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Roy: Marquess of Pherae

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Everything posted by Roy: Marquess of Pherae

  1. Someone should really just make a post in debates about which prepromotes are good and which ones are not.
  2. Oh this is easy for me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ioE_O7Lm0I4&feature=player_detailpage and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEC7tPPKAXQ&feature=player_detailpage
  3. Blonde Female Morgan. (Emmeryn) Blackhaired Male Morgan. (Basilio)
  4. You hit the home button and the game pauses. Post on miiverse, and whatever is on your screen in the game can be posted as a photo.
  5. Well my cat is pretty loyal. My cat greets people at the door, begs for attention, and follows me around the house. I feel so bad because no one is ever home at my house anymore and whenever I see her, I make sure you gets the attention she deserves. Has been a faithful companion for 8 years now and I would consider her the same as a supposed "man's best friend." Dogs irritate me when they bark when I walk by. Aside from the liter box, I find cats easier to take care of. Also cats have a lot more understanding than dogs seem to have. If your upset, your cat knows.
  6. I like Lon'qu and Olivia's. It gives you a nice amount of insight on Basilio's relation to Lon'qu. Also, I enjoyed Basilio's and Flavia's. As for pairings, I liked Gerome and Lucina because him being Batman makes it seem so much more intense than it needs to be.
  7. I think I'm the only one who was most upset by Basilio's death or..."death".
  8. Could anyone find me a picture of Basilio as a Berserker? I would greatly appreciate it!

    1. Ninian


      Look up "Basilio Berserker" on Google Images.

    2. Roy: Marquess of Pherae
    3. Roy: Marquess of Pherae
  9. I ended up voting for Camus because he has so much to back him up. Seth may be an amazing unit, but Camus has been acclaimed by many Akenians as an all mighty warrior. Character wise, I like both, but Camus has always been one of my favorites. Characters that are more than they seem are often the most interesting.
  10. This one has been on my mind for a while. I think it would be a very good fight. Both are dedicated to their duties and will stop at nothing to protect their princess and their honor. I was originally going to vote for Seth, but now I can't decide.
  11. So lets say I wasn't using armsthrift. What would a fifth skill be. Maybe Sol or all stats plus 2
  12. What would be some good skills for a grandmaster?
  13. I would love this. Yes, it could work. Yes, it would benefit the series. Now if only it would ever happen...
  14. Yeah. There would be no reason to if no one else was ever recognized. Marth is Fire Emblem's mascot, not Ike.
  15. I'm sure someone has thought of this before me, but would a unit with good speed and attack (Maybe Berserker) be good if he had the skillz: Sword, Lance, Axe, Bow, and Tome Breaker?
  16. What are good things to do? Was it a mistake that I'm capping my units on normal mode or will there still be things to do once they're capped?
  17. Ready his article on the wiki before the game came out in America...
  18. I'm not even quite sure what to do, now. So many options... But that's why I have you people I guess. So...LB, A2, Luna, Aggressor, other... maybe? Is that good? I am confused because there really are a lot of different set ups that could work.
  19. Armsthrift sounds nice. I'll have a strong unit who will deal extra damage back (more the less hp he has), will attack first when less than half, and crit will increase. Dodging is good but taking no damage is always a good thing. Crit plus five or all stats plus two instead of armsthrift would work too, maybe...
  20. My logic was that Vantage, Wrath, and Vengeance are a good combo. Perhaps, armsthrift instead of Luna? Or maybe all stats plus two?
  21. Why not Luna and Vengeance? Can only one activate? If not, you realize Vengeance's activation rate is 100% for a capped Swordmaster with Limit Breaker
  22. I'm now thinking maybe...Wrath, Vengeance, Limit Breaker, Vantage, and Luna
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