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Posts posted by Skynstein

  1. The closest equivalent to Fire Emblem's permadeath mechanic is XCOM. Both games' implementation of permadeath has an inherent flaw, that is, to allow the player to indiscriminately restart levels/resume save files until they get a deathless mission.

    XCOM players went around this by implementing the Ironman condition at meta level, that is, you cannot save during a mission at all. This was embraced by the reboot, which has an Ironman mode.

    Fire Emblem on the other hand, at least in Awakening (first game with Casual), does not allow saving midlevel, period, only the bookmarks. Casual mode has a limited amount of saves. This would not be a problem in FE if the missions weren't much shorter than they can be in XCOM. The original DOS XCOM games were also incredibly punishing and tense, because units weren't anywhere near as resilient, and enemies could attack from outside the screen. XCOM also makes much better use of fog of war because missions in XCOM are truly random (save for the scripted ones) and you can get difficult monsters quite early in the campaign, and the lack of visibility greatly increases the threat of creatures such as Chrysalids which can convert your soldiers. Meanwhile in FE the missions are scripted and you eventually beat them by learning the patterns and by sheer repetition, so it doesn't feel as tense.

    The saying that FE characters are more "relatable" because they have names and faces is a myth. In XCOM you can name your units however you want, and soldiers with good stats are invaluable.

    In short, FE is not a "special snowflake" among strategy games because of permadeath, perhaps it is in TRPG, but not in TBS. Its benefit is keeping you on your toes at all times, but, with a good game plan, it becomes not much of a hindrance except on the highest difficulties.

  2. How are the rules in America? This early into Trump's term, in the unlikely event that he's impeached, Mike Pence would take over, right?

    I saw some people speculating that Pence is a fallback plan because he's a template Republican. However, this is extremely unlikely to happen unless Trump does some seriously whacked crap and there's strong evidence against him.


  3. I'm very good at racing games. I think that, if I stopped being lazy and trained more, I could be close to elite level.

    Ironically, Fire Emblem is one of those games I'm worst at, but even with Fire Emblem I'm sure I could become pretty good if I dedicated myself more.

    The people who do speedruns aren't good out of nowhere. They're gifted, yes, but they're willing to practice runs exhaustively and they know their games like the back of their hands.


  4. I like Johto, especially HGSS Johto. I also like Sinnoh and Kalos.

    The Unova games were good, but the region was one of the worst, the cities were designed well but the pathways are extremely linear. B2W2 fixed it somewhat, though.

    Hoenn is perhaps good if you're a huge fan of Tentacool, useless backtracking, cities only accessible by HMs, and pointless items in hard to reach locations, not to mention the large and empty ocean of course.

    Kanto is barebones and thus obsolete nowadays, but that's mostly due to the lack of eyecandy and TOTALLY amazing things that were first introduced with Hoenn. The simplistic layout is perfect for casual gameplay.

  5. 3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

    Nobody's mentioned Sakura? I know two anime characters with the same name. One is from Naruto (I always hated her though), and there was a character named Sakura in the Pokemon anime. She appeared a few times and her main Pokemon is an Espeon. She's the one whose big sisters are the kimono girls.

    There are a million Sakuras in anime, though. Ranging from pure-hearted sweethearts to psychotic darlings with a huge inferiority complex. :D

    Sakura is how the cherry blossom tree is called in Japan, and is simply such a cute name, you really can't go wrong with it.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Glaceon Mage said:

    Even the bosses that don't attack Micaiah/Kurthnaga/Ena are difficult, Dheginsea is the hardest enemy in the game even though he doesn't attack Ena/Kurthnaga, Ashera is still the hardest final boss in any FE I've played despite not attacking Micaiah, etc.  

    You're really making the problem look bigger than it actually is.  You can avoid letting Say'ri solo be possible by having mage units that can attack her flank him and giving Yen'fey the ability to move to attack any units who the player sends to deal with these mages.

    Yen'fay's chapter is a "Defeat the Boss" one. Exposing him is therefore not a very wise thing to do, gameplay-wise.

    Besides, it's you who are making it a bigger deal than it is, as it was you who brought it up in the first place as something that needed fixing, and you don't even have to let Say'ri near him to win the chapter. Heck, you don't even have to bring her in the first place!

  7. 8 hours ago, Glaceon Mage said:

    Micaiah can attack several Lategame enemies, including three bosses, without being countered and the final maps are still difficult.  Ena and Kurthnaga won't be attacked in the dragon map whatsoever and it's still the hardest map in the game.  Say'ri is, ultimately, just one unit.

    It's really not a problem.  They included this very mechanic in Radiant Dawn and it still worked just fine.

    So? The boss is supposed to be the hardest unit in the map. The rest of the map can be difficult, but if you can camp the boss with just one unit regardless of its safety and stats, that's just non-linear difficulty and thus, bad design.

    Besides, if Yen'fay didn't attack Say'ri, it would be a huge spoiler to what happens immediately thereafter, which is Yen'fay confessing to Say'ri that he joined Walhart's army to protect her. But I guess Awakening's story is only important when criticizing it, so what do I know, right?

  8. My two cents:

    1) More objective types is just fluff. Seriously. There are quite a few missions in Awakening, especially the Paralogues, with smaller secondary objectives that can greatly effect gameplay. Just because Donnel's chapter is "Defeat the Boss" doesn't mean the goal of having Donnel level up isn't important. And I don't think there's a fundamental difference between holding off Validar for X amount of turns instead of just eliminating all of his mooks in the Emmeryn chapter. Even protecting Maribelle in Chapter 5 is an important secondary objective. Most of the game is war and fighting against zombies and kill or be killed situation, so the best defense is really to eliminate your attackers. 

    Fire Emblem's whole raison d'être is that deaths are significant and you lose the units forever, so forcing you into offense is a great way to test your ability to preserve your units, because in the harder difficulties the bosses can hit for a lot of damage.

    Finally I've played enough games (especially RTS) to know that multiple types of objectives don't necessarily make a campaign any more satisfying. You still win by overpowering your opponent regardless of what you do.

    2) People here have a weird tendency to treat SpotPass characters as hard canon. I don't see why they should be considered canon when their very presence directly contradicts the story itself.

    3) Yen'fey attacking Say'ri is called gameplay/story segregation. It would be ridiculous if Say'ri could attack Yen'fey without impunity, as there's no reason in the story for her to avoid combat against him, and he has to defend himself, otherwise he's just too easily exploitable.

  9. 28 minutes ago, Mortarion said:


    Seems strange, considering that Trump's healthcare plan is almost nothing like ours.


    @Cerberus87 I was under the impression that Le Pen was one of the favourites to win, although I haven't really heard anything about the French election in months.

    She would make it to the second round but she's never winning because people will vote the other candidate just to make her lose. She'd lose against anyone, even Mélenchon, who is far-left and arguably a similar disaster.

  10. 15 hours ago, sirmola said:

    I'm insane:

    Use a tynamo. named CRT. never evolve said tynamo. Moveset: tackle, thunder wave , spark, charge beam (note that this is tynamo's only possible move-set) I picked this one in case you are masochistic. If you need a team member before this, use a wobat and never evolve it.

    C'mon man, that's torture. You should be ashamed of suggesting this to the OP, as you clearly feed on the suffering of others. :D

    Not to mention you can't play through the game with Tynamo unless you cheat or receive an egg.


  11. 1 hour ago, Rapier said:

    TVTropes's Analysis pages are actually quite good (I'm not indirectly claiming you said otherwise, by the way), and some tropes explain concepts well, although they're not as expansive and detailed as a Wikipedia article. I can vouch for most Logic tropes and History Analysis pages, at least.

    As for me, I'd like to research how people can turn around that intellectual laziness that stops me from actually studying and researching things, haha. :V

    Same here. :D

    Well, it wasn't really my intention to criticize TVTropes, as I like it as well.


  12. 32 minutes ago, Hylian Air Force said:

    He doesn't have a choice in the matter, as he will have to deposit his highest level Pokemon to make room for Zekrom, who will be in Iron Man mode throughout the fight with N and Ghetsis (no use of Revives).

    Ghetsis in Ironman must be freaking hard, because his team can punch through pretty much all of the Unova Dex. Very few Pokémon can wall Hydreigon, for example. You pretty much have to kill him before he kills you.

  13. 14 minutes ago, Vaximillian said:

    I won't ever not call you out of you're wrong, and see nothing bad in it.

    After all, it was your statement that Gunter's English voice actor has died, so the burden of proof was on you.

    While Ana may not have been all that friendly, you weren't really friendly either. You didn't really have to reply in such tone.

  14. A suggestion: go to Wikipedia, then click on a random entry. You don't have to read the whole entry if you find it boring, but you'll surely find a link to another entry in it that will catch your attention. Click on it, then repeat the process until you reach an entry with few or no links to other entries. When you do so, go back to Wikipedia's home page and restart the process.

    You can go from history to biology, then engineering, then arts, then celebrity talk, then a different country, and so on. You can lose yourself in it in a similar way to TVTropes, with the bonus that you're actually learning useful stuff in Wikipedia.


  15. 6 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    I like this idea. Would honour, to this character, be an established code of ideals/morals, or a personal set of values?

    For example, I'm currently writing a book that follows two people on opposing sides, both of whom are considered honourable warriors. One of them follows a personal set of values. For instance, on the issue of loyalty, he says something along the lines of, "I don't need or want to make any of the fancy vows knights have to make; I just keep my yes, yes and my no, no." The other follows a written code of honour created by his ancestor.

    I would lean more towards a personal set of values, but that shouldn't be the only answer. If a strict code works for someone else, that's fine. :)

  16. Well, I liked the comics... Of which there were a lot more in my country and in places such as Italy, though it all started in the US of course. I was addicted to Disney comics at some point, but eventually threw them all away, which is unfortunate.

    Since this is a gaming forum, it's worth mentioning the licensed Disney games, like Castle of Illusion and of course Capcom's SNES trilogy (which was re-released for the GBA). Capcom's games were excellent and not too hard either, which ironically was a source of criticism back in the day. People really didn't know any better.


  17. This question is pointless because it's like asking what would be an ideal protagonist... Any answer could apply to pretty much any work ever made, fantasy or not.

    From my limited experience with FE, the lords are quite distinct between each other and it's best kept this way, so there's no ideal Lord because each story will require different things.

    IMO the only requirement for any protagonist should be good development, which is purely a technical thing, the rest is subjective and not up to discussion. Chrom's development in Awakening for example isn't particularly great, but at least he's consistent throughout, because he's stubborn, hotheaded and impulsive, and doesn't magically turn into someone else for the sake of cheap development. The problem in FE13 is that the actual character development is in the supports, and these have very limited impact on the actual story, if any, so they just feel like a side thing.

  18. On ‎10‎/‎04‎/‎2017 at 11:03 AM, Tryhard said:

    I've seen more than a few self-proclaimed libertarians voting for obvious authoritarian strongman Trump, and it makes no sense. They're either not libertarian or lying to themselves.

    They support Trump because their libertarianism is selective.

    (it happens in the left too, BTW)


  19. 1 minute ago, MaskedAmpharos said:

    The meta favors eliminating opponents in a single round of combat. 

    Speed is one of the most common ways of making this happen, of course, since having the speed to double goes a long way towards being able to ORKO (likewise, being fast enough to prevent being doubled often saves you from being ORKOd). 

    However, if the meta were completely reliant on speed, units like Hector, Effie, and Ike would be complete trash, but instead they're top tier. 

    Reinhardt is one of the slowest units in the entire game (he gets doubled by neutral Hector for godssake), but he is easily one of the most dominant units in the entire game right now simply because he's capable of melting over 90% of the entire cast on his own. 

    Oh I see, so stats work like standard Fire Emblem. Nice! Thanks for the explanation.

  20. I don't know anything about this game, but Ryoma doesn't seem to be the kind that would care too much about a speed drop, he's basically a clone of Ubogin, and Ubogin could open craters on the ground with a single punch as well as kill enemies by screaming at them.

    Unless the meta favors speed, of course.


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