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Posts posted by Skynstein

  1. Government isn't supposed to provide ways to keep you safe.

    No, no, no, you skipped the basics of social contract as elaborated by Hobbes!

    Why would I claim allegiance to any, ANY government, if not to keep me safe? Just look at past dictatorships and any government which actively pursued certain groups. The pursued people no longer viewed those governments as their own, so they fled from/fought against it.

    Any form of social expenditure is an investment to further societal development. It's utilitarism at its most basic. If they spend on you, it's because they want to make you useful to the state.

  2. But honestly, I never understood why Awakening's story is considered so bad. It's fairly standard stuff but I don't see what makes it much worse than any of the other stories in the series, and I actually feel like they did a good job handling the three separate story arcs and keeping the characters' actions consistent and understandable. It works for me.

    'Cause haters wanna hate. That's the reason.

    I've seen people on SF disliking Awakening's story for the most ridiculous reasons, which has led to me simply not bothering discussing the story anymore, at least not here. The screenplay won't win any BAFTAs, but it was endearing to me.

    Anyway, I'm feeling that, when/if I get to play Fates (because 3DS games cost an arm and a leg here now), it'll be a lot like the relationship between Mortal Kombat (2011) and Mortal Kombat X. MKX is the superior game due to its gameplay but MK2011 is more endearing to me because it has all the characters and gimmicks I've grown to love in MK, plus no alive Scorpion bullshit. And, of course, MK2011 was a lot like Awakening in that they both were "fanservice" games where they went all out to fill the games with content, and their successors are their refined versions which draw from everything introduced in the first ones, but "different" so they end up hit and miss.


    I'm terrible with names, lol.

    The body thing, I heard many women become worried with it. It will be difficult, but I hope everything turns out great. :)

  3. When it comes to baseball I really need to sit down and watch a match from the beginning to understand the rules a little better. I was familiar with the Red Sox because in the series "Lost" the plane crashed the same year the Red Sox ended their drought. :D

  4. Why thank you! I do like my hair color, but it does come with its own stereotypes. I'm more self conscious about my body in general. I like being tall, but my feet are embarrassingly large, like to the point it's hard to find shoes my size.

    I've struggled with OCD for years. I may have mentioned it before, but I'll often buy a couple copies of clothes I like. One to wear and one to have as back-up to keep in pristine condition, in case something happens to the first one. I also like wearing solid colors, because patterned clothing just doesn't feel right. It's hard to explain. It's been better in recent years though.

    There are lots of shades of blonde, mine is more ash blonde but my beard glows orange in the sun, it's weird like that.

    I understand you. I'm a guy but even then it's surprisingly difficult to find shoes my size. I do manage better because men are sort of "expected" to have bigger feet, but it's still not easy as the coolest shoes are not always available at the sizes I need. :(

    Yeah, OCD is something different for everyone who has it. In my case, for example, what I feel more strongly is when I'm doing things I like and I can't do them proper because I have obsessive thoughts. Like, when picking a can of Coke at the grocery store, I'll choose the one that's not "evil", so to speak. And when writing to people I must avoid thinking about them dying, or I have to write all over again. I'm coping a lot better with it now, to the point of not caring about the thoughts anymore, but at its strongest it was simply horrible.

    (I hope it's ok to deviate from the topic a little) :D

  5. Thanks a lot! Got some really nice ones. There is a hand drawn one of hers with her pegasus which is simply stunning.

    When people draw her with Lon'qu it's a bit funny because Lon'qu is supposed to be a short lil' bugger, not the imposing guy they draw him as. They'd be better served with Frederick, I believe. :D

  6. Looking for things in 16:9 ratio (wallpaper). I googled for some Cordelia stuff and it was difficult to find anything... I've found nice, cool art, as well as NSFW stuff (which I'm not going for), but all vertical. The one I have as avatar is one of the best artwork I've seen period, but the aspect ratio is wrong.

    What I'm looking for:

    1) Badassery (combat)

    2) Beautiful pose (can be risqué but not too much)

    3) NOT chibi or comedy, I want badass. :D

    Where can I find the cool stuff?

  7. In general I don't make fun of disease, behavior or (lack of) ability, I mean I've been the butt of jokes because of that (I'm socially clumsy!) so I don't see it as nice.

    strawberry blonde amazon with OCD

    Well it's a beautiful color, don't feel too angry. :D

    I don't remember being made fun of because of my OCD. I can hide it well. But lately it hasn't bothered me much. I had an anxiety crisis a couple months ago because I thought I was dying due to me not following a certain ritual, which was pretty bad, but the only people who notice it are generally people who know me well.

    I can turn it off when I need to do important things, too.

  8. Actually, it's the other way around. Windows 10 will spy on you unless you say to it over and over and over (Because there's a big number of stuff you have to configure to prevent the information collection). You can always roll back updates on other systems, that's called having a backup.

    Updates aren't "Crucial" to the system. Yeah, there's the occasional bug here and there that could cause a crash, but in a grand majority of cases those get caught in the first week or even before release because Windows will want to sell a working product. A good antivirus/antimalware setup will help you with the rest of it.

    Funny thing, Windows tried to "surprise" me with an attempt at a forced Windows 10 installation on my birthday. Good thing I managed to stop it before it got underway. (And the thing reset my IE cookies apparently. I do use Chrome most of the time, but I get stuff done on IE too and it was all scrambled up).

    And a problem cannot be found? All this stuff is configurable during install, the rest in the settings menu, and there are guides to help with the remaining ones, too. It still sends some basic telemetry to MS but everyone else does it. Go look at Google's Terms of Agreement, Valve's, etc., it's even worse! Valve has access to your chat and PC specs, possibly to your non-Steam apps as well (it's not clear in the TOS and this is a fault of the contract IMO). Google reads your emails (not literally but with an algorithm) to provide you with a "custom" experience. It's there in the TOS. If you're using a service managed by the big players, you're not free from privacy intrusions.

    The worst part IMO is not that they (MS, Google, etc.) can snoop on you, but that they can share this information with third-party companies. Without your consent. That's the real game changer. As long as Google keeps sending me donut ads because I eat donuts at breakfast, I couldn't give a shit; if they share it with other companies, though, then it becomes a problem because I no longer have any control over how this info is being shared.

    And no, I'm not installing anything to "shut up" Windows 10. Been there, done that, ended up with a non-functioning Start Menu because the app broke all the permissions for all the GUI folders without telling in advance that this was risky and could cause that.

    For every report of people saying they had a "forced" install there are people saying it's not how it works. And, sincerely, nothing is installed in your PC unless you allow it. You must agree to the update. When Windows 10 was released, there was an icon in the taskbar that opened a window where you could tell MS to allocate an upgrade for you. If you clicked that and said "yes", tough luck, it would download the update and apply it to you, regardless of when you agreed to it.

    Even if it downloaded automatically and magically installed itself, they need a "yes" from the user. But then, it's not much different from Google pestering me to install Chrome every time I use their search engine on Edge (which I don't anymore because Google has been deliberately boycotting Edge and I don't like Chrome). I get it, your browser is super duper awesome, but I like the competitors better. Except it's on a larger scale since it changes the whole OS, but people hate it because of the spy crap which is grossly overdone anyway.

  9. No.

    While updates are important, people set their systems to update manually because they want to be in control. Just imagine rendering a video and it has an hour or two remaining to finish. Or playing a video game on the PC. And suddenly, an update occurs that forces a restart before you are ready. Progress just got set back.

    You can schedule them to whatever time you want.

  10. It's fantastic and better than Windows 7 and won't "spy" on you unless you agree to it. Faster boot, better apps (I love UWP apps), better for gaming... And if anything goes wrong there's a possibility to roll back updates.

    The ability of Windows 7 to set updates manually is not a good thing because updates are crucial to the system.

  11. Hello fellow members of the Forest.

    I just bought Awakening today when I heard it got a discount on eShop. I have been a fan of series for almost 2 years, beating Blazing Sword, Sacred Stones, Shadow Dragon and "The Last Promise" fan game if that counts (highly recommend if you want to see what a dedicated fanbase can create with hard work and ideas). I've seen game play videos of Awakening before purchasing which at the time I remembered thinking that it looks much different compared to the ones I was playing during the time with the skills, new support system, marriage etc. As I'm typing this post I've just beaten the chapter where you get Muriel and as I thought about asking a few questions about the game:

    1. How does the dual strike/guard system work? Is there a stat that determines the chance of a dual action happening?

    2. Which DLC packs are worth getting and are some worth playing during or after the main campaign?

    3. I'm currently playing Normal/Classic mode and if one of the female units that will have a specific child "dies" is there still the chance of unlocking the child's paralogue?

    4. I'm planning on marrying Chrom with Olivia and I heard about people saying how difficult is. I'm aware that Chrom must not have a support rank with anyone until the chapter you met Olivia but is there other things I should be aware of?

    5. Any tips for the chapter where you recruit Donnell?

    Finally, is there a webpage or video that shows you how the inheritance for child characters work?

    Some of these questions I could have figured out if I played further into the game which I do apologize for inconvenience, however I though of posting this since I may not be the only who bought this game during the sale so this topic could save the trouble of so many Awakening newcomers asking questions like these.

    1. The support between the characters. The better it is, the better the chance.

    2. Get the grinding ones and some others I don't remember that help you grind and min/max. Also get Future Past for story.

    3. This should be obvious. She dies, there's no child. I don't think the Paralogues appear if the girl dies after being married because the Paralogues are very mother-child centric. For example if Cordelia dies before you enter Severa's Paralogue then how will Cordelia hear Severa's endless complaints about life, universe and Chrom? :D

    4. Prepare to dance until your feet start losing their skin. The formula for getting Chrom x Olivia if Chrom already has support points with another eligible female is a bit complicated, someone posted it here but I don't remember the specifics. The idea is that, all things being equal, Olivia takes precedence unless you activate the C and further supports for the eligible females, but I remember it not being that simple.

    As eclipse put it, Olivia must have enough support points to marry Chrom. The amount she must have is the amount required for them to reach support level C, I believe. Dancing is the easiest way to make them support each other but it leaves Olivia very vulnerable and takes a long time.

    5. What's helpful is to pair him with Frederick, to make his defense go from paper to cardboard level. Also, there's an Archer near one of the chests you can use Donnel to corner with. Since archers don't return fire when boxed in, Donnel is at no risk of being hit. Also kill the Thief that goes for the Killer Lance ASAP. That thing can be very useful to one of your Cavaliers (less so to Frederick). On higher difficulty you'll have to be smarter to feed kills to Donnel because you earn less exp from everything. Generally you'll want to have Donnel prey on weakened enemies and have Frederick or another unit with high Atk and Def pair up with him to improve his pathetic Def and make him do 3 damage instead of 2. :D

  12. Weird English names are a staple of the Nasuverse. The only characters with nice names are the Japanese ones and the servants in Fate/Stay Night.

    I mean, you're complaining about "Actress Again" when the Nasuverse has a character named "Kishua Zelretch Schweinorg"? Which, to my knowledge, is not based on anything other than Nasu's strange ability to mince together syllables to make weird Western names, an ability only matched by his prominent skill in writing extremely awkward and cringeworthy sex scenes. :P

    Its accurate to the characters abillities and powers for the most part, its very akin to a traditional 2-D Fighter, with air dashes like Marvel v Capcom and Guilty Gear and other things.

    LOL does it mean Arcueid can vaporize everything in her path? :D

    I know, I misread your post, but it would still be fun if Arc was OP as I thought.

  13. 1) Do you have a good voice?

    2) Do you speak without "vices" (for example, you say an expression too much)?

    3) Do you speak without stuttering?

    4) Can you focus on your speech while playing games?

    5) Are you at least moderately skilled at/knowledgeable about the games you want to record?

    You will get better with time but you'll only achieve real success once you can answer "yes" to all five questions and provide entertaining content on top of it. You can't become a ProtonJon if you can't even master the basics.

  14. It's surprising Chrom is criticized for being something that would be praised in other characters (being flawed).

    I have mixed feelings over Chrom. He's definitely an inspiring leader, but he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, being too brash and not thinking things through. Either way, he was not designed to be perfect. The Ylissean royalty is definitely dysfunctional.

    Despite what some well-known haters claim, the game makes it clear that Emmeryn is as dumb as they come with her goody two-shoes crap (the fact she freaking dies because of her mistakes should be enough proof) and Chrom creates yet another problem to himself by murdering Gangrel in cold blood and fueling Plegia's desire of revenge.

    We see real life leaders making big mistakes all the time. I'm glad the fictional ones make them, too.

  15. The students of today seem to have become more of professional test takers than actual learners.

    Oh boy, that's exactly the problem.

    "Handholding" is an euphemism here. It's worthless to work your ass off during college, as your diploma is worth the same as that from a slacker who barely passed the tests. Knowing the right people is far more important.

  16. I was a huge fan of the Commander Keen series (although I only played 4 and 5), but it seems like no one else has barely heard of it. It'd be nice if they brought those games to Steam. : D

    Also, I have a guilty admission in that I actually like the new Star Trek reboot movies.

    Oh, and I also like D&D4e (and most other D&D fans will scoff at me for saying that).

    I know of Commander Keen but never played it. It was the result of John Carmack and John Romero creating a PC port of Super Mario Bros. 3. They presented it to Nintendo, who appreciated it but didn't take it because they didn't want to enter the PC market. Then Carmack and Romero remade everything into Commander Keen. :)

  17. Isopropilic alcohol could work nicely, I think, and that microfiber towel for the screens. Thanks for the advice.

    Is that worth the money? What does it do that water doesn't?

    Not sure if serious but anyway.

    Water is the fast killer of electronics.

    Dust is the slow killer.

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