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Duke of Dozel

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Posts posted by Duke of Dozel

  1. If that was all that mattered, Nowi would be in the running for one of Donnel/Gaius. Unfortunately the only way for Nah to get GF and a proc not named Astra is Avatar, and that creates more problems than it solves.

    Getting Nah Galeforce AND Astra is why I paired Gaius and Nowi.

    Excluding Galeforce, Vaike/Sully provides high STR caps, Counter among other male exclusive skills, and the mercenary class (Armsthrift, ftw)

    A̶l̶s̶o̶ ̶I̶ ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶b̶l̶o̶n̶d̶e̶ ̶K̶j̶e̶l̶l̶e̶ ̶

  2. I must admit I'm a little saddened by the general dislike of the game's story and characters (particularly their gimmicks). Before playing the game I had the lowest expectations for it, due to my own dislike of the art style, but gradually it grew on me and I found that I couldn't put the game down. Still can't.

    I think most of the arguements made about the dislike towards the game is a fine line between angry fanboy and constructive criticism.

    Gameplay and Format: top notch, although infinite grinding isn't really good for the difficulty.

    Characters: Detailed supports does not help a bad character look less bad. I will admit, I'm a die hard fan of certain characters, but when your "main" character doesn't feel the like star of the game, you are doing something wrong.

    Maps: Most are overly simple, and no defend/rescue/etc. Chapters is a downgrade.

    Plot: Laughable. Future children coming to help you kill a evil dragon that can easily be killed with Donnel? Yea-no. I also laughed a bit when Japan voted Emmeryn as one of the least favorite characters. Way to shove a death scene of nobody's favorite character down our throat.

    DLC: One word. Why?

  3. I don't remember Sully ever being called a noble, I thought she was just a knight. Maribelle and Sumia I do remember being called nobles. Olivia... I think the only reason Chrom/Olivia is even a thing is Inigo is implied to have been intended as Lucina's sibling at some point, before he was role reassigned. That's how I interpreted it, anyway.

    It is clearly stated that she is in her support with Vaike. Although she's born in a house of knights.

    I don't think nobility has anything to do with Chroms tastes. IS literally limited Chrom and Sumias supports for obvious reasons.

    1. It's the pairing they want the most

    2. The other pairings are just there for diversity.

    Seriously, why does Sumia have Henry as a support of all people?

  4. The best class for Stahl!Severa is either Assassin or Sniper.

    Throw a Berserker and a Spd+2/All+2/Tonic to Sniper!Stahl!Severa, rally the pair, she'll have 75 Spd to double attack and ORKO Anna with Longbow.

    Not to mention Pass + Galeforce makes any sniper great, regardless. Although the slightly higher STR from Stahl does put her a bit over Virion, regardless of how much Skill he gives her. Not to mention Lon'qu still passes down better bases.

    Azura: Priam makes a great father, and Morgan showed huge stats when I paired him with my STR +/RES - f! MU. You shouldn't have a problem.

  5. Let's get my opinions clear, then.

    Chrom - Is EASILY overshadowed by the avatar. He's a bit dull, and I never thought of him as the main character. Merely as a poster boy for the game.

    Lucina - Everything Chrom is, except the game shoves her in your face. Also her supports with female MU is just obnoxious.

    Inigo - His only personality is being a flirt, and not even a good one. Can't even be faithful.

    Kellam - I like the unit, not the character, or lack thereof. Everything he says pertains to his problem with being noticed. EVERYTHING. And frankly, it's get's old after the first 20 minutes.

    Pilia = Unoriginal copy of Mahnya who never seems to do her job right.

    Brady - I don't hate the guy as much as I hate his lack of being a good unit.

    Sumia - Laughable character traits with little demeaning factors combat-wise. Forced romance for Chrom; a Shiida wannabe.

    Cordelia - Love her as a unit, hate her as a Catria archetype done wrong. Loves Chrom after marriage.


    Severa - Tsun-obsessed brat. Tells others to grow up when she hasn't.

    To be honest, I can't stand most of the 2 generation.

  6. I guess what makes Awakening worth going back to, aside from multiple playthroughs, is support grinding. Since you aren't limited, I like to see what kind of conversations get pulled into the narrative.

    I also plan on reaching my first 100th hour on it, so there's that...

  7. FE 1-3: Reclassing the Peg Knights into Wyverns Riders is great. The only flaw is the RES: There is none.

    Peg +1

    FE4: I won't take gen 1 into account, since you don't get any wyverns. But in Gen 2, Altenna is better than Fee, no matter who her father is.

    Dragon +1

    FE5: Since there is holy scrolls in the game, and everyone has a stat cap of 20, neither have the advantage over the other. However, you get two wyverns and only one Pegasus (as far as I'm concerned) so dragons win.

    Dragon +2

    FE6-8: Is this even a fair comparison? This is an easy point to Wyverns.

    Dragon +3

    FE9: Sure, Jill is great, but she is still heavier than other pegasus'. Also, you have Elincia and her great growths.

    Peg +2

    FE10: Haar. That is all.

    Dragon +4

    FE13: Galeforce, Lancefaire, High Speed, Higher Skill, Higher Magic, and tomes + staves? Wyverns just don't measure up.

    Peg +3

    All in all, Wyvern riders have had a better streak.

  8. The main difference between Oifeys and Jeigans is that usually, Jeigans have illnesses or old age hindering them from fighting well.

    Oifeys are perfectly healthy warriors. They are just cursed with moderate growths and prepromotion.

    Except in Seth's case, where the injury from Validat is why his growths are bad.

  9. Wow, people are totally underestimating Oifey by comparing him to Jeigan.

    Sure, Jeigan himself is my favorite of his archetype, but last I heard it's pretty much impossible to use him in the final chapters.

    That isn't the case for Oifey.

    Or Seth

    Or Titania

    Or Frederick

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