, more decision making on your part. If they bring back marriage, fine, just let it happen at the end of the game so we don't get some abrupt marriage proposal seemingly out of nowhere. The transition between friendship and marriage in Awakening was about as smooth as sandpaper.
  4. I was wondering if anybody actually felt sorry for Kishuna in his last battle. Now before you leave and scoff at the very notion of this, (I probably had some years of life shaved off due to the stress of trying to kill him) I think that the game did a unique job at trying to make the player sympathize with him. Sure, you have the scene before his final chapter begins showing his relation with Nergal as a failed experiment. Kishuna is shown to remember the verbal abuse he received and seems saddened by it. Then, there's the comment by Nils saying he seemed to cry for Nergal after his death or something like that. This is the obvious part but then there's the "gameplay" portion of it. I mean, in the first two chapters he appears in, he's a total b@#$ to kill, probably requiring an insane amount of retrying. He has a huge avoid percentage along with a decent amount of HP and on top of that, he has strong units to guard him. Oh and he runs away. *insert inability to use magic here* But in his third and final appearance, he stays put in one spot with only a couple of units scattered across the map, which at that point one should easily be able to take care of them. Yeah there are reinforcements but whatever. Anyway, it's as if he's given up on everything as he doesn't run or anything after you hurt him. Personally, I couldn't help but feel bad at the finishing blow even though he put me through so much trouble. Thoughts?
  5. Sounds like a nightmare... HA! Sorry... :(
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